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While Jisung remembered sneaking an arm around Minho in the blurry state of being half asleep, he surely didn't have any memory of the other reciprocating the gesture.

Minho's breath was steady beside him, giving the impression of being asleep, the thought of getting away with his touch starved act of boldness shattered when he stared right back into brown eyes. Way too much barren of sleep.

"Good morning clingy." Minho said without missing a beat, yet the statement had a tinge of fondness in it.

With a very elegant groan, Jisung flickered the older's forehead closing his eyes once more. It was probably too early for responsibilities and questions in his opinion.

"This is nice." He muttered, maybe keeping his eyes closed was the confidence boost Jisung needed to be sincere after all.

"Mh, it is." Minho added even if with a sigh, never bothering to end their improvised cuddle session.

As the silence stretched out after their silent agreement of staying like this for a while longer, neither of them having the heart to pop such a perfect bubble just yet, their body felt completely molded to fit one another. It was nice, not having to say anything for once, just enjoying the warmth and comfort of the other.

"Do we need to leave the bed today?" Jisung wondered blissfully, still basking in the content feeling overtaking his chest just from Minho being so close and comfortable with him, after being away from him for what felt like years.

It honestly had been both of their mistake to act so childishly and keeping up the facade for so long. It hadn't been much the physical distance that had saddened both, since it wasn't most times that they were remotely as touchy as they were in that moment, yet the emotional distance stupidly held for so long, that had taken a toll on them.

"Well, it depends on how much you can handle numb limbs." Minho mumbled with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Uh probably not much longer then." Jisung let out a saddened sigh, still tightening his grip on Minho even if just slightly.

"Minho?" He called out hesitantly, the question lingering in between them as the other just waited for the rest of the sentence to come.

"Minho, what do we do now?"

"I don't know." He admitted honestly.
The words that he thought would come out so easily were now being lost in a sea of jumbled thoughts.
Definitely not his fault that Jisung's warmth and delicate smell were distracting him greatly.

"I enjoy this obviously, I enjoy spending time with you. I like being close like this and I'm glad you came back home with me Jisung." Minho paused, taking a deep breath trying to ground himself, as well as picking his next words carefully.

"I missed you way more than I like to admit, and I definitely acted like an idiot that day when you, you know, confessed on accident or whatever, and you did nothing to deserve that treatment. But whatever this is, all things included, I'm glad you're back."

"I'm glad I'm back me too." Jisung agreed immediately, hoping to give Minho the comfort he needed to keep saying everything he wanted to.

"I like you Jisung, a lot actually. And I'm sorry in advance if I ever end up hurting you again just because I act without thinking." The older added sounding genuine and full of emotions.

Jisung smiled slightly at this, definitely pleasantly surprised by the sincere words. "It's okay hyung, I can handle the whole package, have been for the last months, haven't I?" He chuckled at the mumbled protest on Minho's side.

"Are we okay now then?" Jisung smilingly wondered, overall happy of the progress made between them.

"Yeah, definitely. We aren't exactly a normal duo, so I think this is perfect for us." Minho cheekily said, a light hearted chuckle leaving his lips.

"Wow now you're just being mushy, I knew you were
whipped for me but damn, I'm that irresistible uh?"

Minho lightly smacked the other's chest at the smug remark and sighed heavily.

"Ah unfortunately yes, a bit too much actually. Maybe you're just a witch and somehow you managed to put a spell on me because there's no way you're that likable right? Even you find it hard to believe, be honest."

"You wish."

And as a comfortable, affection filled silence made its way back in their room, the high pitched meowing coming from the other end of the room, was enough to effectively burst the bubble.

Hopefully there wasn't the need to live in a temporary bubble no more, as the walls of pent up emotions had finally fallen down.

"Welcome to parenthood duties." Jisung groaned at Minho's remark, though, finally moving his arms away from the older and sitting up throwing daggers with his eyes at the incriminated carrier.

"Aren't Soonie and Doongie supposed to act like older siblings?" Jisung huffed out while massaging his temples.

"Yes exactly, older siblings, not parents. Stop being lazy and go get the poor kitten some milk formula, she's probably starving, and so am I." Minho instructed still lying on his side, not making a single move of getting up any time soon.

"Well I'm hungry too, but I don't see me complaining so damn loudly, thank you very much." Jisung mumbled, annoyingly eyeing Minho's lying form.

"Ah Jisung, stop complaining. Feed the kitten so we can drop her off at the vet, and I'll bring you to get breakfast."

"Are you trying to corrupt my laziness with food?"

"Well, is it working?"

"Yes." Jisung nodded getting up, stopping mid step out of the room.

"Is this a breakfast-date?" He suggestively asked, wriggling his eyebrows to add effect.

"Yes Jisung, this is a date, go get the milk now." Despite the dismissive tone, the smile on Minho's face, was ever so persistent.

Somehow this story is getting close to an end, I cannot believe it myself honestly.
I hope everyone is doing well, and thank you so much for reading this, always. ❤️

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