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As promised, Minho had accomplished his part of the deal. Driving Jisung to class and even picking him up to go get whatever it was that the blonde had requested earlier that day.

"Go sit down while I get your order okay?" Minho had told him, pointing with his chin towards where Seungmin and Hyunjin were already sitting down.

Jisung nodded, curiously glancing at his other two friends, well his best friend, and his respective boyfriend, who had just witnessed him and Minho walking into the cute shop, while holding hands.

Now, it's not like he had anything to hide, especially not to them since really, there was a very silly reason for Minho to be holding his finger in his, in the first place. It wasn't even hand holding if he tried hard enough to dissipate their proofs.

"Why are we all here? What's going on?" As if playing it cool could do any better than openly acknowledging that, he went for it.
It was honestly quite the obvious question since legitimately, he had zero clue as to why they were all there, and even if he did end up failing with shifting their attention elsewhere, at least he had tried and, that was good enough for now.

"I wish I knew, but Minho only mentioned you wanting coffee, so I guess that was reason enough for me and Seungmin to show up." Hyunjin answer was as bland as ever. They were still insisting about him going hyperactive after ingesting caffeine.

"Oh come on, I barely slept last night. It's not like I'd go insane over one cup of coffee. You're being over dramatic again." Jisung complained, though he knew already that his words were being spoken to deaf ears. None of them seemed to take him seriously after all, well, most times.

"Okay then, would you like us leaving you, so you can have your cup of coffee with Minho?" Seungmin sweetly smiled at his best friend, but strangely enough he wasn't annoyed. Somehow, he had missed him, and that was bizarre to say the very least, since the two of them saw each other every day; they lived together even.

"Rude Seungmin, you're rude." Still the blonde scoffed.

"Or just crazy, I think I'm going crazy." Seungmin admitted then, so much for Jisung trying and avoiding the topic. He knew already where the conversation was heading.

"What? Why? What is it now?" The blonde had just signed his own sentence, but he guessed it was better sooner than later after all. At least it wasn't in front of Minho too.

"Was Minho holding your hand or am I going absolutely insane because, if that's not the case, then what is going on?" Ah, there it was the damn question.

"Oh yeah he was indeed. But! it's only because, since I can't move my arm much,  my hand was super cold. So he was trying to warm it up for me."

"Did it work?" Hyunjin inquired, not even looking much fazed, it had been a dumb reason, Jisung had been right.

"Yeah, it didn't at first but after a while it worked. He had to hold it in the car too. Even if I told him he should be using his hand to drive and all, but somehow he managed, so yeah. Success." Jisung smiled at this, it felt nice to have warm fingers for the first time in the whole day.

"It's nice seeing Minho being clingy you know, it's a, let's say, a nice change?" Hyunjin smiled back at him.

"Oh but he's not. I guess he just feels a bit bad even if I told him not to." The blonde assured, because they obviously had not seen that sad look in his eyes that morning, things were getting mixed up.

"You're too nice Han Jisung." Hyunjin added, Jisung's words completely ignored.

"So they say."

w e i r d; 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now