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"Oh, hello." Seungmin chirped from the couch where he was lying down on Hyunjin's lap.
A curios expression on his face as he scrutinized the two boys who had just entered the apartment.

Hyunjin by his side only raised his hand, waving it slightly.

"Where you out?" Seungmin asked, genuinely curios. He hadn't seen both Minho and Jisung for the whole day after all.

"Uh yeah, I went to the dance studio." Minho answered for both him and Jisung.

"And you brought Jisung along?" Hyunjin wondered, finally joining the conversation.

"I guess so." The oldest only shrugged at the question.

"Nice." Seungmin concluded before resuming to watch the movie that was playing on the tv.

"Your mother called me earlier." Hyunjin spoke up after silence had settled once again.

"Why?" Minho immediately perked up at this, clearly not liking the fact one bit.

"She said you weren't picking up the phone." Hyunjin explained softly.

"It was intentional." Minho scoffed already done with the conversation, he knew it wasn't Hyunjin's fault by any mean, still he couldn't help the unsettling feeling in his stomach. There were reasons as to why he hadn't bothered answering her calls.

"I figured as much." The other sighed, he knew Minho the best after all.

"What was it about?" The brunette eventually asked, he knew Hyunjin would tell him at some point, better sooner than later.  

"She said that she wants to see you for your birthday for lunch or something along the way." Hyunjin mumbled, not really knowing how the older was going to react to this.

"Of course she did." Minho scoffed already slipping off his jacket and shoes. He really wasn't about to snap at his friends for this. He wanted a second alone to cool down.

So he did just that, starting to climb up the stairs, without not even as much as glancing at the other three boys in the living room.

Jisung was probably the only one lost about the topic since he was the first one to follow Minho upstairs where the other had hurriedly ran off to.

He didn't exactly have a pleasant feeling about this, apparently there were reasons for him as well, to be living on his own. They did actually have things in common after all. He mentally sighed at the thought.

As he went for his room, going for the handle since lately neither of them had bothered with knocking before entering anymore, nothing had happened.

Had he really locked the door on him?

Even if not necessary by any mean since Minho was obviously aware of the others presence he still knocked, one, two, three times, being answered by nothing but silence.

"Minho?" The blonde found himself calling.

"What is it?" He heard the other mumble by the other side of the door.

"Did you lock the door?" Jisung dumbly asked, of course he had. Yet asking why he had locked the door, felt like a question that he was in no place to ask.

He was met with silence again, yet what was he even expecting as an answer to such a rhetorical question?

He heard an heavy sigh, just before he heard the key snapping from the inside, unlocking the door,
"Take what you need."

The brunette opened the door slightly, a clear signal of not wanting to be bothered but something didn't sit right with Jisung.

While the blonde pushed through the door, the brunette found himself in front of the other, who had a very obvious frown on his face.

"What?" Minho shot, not in the mood to talk or see anyone really. Wouldn't Jisung just let him be for once?

"What do you mean 'what'?" The other asked sounding pretty much incredulous.

"I mean take what you need and leave me alone." The older explained slowly. It's not like it was something difficult to understand, so the fact that Minho was treating him like you would with a child did nothing to ease his already growing frustration.

"I don't need anything." Jisung shot back, arms crossed over his chest, in the vain attempt to look what even? Intimidating? No, not the case definitely.

Right in the moment Jisung couldn't find it in himself even to be disappointed by Minho.
The same Minho that had asked him to join him to the studio while he practiced, nothing much the reason behind the invite.
He had shrugged it off, saying that he hadn't felt like driving alone at night, or something of the sort.
How that was even a valid reason was a wonder to Jisung, since he was far from even knowing how to turn on a car, let alone drive one if something was to happen. Still there was no trace left of the guy he had spent the afternoon with.

"Then leave." The brunette rolled his eyes this time, clearly done with the somewhat pointless argument.

"No, you're clearly upset. I'm not going to 'just leave'." At this Minho huffed again, Han Jisung was hard to deal with, wasn't he?

Closing his eyes to regain his composure, seconds later the brunette started to push Jisung out of the room. He had asked already more than once, yet since the blonde didn't seem up to accept his request he was left with the only option of manhandling the situation.

What he hadn't expected though, was the blonde to put up a fight as well. Yet it's not like he could physically overpower Minho by strength.

So as the blonde found himself already outside the room within seconds, he pushed forward once more seeing the door being closed again. Only for him to stop it with his weight and trying to wiggle his body back in the room. The result being having his wrist getting caught up between the closing door and letting out a yelp of pain. Immediately jumping back once the door was opened again, to free his arm.

"Jisung what the hell?!" Minho asked in shock ready to scold Jisung for being so persistent. He got no answer however from the blonde, who was tightly clutching his arm from the pain.

Minho was definitely completely in shock once the other had raised his face at the sudden silence.
That was enough for the brunette to see the tears welling up in the others eyes, ready to spill.

"Oh my God! I hurt you- Is it broken?!" Minho looked frantic now glancing between the others face and arm still being held by Jisung.

"No, it's fine really-" Jisung reassured immediately seeing the look on Minho's face.

"No, it's not! Oh god- Hyunjin!" Within seconds both boys that had been peacefully watching tv on the couch minutes before, were running upstairs. Both of their faces scrunched up in concern.
As Minho had started to blabber what had happened, the blonde was being dragged downstairs by Seungmin who was holding him by the other arm. Not  the hurt one of course.

Literally minutes later they were all packed up in Minho's car while a very, very thick silence engulfed them, nothing apart from the blonde's sniffles could be heard. He was really trying hard to contain himself, he hated being the only source of sound breaking the silence but really, he couldn't help it.

After being visited and properly patched up, probably not even an hour later, he was already walking out of the room where the doctor had examined him. Only to be met by his three friends mid way. They were so dramatic, Jisung couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Calm down all of you, my wrist is only sprained. Nothing too bad, stop being so dramatic." The only answer he got back was a chocked sob, who immediately draw his attention towards the oldest of them all.

"Oh my God Lee Minho stop crying! I'm fine!" Jisung reassured instantly, seeing Minho completely break down in front of him, for nothing really. It's not like he had to undergo surgery or have a cast on for a month. They really were dramatic, his friends, weren't they?

"See? It's all okay now." He reassured once more, holding his wrist up for the other see.
The brunette looked up from his hands, the most hopeless sob coming out of his mouth, mixed with various sniffles.

"Can you even drive now?" Jisung jokingly asked while smiling. 'Ah, Lee Minho was always a surprise wasn't he?'

Hello, hello! Hope you enjoy this. Have a nice weekend!!💗

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