|| 19 ||

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It was an uncommon hour to come home since no one would wake up willingly at six in the morning, only to drive five hours and get home at eleven.

As if both Hyunjin or Seungmin had plans to attend, which was not the case, and had to make it on time. It could've been considered something of the sort since both boys couldn't help the unsettling feeling of having Minho and Jisung together at home.
Especially since due to the especially bad weather they had both agreed on spending another night instead of rushing home.

Even if feeling extremely guilty for leaving his boyfriend with no company throughout the drive, under his boyfriend's reassurance Seungmin had managed to fall asleep and was forced awake by Hyunjin only when reaching their driveway; car parked and turned off.

The two of them walked into the apartment only to be met by complete silence making them wonder if the other two were still asleep or were both out.

The second option completely discarded once the door of Minho's room was opened by Hyunjin, only to find both Minho and Jisung still asleep.

The thing was, as unlikely as this might have sounded, they were both still asleep. But not only were they sleeping past eleven in the morning, they were asleep in the same bed. Nothing too extreme but it seemed like Minho had fallen asleep with his hand resting on Jisung's back. Or maybe he had moved throughout the night and it had been completely unintentional on Minho's end.

"So basically they throw hell at each other everyday and sleep together at night? That's surprising.." Seungmin was the first to comment the unusual sight before their eyes.

Hyunjin only seemed to agree wondering how did his friends end up like this. Seungmin had basically voiced out his same thought.
He was utterly confused himself even more than his boyfriend maybe, but  knowing better, especially because it's Minho that they were supposedly talking about, he did not say anything further.
Shrugging momentarily he went to shake the boys awake alerting them about being home.

It's not like they could get any answers while watching the two sleeping, if there were even answers. Or more importantly if there were questions that needed to be asked in the first place.

Both Jisung and Minho were their own person and there was really, not a single good reason, for the two other boys to know about what occurred while being gone. That was of course, in case they didn't want to tell. But that was fine with both Hyunjin and Seungmin.

"What?" Minho groggily said to no one in particular eyes still closed. He hated being awakened especially since he hadn't heard an alarm go off meaning that Minho had nowhere to be for the time being and that someone was interrupting his sleep for no good reason.

"If you woke me up for nothing, you're dead Han." The brunette groaned out anyways, just in case the other decided to shake him again. He was making sure the other knew he was awake to some extent.

Not getting any answer though from, the so called Han, Minho forced his eyes open to look at his side.
Not really at his side since he was facing the other, Jisung fast asleep. Only a few seconds later did he notice two other people in the room from the corner of his eye.

"It's not what it looks like!" Minho hurried to say, voice still heavy with sleep.

"It's exactly what it looks like?" Hyunjin's voice sounding unsure and inquisitive.

"What should it look like, just to be clear?"
Seungmin asked confused.

"Us sleeping together." Minho answered within seconds, the words only registering once spoken.

"Yes right, that's exactly what this is not." Again Hyunjin commented not finding it in himself to disagree with the brunette.

"Jisung is clinging to me without my consent." Minho clarified, his hand long gone from the other's back.

"He wasn't even touching you! You were cuddled against him." Seungmin cut in, his protectiveness for his best friend being clearly displayed.

"Okay never mind, do your thing I won't think anything about it." Hyunjin interrupted while taking hold of his boyfriend's hand and dragging him out of the room.

Within seconds the room was left void except for the two still on the bed. Jisung completely unbothered by their voices.

Doing the only reasonable thing he could think of the brunette shook the blonde's shoulder, only to watch his eyes open slowly. Jisung blinking a few times while his eyesight probably adjusted to whatever was going on around him.

"Lesson? Do I have class?" The blonde muttered his eyes falling shut again, his body completely weighted down by sleep.

"It's Sunday." Minho muttered, for once finding slightly funny how the other had no regard whatsoever of time. Not even close to knowing what day, let alone what time it was.

With the knowledge of that being a free day the blonde only snuggled further on the pillow, the mere thought of leaving the bed not even crossing his mind.

"Good night." He muttered while readjusting his sleeping position hoping to get more sleep.

"No good night, you have to get up." And with that being said Minho sat up himself watching as the other started to blink again very slowly in hope of getting rid of sleep.

Only then noticing how swollen the blonde's eyes looked, he only hoped that his friend would not assume things and just think it was due to sleep.

Still there was the option available of the two boys being asked about their sleeping arrangements, which he hoped was not the case.

"Hyunjin and Seungmin are home." Minho added while rubbing his face tiredly. To be fair even if they had slept almost till midday they were both drained.

They had slept quite late due to Jisung's state and the brunette wondered why he couldn't sleep when he was tired. It was mainly his sleepy brain thinking but for once he couldn't care less about the fact that he had Han Jisung beside him barely awake.

The blonde was in fact now sitting up mimicking Minho's position as he himself was rubbing at his own eyes that still felt sore and dry even if the tears from last night were long gone.

"They saw us?" Jisung breathed out tiredly as if there was a physical weight pressing down his back, he looked aggravated to Minho.

To this Minho answered with an hopeless 'yes', the blonde huffing again. He probably knew as well as Minho that both Hyunjin and Seungmin's question were bound to happen anyways.

With one last huff Jisung started to move carefully avoiding touching the brunette while getting up, his position still slumped and defeated, maybe?

"They're going to ask aren't they.." Jisung muttered mostly to himself the question meant to be left unanswered.

"Probably." The other commented anyways, knowing that him too had to face his best friend at some point.

Minho watched the other slip an hoodie on and his glasses, before ruffling his own disheveled blonde hair. A question lingering on the top of his tongue while taking in the overall appearance of Jisung.

"Are you okay?" The question was quite simple given the fact that the other had bawled his eyes out for an extraordinary long amount of time the night before. Apparently for no reason except for said sadness.

Even if still looking the same as last night, though there were no tears, Jisung muttered a quick 'yeah' before leaving the room in a matter of seconds.

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