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"Minho!" The blonde had exclaimed the second the brunette had opened the door of their shared room. Even sitting up quickly on the bed, were he had been previously lying down til seconds before, while watching YouTube for an undefined amount of time.

The cat that had been asleep by his side immediately jumping away at the sudden movement.

"Hey." Minho smiled tiredly at him, though his surprise upon seeing the excitement of the other, couldn't really be hided. They hadn't seen each other for a day, yet Jisung seemed to be way too happy about this, in Minho's opinion.

"Look! My arm, it's free now." The blonde was definitely too excited about this as well, and Minho couldn't help but find it endearing. Even if the blonde had been pampered for the past weeks because of his arm, still he looked happy to be back to normality.

Minho wouldn't say it out loud ever, but it looked nice, at least from his prospective, to have three people taking care of everything, even tying his shoes and washing his hair. So he really hoped that it hadn't been too bad on Jisung.

He definitely had been in the front line, doing even the smallest task for the blonde to the point were it felt natural to him to go over to Jisung, helping him shut the pc and putting it on his desk safely.
Jisung nonetheless had curiously watched him doing so, yet he hadn't commented it. Only wiggling his right arm in front of the other the moment he had regained Minho's attention.

"Oh, finally. I couldn't handle being your servant any longer." The brunette scoffed, though, an happy smile was definitely on his face while taking the wrist that used to be bandaged, inspecting it closely.

"Seems like it is as good as new." Minho commented finally resting Jisung's arm back down, sitting beside the blonde.

"Oh definitely, it's just that I lost a bit of strength, so it gets sore easily. It should go away in a few days though."

"Guess I'll have to still tie your shoes then." Minho had mumbled while kicking away his own shoes, lying flat down on the mattress.

"I'm so tired, I haven't slept one bit on the bus. I can probably fall asleep now and wake up tomorrow." He said with finality, his eyes already falling shut. Dismissing all previous talks.

"Oh, no-no. I can't let you do that. You'd mess your sleeping schedule, and I can barely handle your cats jumping around at night, let alone their owner being well rested in the middle of the night." The blonde said, completely dismissing the idea of the older having a nap at that time of the day.

"Rude, but you have a point." The brunette huffed still lying down, his arm covering his eyes as if to mask the fact that he had already closed them.

"So, how did your visit go?" The blonde curiously asked, his attempt to keep the other awake somehow working.

"Oh it wasn't nothing much really, I went to see my mom and had dinner and a cake with unpaired candles. So I guess it was good enough." Minho shrugged, yawning tiredly.

"We should get you another cake then. A really good one, with pretty candles." Jisung chuckled at the sleepy guy on his bed. He knew how much the older cherished his birthday, so it was only fair to celebrate it the best way they could.

"Oh, but it's fine. My birthday was yesterday so it would be pointless to have one today wouldn't it?" Still Minho dismissed it.

"I really hope for you that Hyunjin hasn't heard that."

"What? Why?" The brunette asked confused.

"Your answer is chilling in the fridge currently."

"Ah- also. I got something for you." Jisung's excitedly announced, catching the attention of the other immediately. The brunette sitting up with his eyes back open. 

"Oh nono, that won't cut it. You have to close your eyes Minho." Jisung retorted while getting up.

"Oh my God, really?" Minho incredulously asked, though it was clear that he was far from annoyed.

"Absolutely, don't try and act like an adult now only because you turned twenty. I won't accept any excuses."

"Okay, okay I get it, I won't look. You didn't have to get me anything though." Minho said while covering his eyes once again, though the tiredness seemed gone now.

"Okay listen, you were listed on my birthday present card, so it's only fair I got you something for your birthday as well. Also I wanted to so, be quiet."

As instructed Minho remained silent, hands on his eyes while the blonde went around retrieving his present. Eventually dropping it in his lap, not very ceremoniously.

"You can look now." Jisung announced sitting back down.

"What, why does it look like a box that contains jewelry?" Minho's confusion was clear in his voice.

"Uhm, well because that's definitely what's in it?" The other retorted jokingly.

"Wait, Jisung what the-"

"Just open it already, it's nothing fancy really. It's not like I can afford super expensive accessories or anything."

"Okay, you have a point." The other nodded, finally removing the lid from the small box.

"Wait, is that the one ring from that day?" He sounded surprised, in a good way Jisung hoped.

"Oh you guessed right, I don't know, it was way too funny to not get that."

"How did you even remember this?" The other was definitely surprised. It wasn't anything particularly extravagant yet the act itself had been surprising enough for Minho.

"Well I did ask you that day which ring I should get and you seemed very enamored of this one, you even tried it on remember?" Jisung explained happily.

"But you ended up picking the other one." Minho concluded.

"Of course I did, this one is too bland for me. Oh and since you recently lost that one ring you always wore on your thumb, I though this was a nice enough replacement." Jisung explained further, as if his action was even in need of any kind justification.

"Wow, I can't believe you really got me a ring Jisung." The other looked shocked still.

"And you got me an instant camera so what?" Jisung joked.

"Oh come on, I went all the way there to that small shop to get you this one ring. You should try it on instead of staring at it." The blonde mumbled while taking the little box from the other's hand. Taking out the ring and even putting it on, on Minho's thumb.

""I like it, it looks nice." Minho smiled glancing down at his hand, where the shiny ring was.

"Of course it does, you basically choose your own birthday gift a month or so prior."

"Thank you." Minho sincerely said, hoping that his gratitude was clear enough. He honestly wasn't expecting anything, yet the other had gone all out and even got him something that in itself didn't have an happy memory attached to it. Jisung had looked very down that one day while choosing his ring, he remembered that clearly.

"Okay, I'm done. We should go downstairs now. Seungmin and Hyunjin will probably want to celebrate with you as well."

"Oh-no, I'm too tired for that." The brunette whined loudly, making Jisung chuckle at such childish behavior. He had turned twenty already, yet he was still acting like this. It was amusing to say the least.

"Can't I just lay down a bit longer? I'm so comfortable here." He even snuggled on the blanket, making a point of not wanting to get up at all.

"Nope, no can do. There's a cake downstairs waiting for you, along with paired candles and Hyunjin and Seungmin are also there for you. You shouldn't leave them to wait now, right?" The older huffed though he did sit back up, pouting still, but at least he seemed willing to cooperate one bit.

At the sight Jisung huffed out a laugh, grabbing Minho's hand making him raise up from the bed finally.

"I still can't believe you turned twenty." And Minho smiled at this, it felt nice being cared for like this.

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