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As the day, that so far had only been a bad one for Jisung, was coming to an end, he decided to take matters into hands and actually call it a night himself (since it was still relatively early).
He was really looking forward to just go to sleep and hope in a better day tomorrow, and was just about to close his books.

He really was done with studying for that day since he had spent the last two hours doing so, or at least trying to. So when Minho came into the room walking quickly and closing the door behind himself, he surely knew that study time was over anyways.

It was uncommon really, for Minho to stay in his room if the blonde was in it and the other way around most of the time, so he felt weirded out about the brunette actually coming in the bedroom.
Apparently intending to stay in it too, even with Jisung himself being still awake.

With not much thought, after shutting his books he dropped them on the floor and then proceeded to stretch his back that felt sore from his slouched position he kept while reading.
His back dramatically cracking attracting the attention of the older in the room.

But different from other times he got no reaction:
no mumbling or scoffing. The other seemed too preoccupied with something else to care about making a comment.

It wasn't like Minho at all.

As the day had started on the chilly side, with Jisung basically being forced to borrow Minho's sweater, it had actually morphed in a rainy day, as it was now very windy and the sky was quickly getting darker and darker.

It seemed like it was going to rain soon and in the distance faraway thunders could already be heard. Jisung felt some sort of way, almost euphoric at the though of a thunderstorm.
He liked going to sleep with heavy rain pouring down the sky first of all, second of all he was incredibly attracted to the phenomenon itself and lastly it sort of matched well with the bad mood he had had for the whole day.

On the very other side of the room though, someone else was clearly getting uncomfortable with the upcoming rain, soon to be a thunderstorm.
Even if he really was trying hard to not show it.

It wasn't like Minho was scared of thunderstorms.
It was just the fact that he really, utterly despised loud noises, and well thunders sounded exactly like exploding bombs, so no, he wasn't the biggest fun of them. Now the thing was, both Hyunjin and Seungmin knew and so he would usually stay in the same room with them, not at night of course, but they would most likely keep him occupied.

It has happened some times though, that Hyunjin had to sleep with the brunette since sometimes the storm went on really heavily at night time. But it was again, on very rare occasions. Now though, Hyunjin nor Seungmin were here to distract him, so he was really starting to feel anxious, his stomach knotted and feeling heavy.

Now, as he was previously staying in the living room with his cats watching a movie, at the sound of thunders he did the only thing he would usually do in that situation that is, to stay in a room with others and of course his only option available had to be Han Jisung.

In his opinion it was really the worst coincidence ever: As someone that barely needed or craved attention most of the time, this times in which he felt extremely anxious were the only moments in which he wouldn't reject physical comfort, or really any kind of comfort.

He tried to put on some music with his headphones first, but as the minutes went by he could hear the storm getting closer as he could now feel the loud thunders cracking the sky even with the volume being very high.

He couldn't even help the little scared jumps his body did at each of them, as he was very aware that the blonde was in his room and was currently not engaged in any activity. He knew Jisung had noticed already, yet it seemed like he wasn't going to ask.

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