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Jisung had completely missed his four alarms he had set the day before as he was supposedly meant to go to class in the morning. But oh well, it was way too late for that now.

It had been past three in the morning when both him and Minho had made it home, their make up slightly smudged on both of their faces ready to be washed away and their fancy clothes were soon to be exchanged with comfy pajamas.

He barely remembered doing both things while Minho had passed him the makeup remover and the clothes too. It's not like he wasn't used to be awake late at night but, he had fallen asleep on their car ride back home at some point, so he blamed his unresponsive state on the surprise nap.

Just to say, Minho hadn't done a better job than him at getting up to start his day as he too was still asleep in his bed, an extremely rare occurrence since his cats were very punctual about their breakfast.
But he guessed that either Hyunjin or Seungmin had taken care of that.

Speaking of which, it had been probably intentional on their hands to let the two boys sleep as much as they wanted.

It was past ten thirty already, now nearing eleven, so it was still socially acceptable to have breakfast in his opinion, so being as silent as he could be, he made his way in the kitchen fixing himself a bowl of cereals. That was as far as he could get with cooking for the day.

It wasn't his thing really, either Seungmin or Minho were the ones in charge of it, and since neither of them were available, cereals it was.

As expected the cats had already eaten, considering the fact that he found them asleep together on a chair in the kitchen, instead of him being immediately attacked with loud meowing coming from starving pets.

"Good morning." He muttered to the cats, as expected not even getting a sign of acknowledgement. Jisung almost laughed out loud at his next thought, but settled instead with a light chuckle;

'They really are like Minho.'
And it couldn't be more true, the only times Minho seemed okay to willingly spend time with him was if there was food involved, or coffee, that is, especially if he'd be the one paying.

Oh well, at least he had found a way to get Minho to tolerate him. It wasn't the best option to get a person to like them though their stomach, at least as to be considered an acquittance, especially for his wallet. But so far it has been bearable.

"Nice to see you have gotten breakfast for yourself." He heard the another voice mutter from the entrance of the kitchen, and he did find Minho there when he raised his eyes from his food.

"Good morning to you too." He replied simply, to a very disheveled Minho.

Minho grunted in response sitting down in the sit across his, he looked tired still.

"I set a bowl for you too and even gotten your cereals from the cupboard, the coffee thingy is on in case you want coffee too." Jisung commented before resuming his previous action of eating spoonfuls of the sugary cereals.

He wasn't expecting any answer to that, and in fact got none, only a nod. Minho was extremely moody in the first hour of being awake, it was for the best really, that he was staying silent.

It was sort of his way to say 'thank you' after all, he had figured out that much lately.

By the time he was done eating Minho was only sitting back down, two cups of coffee in front of him as he proceeded to pour cereals in his bowl. The blonde figuring quickly out that one was his.

"Thanks." He muttered, Minho barely glancing his way. This boy before coffee was really something else.

"Don't you have classes today?" It felt startling for Jisung to hear Minho talk so suddenly, especially if asking about his classes when he had only been awake for half an hour, to exaggerate. He probably had sipped some coffee already, he realizes.

"Yeah, but I didn't wake up, nor did Seungmin or Hyunjin wake me up, so I guess it was meant for me to not go today." The blonde shrugged his shoulders at this.

"So, you're staying home?" The brunette concluded, but he seemed genuinely interested in the answer.

"I guess?"

"Good." Jisung raised his brows at that, though he didn't question it any further. It was probably a way of just saying, he couldn't have meant good in a 'oh I'm glad you're staying home because I want your company' type of way. That was a hundred percent speculation and that was Minho, so.

After breakfast the blonde continued his quest of having a lazy morning, scrolling through his phone to find a good video on YouTube. It's not like he had much to do other than his homework, but those could wait till afternoon as he couldn't be bothered to do any productive activity in that moment.

"Jisung-a come here!" He heard a while later and rolled his eyes too, at this. Just now that he had pressed play.

"What?" He muttered back, rhetorically asking, even though he knew for a fact that the older couldn't have heard him since his voice seemed to come from the bathroom.

"What is it?" He asked again stepping into the bathroom, this time sure that the other could hear him.

"Sit down here." Minho answered back, of course not giving out a proper answer, when did he ever after all. It was endearing though the look he was sporting, with his hair held back away from his forehead by a clip and a face mask perfectly applied to his already perfect face. Jisung complied nevertheless, knowing better than to turn down nice requests from the brunette.

"What is it?" The blonde repeated eventually sitting on the edge of the toilet, the older already fumbling with another sheet mask.

"Isn't that obvious?" Minho asked for the whole purpose of not giving a concrete answer. His hands already occupied with a cotton pad soaked with 'who knows what' to clean his face before putting on the already unwrapped mask.

"Uhm, no?" Jisung pointed out just sounding confused. And he was really.

"It's, let's say, payback?" Minho pondered out, not sure himself as how to put it in easy words for Jisung to understand.

"Payback? What for?" The blonde asked again, genuinely confused. But he usually was when talking with Minho, so nothing new.

"You did my make up yesterday, so I'm doing a face mask for you today." He explained simply, finally giving out an answer. Sometimes it was exhausting to have a five minutes conversation with Minho, he was just so vague it made him go crazy.

"Oh you mean, as in a way of saying 'thank you'." Jisung finally comprehended, his face lighting up at the realization, he was probably the most annoying person alive even when acting nicely, how was that even possible? Jisung didn't know.

"Payback." Minho spelled out again, not giving out on his 'payback' thing. He was just too stubborn for that, wasn't he?

"Oh Minho hyung! You're too nice!" He squeaked out for the pure purpose of spiting Minho and oh, his face, if he had to say so himself, was absolutely priceless in response.

Hellooo, apparently I'm back and yes I'm alive! I passed both exams and I'm just so happy to have free time again since I missed writing so much :c

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