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"Uhm Minho, do you happen to know where Seungmin is? I can't find Hyunjin either." Jisung found himself tapping the older's shoulder and asking after looking for his friends for a long time.

He really had debated with himself if it was a good idea to ask Minho out of all people, but eventually he had realized that he didn't have anyone to ask, so Minho it was.

"Oh hi Felix." The blonde added upon noticing the other guy he had met in rather peculiar circumstances just the other day.

"Maybe they went home earlier?" Minho answered rather coldly as if it was obvious already.

"Why would they? Seungmin has still classes." Jisung pondered further.

"To get away from you." The brunette sarcastically answered.

"Oh," Jisung looked pretty much taken aback by the answer of the brunette making a sad frown appear on his mouth. "Did they say something about me?"

"What Minho was trying to say is that, maybe, they wanted some alone time or maybe they went on a date." Chan quickly corrected his friend's words taking note of the slight hurt expression the blonde had on his face.

"Ohh, okay thank you." With a small smile and a wave of his hand Jisung left the table leaving behind a puzzled Chan and a glaring Minho.

"That was.." Chan commented while watching the blonde guy walk away from their table.

"Weird right? Well he does that all the time." Minho quickly added to Chan's statement.

"I meant.. quick." Chan glared at Minho slightly.

"You know, you don't have to be that rude to him, he literally only asked for his friends?" Chan added slightly annoyed that Minho was acting that way towards someone he was living with.

"Still he could've figured that out himself, he's eighteen not six." The brunette answered rolling his eyes.

"Minho is being a little bitch again." Felix added to the conversation suddenly, not even bothering to mutter that.

"You're only saying this because that's your birthday twin or whatever you were saying the other day." Felix had ended up talking a while with both Jisung and Jeongin the other day getting to know them a bit. So out of pure casualty he had learned that him and Jisung were born only a day apart and that they were possibly born on the same day since the younger of the two happened to be born in Australia. Meaning that, the time zone could've done the trick.

"Still not the point, he seemed nice the other day. What did he even do to you?" Felix wondered out of pure curiosity.

"Whatever Felix just drop it." Minho muttered annoyed clearly.

"Do I even ask about your living arrangement or?" Chan wandered out loud kind of curious now about how and if things were different at home.

"I have a feeling you're going to ask anyways so go on."

"Well just how is it?" Chan simply asked.

"Honestly I just ignore him and keep my cats away from him. Sometimes we argue, he's annoying most of the time, the remaining of it, he sleeps. That boy is lethargic, I'm telling you. Always sleeping on random places like the counter or the kitchen table. Sometimes I wonder how Seungmin and Hyunjin put up with him. He even sleeps on their bed when they're not home, how creepy is that?" Minho sounded low key exasperated after his brief explanation.

"Well sounds to me like he's sleep deprived or has insomnia." Chan muttered sarcastically.

"He even tried to blame it on my cats, absurd right?" Minho added for further evidence against Jisung or whatever he was trying to prove.

"Wait why? You don't let your cats sleep in your room at night?"

"Yeah they sleep in the living room." Chan was quick to put the pieces together of what that sentence implied, and no, he didn't like it, one bit.

"So basically Jisung shares the couch with the cats?" He asked sounding very surprised. Not in a good way too.

"No, he stole the couch from my cats." Minho hastily commented to that.

"You're kidding right? You have an extra bed in your room and you make that poor guy stay in the living room with your crazy pets?" Chan was incredulous of having his assumptions confirmed.


"Well you're really being a bitch about it, that's not nice Minho, you don't even sleep with your cats yet he has to?"

"He literally invaded my apartment and I've to give away part of my room to? No way?" To Minho it was like no one could see his point of view, they all wanted to make him look bad but that was his house in the first place not Jisung's, for God's sake.

"Well there's probably a reason as to why he's living with his friends rather than his family all of a sudden. Have you considered that? It's just called being nice." Felix usefully provided, clearly taking sides with Chan.

"He's probably being dramatic or something."

"Minho! That is not nice to say about someone! Don't you feel the slightest bit bad about it?" Chan was growing frustrated with this 'argument' if it could've even been counted as one.

Minho shrugged his shoulders at this, seriously regretting sitting with his friends for lunch. Chan was only an year older than him yet he loved to act like a parent. And that was either a good or bad thing depending on the context, nothing in between.

"You better give him that bed starting tonight Minho, that guy back is probably nonexistent by now. Stop being petty for once." And that was final for Chan as the brunette knew better than to continue with this.

"Why does it always end up with me looking like the bad guy?" Minho's annoyance was anything but concealed, yet none of the boys sitting there really took any offense. Both knowing the brunette ways of doing rather well, especially in the regard of the boy who had left their table only moments ago.

"Minho, both me and Felix know that you're not a 'bad guy'," Chan quoted the exact same words that Minho himself had used to describe him, "just, try to be a bit more open minded to that boy at least, okay?"

Much to his did dismay Minho found himself nodding finding not many reason to keep on a conversation that was mostly pointless.

Luckily for him he only had one class after lunch so he was lucky to be home by early afternoon rather than dinner time as he often was.

Only when he unlocked the front door of his apartment, to obviously find it empty, of course it was as Seungmin and Hyunjin were somewhat missing in exchange of some privacy for themselves and well the thought of Jisung didn't even cross his mind til now.

Thinking about it now, still feeling weighted down by Chan's lecture, he probably should have given the blonde a lift home since they both were going, obviously, the same way and it was kind of cold outside. But it wasn't his fault, the blonde would usually ride back with Hyunjin and Seungmin so it wasn't that odd that the thought didn't cross his mind earlier.

Contemplating about this longer didn't seem of any use so the brunette proceeded to kick his shoes off and enjoy for once the silence of the void apartment.

Since my updates are so sporadic I'm letting you know that I got into the university I really wanted to go to, so that's how life has been lately, thank you for reading always ❤️

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