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It's not like Minho had expected everything to go back as it used to be between him and Jisung, after that one talk, when it was very obvious that the blue haired boy was still very wary of him. Yet, at the same time, the complete disappearance hurt a little, if Minho was to be extremely honest.

Over all with the fact of Minho being one year above Jisung with his classes, it really wasn't so surprising that he hadn't had many chances to meet the younger, and at some point in the brunette's life, this had become a source of disappointment.

It's not like he regretted getting to know the other, thorns and all, yet the fact that he now was in the situation of missing the younger wasn't sitting with him so well. They weren't even that close in others eyes, and really, they weren't after all.

It had happened sometime during the last few weeks  that he had spotted Seungmin chatting with him before lunch and in between classes.
But never once had Jisung stepped foot into their apartment.

All of his belongings still lying around, getting dusty from being forgotten there. Though he had also figured that Seungmin had taken some stuff and brought them to his best friend at some point, because he had both caught the boy in the act as well as spotted empty spaces around, and knowing from first hand experience how much stuff Jisung owned, it was very much impossible that nothing had gone missing.

This too had him wondering if he had really messed it up so badly for Jisung to completely avoid his sight so badly, again it wasn't the nicest feeling.

But after some more days, the prominent spot left in his room had been frequently occupied by his cats, that before Jisung ever stepped foot in his room, were not allowed in the bedroom let alone was it permitted for them to spend most of their days on the beds. Jisung's bed that was now his cats.
Maybe the fluffy balls missed his presence too.

It was almost a depressing sight to see Minho's zoned out, gaze rested upon the piece of furniture still intact and ready to be slept on being used only by his cats, wondering if making an effort to reestablish the 'cats ban' was even worth it.

Technically if Jisung simply decided to claim it again, it would be enough to solve the issue. Mostly because for how much his cats loved the boy, they eventually loved Minho more and every chance to sleep on the older's vacant bed was not to be passed, as initially the living room was reserved for that task.

Lately as well, he had been the one to even call the cats to keep him company at night in his bed.
Yeah, it would have been definitely pointless to try and keep up with the rules he had once set up for his cats, before Jisung.

'Jisung', the same name that was now flashing on Minho's phone making the latter's phone ring.

His thumb swiping to answer before his brain could even connect what was happening before his eyes. Not a single thought crossing his mind as he put the phone to his ear.

"Hey?" Minho wondered, trying to come down from the spacing out he had frequently found himself stuck in those last few days.

"Hi, hello!" To his surprise Jisung was sounding very energetic, urgent almost.

"What- are you okay?" Hesitantly the brunette asked. It surely was an uncommon occurrence, to get a call from Han Jisung.

"Oh yes, right I should probably explain why I called after sort of ghosting you for a while, right.." The younger chuckled as if the realization had only now settled in.

"Right.." Minho mumbled, his mind already running through hundreds of sceneries behind the reasons for this call to be taking place.

"So, uhm, you don't- I don't think you'd get mad about something like this, but I shall ask you anyways to not get angry and pretty please help me?"

"Uh yeah, weird request but okay just- are you okay? Shall I pick you up?" The older unconsciously already looking around the room trying to mentally gather what he might need to leave the house.

"I mean yeah, technically yes, but! It's nothing bad I swear. So I should just say it. Uh, so I was walking around because Felix is out and I was bored, and so I kind of found a small kitten crying out and meowing in a bush and I've no idea what I'm supposed to do with it?" Jisung rushed out the explanation, sighing at the end even.

"That's it?" Minho asked with his hand on his hearth trying to calm the erratic beating.

"Uh yeah! I told you it was nothing too bad so could you like help me with this?"

"Yes I'm leaving the house now, just send me the location." He muttered while slipping his shoes on keys already in his hand.

"But why there's no meowing?" Minho added in between tasks.

"Oh the kitten fell asleep a while ago, but it seems to be in bad shape since it's shivering a lot, but I've also no idea what very small stray kittens in good shape should look like." Jisung reasoned out, trying to find some logic in what he was trying to explain.

"Okay, just keep it warm, I'll call the vet I usually go to meanwhile. Are you going to be okay on your own?"

"Oh yeah, don't worry about me, I'm fine." Minho wanted to scoff at that, as if he hadn't occupied his brain for weeks already, yet he remained silent as Jisung hung up the phone.

The only thought that apparently either of them hadn't taken in consideration, both when Jisung had called the older and when Minho had immediately agreed to help him, was that they had to meet face to face to rescue the stray kitten. And it wasn't so bad, it really wasn't but the small jump Jisung's heart did at the sight of Minho, was probably to be expected. After all that was the same boy he had accidentally confessed his crush too, and said crush was quickly walking towards him.

His panicked mind over the kitten, hadn't really prepared him for the sight of the boy approaching him with a blanket and a water bottle in his hands.

Within seconds the older was scooping up the kitten in the blanket without as much as sparing a glance at him, maybe he wasn't the only one panicking over this.

"Ready to go?" Jisung only nodded wordless getting up and dusting off his pants, following the older towards his car.

God had he missed Minho;

Uhm so basically I went through a period of complete detachment from my responsibilities? Like I'm literally Han Jisung from this book; I completely forget I've stuff to do in my life and how to be an efficient human being.
Also this story back when I started it, in my very initial plan was supposed to be like a twenty chapters short story, then I don't know what happened. Feel free to call me out for disappearing though, I deserve it :c

Also thank you so much for all the reads, votes and comments, I feel like I don't thank you enough for the support but I'm always very grateful so yeah, thank you !!

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