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As much as Jisung had really wanted to keep the events that took place between him and Minho a secret, it had turned out to be extremely difficult since he had to explain, at some point, his sudden disappearance to both Seungmin and Hyunjin.

To say the least, neither were happy about the situation. Tough none of them had dared to confront Minho, or Jisung, about the dynamics of their current relationship, or whatever relation was still there to be discussed.

Their main concerns however weren't about when and how their being 'around each other' had escalated into some sort of feelings that probably both of them, Minho and Jisung, were far too confused to even try and make any sense out of it. It was the current state both were in.

Hence why, Hyunjin against his own best judgment to just let his best friend be, and sort things out, found himself sitting on Minho's bed, where the boy was very much spacing out staring at his ceiling.

"So, how long is this going to last Minho?" Hyunjin asked patting his friend's stomach to get his attention.

"Uh, took you long enough. I was genuinely looking forward for your scolding." The brunette yawned, rubbing his eyes even.

"I'm not Seungmin or one of your other friends, Minho I can read through this in case you were wondering." He pointed out, gesturing at the way Minho was trying to look nonchalant.

"Okay I get it, enough. Just say it, what is it?" Minho knew better than to try tricks on his best friend. It was pretty much pointless.

"Minho I'm not here to nag at you, I just want to make sure you're fine." And the way Hyunjin had said it, it really was way too honest to be shrugged off.

Minho moved quickly his eyes from the wall to Hyunjin, so brief that the other had barely noticed, and back to the ceiling. Hyunjin knew more than him about himself apparently.

"So are you okay?" He asked straight to the point.

"I'm fine. Honestly it's not like we fought or anything in case you were wondering, yet I feel kind of guilty, you know? Am I an hypocrite for feeling like this? I was the one that walked out after all."

"Ah so you're not fine. Finally, I thought for a second that this would take longer."

Minho glared in response at Hyunjin's playful smile, yet he knew that his friend was only trying to lessen the situation for his sake, so he let it slip this once.

It was actually nice to talk to someone, especially since Minho, even if he wouldn't admit it to a living soul, after a while, had started to think that everyone was just, so mad at him, and that alone hadn't been the nicest feeling.

"But really Minho, jokes aside. You look tired."

"Because I am." Without any regard, that was the truth. It wasn't the same to sleep in his room lately. It was probably dumb to even think of it, but that's how it was, and it was way too obvious to everyone already that what had happened was somewhat taking a toll on him.

"Then sleep stupid, overthinking won't make anything undo."

"But what even is there to undo?" Minho shook his head. He didn't know if he liked the fact that Hyunjin was talking to him or he somehow had preferred when nobody was addressing anything.

"Jisung's confession and whatever followed." There was his answer, silence from others was better.

"Hyunjin, mine was a fairly rhetorical question, no need to rub it in. Also it's not like it would do any good if Jisung was to take his words back. I think he was mortified himself and that's probably why I'm like this." Admitting his true concerns already, he was really sleep deprived.

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