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It was about time for Minho to leave his house if he wanted to make it on time to class. Yet he still sort of felt the need to make sure the other boy who, by the way, was still peacefully asleep, woke up.

It's not like his moral compass was corrupted or anything, he wouldn't have thought about it twice if he had to wake someone up in order to save their day and make them be one time. He wasn't an horrible person or anything, but with Jisung that thing never actually happened.

It was more about the lecture he would get from both Hyunjin and Seungmin if he didn't do it that made him hesitate.
In those probably eight seconds spent wondering on what to do, Jisung's phone alarm went off for the approximately fifteenth time without the blonde even noticing.

It didn't make sense actually:
Jisung could sleep past any kind of alarm or sound actually but the moment you touched him he would suddenly be wide awake.
Well not exactly totally awake, just enough to have his eyes open and come back from what looked like death.

So Minho, even if really against his own will, went over and touched where approximately the blonde's shoulder should have been considering the shape of the blanket the boy was totally being submerged by.

After a few times of the same touching on the shoulder he finally sort of came back to life, at least partially.
Jisung looked pretty much confused every time he had woken up, as the brunette had to do the task more than once lately.
It was like he was confused that his sleep was coming to an end that day too.
Not in a depressed way, he just always looked genuinely confused and disoriented.

Within a few seconds the guy was sitting up, putting his glasses on and checking the time for the first time in the morning soon realizing how late it was.

"Why didn't Seungmin wake me up," he heard the other mutter while still getting a few things in his bag for the day. It was mostly checking, yet, he felt the need to every morning as he often forgot things.

Still not even saying a word to the older, the blonde was making quite the tantrum for it to be only a few minutes since waking up.

It was giving him anxiety the fact that the blonde was basically speed walking around the room trying to collect things like clothes and books and what not.

He hadn't even thanked Minho for waking him up, oh well, so much for being nice. He really wanted to scoff at the thought but forced himself not to.

"Seungmin!" Minho heard the other boy shout from just outside the room, figuring that his friend would have been downstairs.
Yet he was missing the main point, he had woken the blonde up because the other two boys had left early that morning for some trip of sort and so, here he was, stuck with the, now, yelling boy.

He heard fast footsteps a few seconds later and then some others, till Jisung was back in the room still sort of running around.

Minho was getting bothered and decided to take matters into hands, as he really was not up for an headache this early in the morning.

"They left this morning for the trip. Why are you going around running like a mad man?" He finally spoke to Jisung with the most annoyed voice ever.

At this Jisung completely froze probably not expecting the other to speak to him, let alone explaining things preventing the blonde from going crazy.

"Oh, right." With still a good amount of confusion on his face Jisung nodded at Minho before starting to, again, run around. This time with his phone pressed to his hear.

"Seungmin why the hell didn't you wake me up?" The brunette heard Jisung ask annoyedly to his phone, well to Seungmin apparently.

"No, clearly." Minho heard next.

w e i r d; 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now