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It was past lunch time when Minho had finally parked his car.

The brunette had ended up waiting twenty minutes in his car and another fifteen minutes with Jisung in the shop just to repeatedly tell him to take just 'one damn ring', but this only ended up pressuring the blonde more making his choice harder.

The brunette signed while shutting off the car engine, glad to be finally back.

"I'm never driving you again, just so you know."
He said to the blonde before retrieving what he had bought from the back seats quickly heading straight home without waiting for the other.

He even shut the apartment door behind himself for extra measure, basically forcing Jisung to look for his keys as he had sensed that Minho wasn't the type to bother and come back to open up the door for him.

When he finally retrieved the key from his jacket pocket he quickly opened the door only to be met with loud cheers.

To his biggest surprise there stood Jeongin, Hyunjin and Seungmin. The last one holding a cake with candles already lighten up for him to blow.

This followed by great embarrassment when his closest friends started singing 'happy birthday' to him so he could actually blow on the candles, obviously making sure to think about his wish first.

He plopped a kiss on both Seungmin's and Hyunjin's cheeks both of them looking completely unfazed by the gesture while he gave a big hug to Jeongin.

"Thank you so much guys." Jisung said to all of them, a big smile on his face, one that wasn't shown much the last few days.

Through all of this Minho stood at the back, for some reason feeling proud that it was because of him that they could surprise Jisung. He had agreed under a lot of pressure, though it felt good at the moment. After all Minho cherished birthdays dearly.
It didn't really matter weather it was his own or someone else's, he just liked them for no particular reason.

"Jeongin shouldn't you be in school?" He heard Jisung ask while said boy was hugging the youngest of them all.

"This was too important to miss." He mumbled while  being almost crushed by the birthday's boy hug.

After a few more moments Jisung broke the hug for the relief of Jeongin who took a deep breath just for extra measures, though even if he tried very hard to mask it, he really enjoyed being the center of love and attention. He was basically everyone's small brother making it for him impossible to not be showered by affection and care.

"Can we eat the cake now?" Clapping his hands together Jisung asked directly to Seungmin who was in fact still holding the cake, kind of concerned about handing it to the blonde.
For turning eighteen years old he was still a child at heart, that was for sure.

"We should have lunch first." Hyunjin answered while dragging the blonde to the table who only agreed to start eating when the cake was placed in front of him.

Minho found himself sat in front of the blonde boy, or well actually in front of the cake with the Pororo figure on top. He was actually exhausted from going around all morning, so to be sat in his kitchen to eat was actually nice.
Even if he couldn't help but feel out of place.

It wasn't like he actually was, because that was his own house after all, but with all of the attention diverted on Jisung he sure did.

Apparently Jeongin had lots to catch up from the others as he was actually interested into knowing why the blonde was living there. Still Minho couldn't find himself to be unbearably bothered by the questions coming from the youngest at the moment as he was in fact really hungry.

On the other end, all in all, through out lunch Jisung couldn't help the warm happy feeling spread all over him.

He couldn't believe that they had all gone out of their way to plan him a surprise party. Even Minho had agreed to cooperate as he was the one that took him out of their apartment for the time being.

He wasn't sure how much pursuing Hyunjin and Seungmin had to do for him to collaborate with them, but he didn't want to know.
He accepted the effort for whatever it was, happy just knowing that maybe the brunette didn't hate him as much as he acted on (but that was beside the point).

After their lunch and the cake eating, Jisung's and Jeongin's favorite part of the party unsurprisingly, when gifts time came around the blonde couldn't help but wonder other than smile really hard.
He kind of had a feeling of what could be inside the rectangular box as he had repeatedly insisted on wanting to buy a certain thing for months:
The content of the box being in fact an instant camera;

What had him wonder though was the fact that the present had the name of all of the people present there at the moment on it making him wonder what went on behind the scenes. Minho's name was there as well but was probably included out of courtesy doubting that the older would actually spend his money on him.

Even if the brunette spent most of the time silent eating his food the blonde still appreciated that he was in fact participating even if just physically, because to him Minho seemed way out of it. That was his house after all so he didn't know why he had expected the older to lock himself up in his own room for the time being.

Thinking over it he kind of felt bad for a second knowing they had split an expensive price such as that one in a few people only, as gift were mostly not necessary on birthdays in Jisung's opinion.

He felt happy though. Even if his birthday hadn't started in the best way for him he still sort of felt glad that he had gone out with Minho that morning. (though he was kind of annoyed by the other for most of their time spent out  that day)

He felt very happy knowing that he was surrounded by people that genuinely cared for him when his own family seemed incapable to fulfill such task.

I'm sorry I disappeared for so long but I basically did my exams in school and then started working straight away;;; :(

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