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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Minho tentatively asked with an uncertain mutter, yet he hadn't dared to move one bit.

"Of course I do, can't you see?" The blonde muttered back though his voice was above a whisper, he was too focused on what he was doing, to actually pay mind to the brunette's complains.

"No I actually can't, I've got both eyes closed in case you hadn't noticed." Minho retorted back. The younger was sure that if the other had his eyes open, he would have rolled them.

"Ah, stop complaining. I'm almost done." The blonde shushed him.
Such a whiny guy for being twenty.

"Should I add glitters too?" Jisung rhetorically asked after taking a step back from Minho.


"I was asking myself, not you." Jisung clarified. He didn't need an opinion, his decision was already made.

"Okay all done, you can open your eyes now." The younger of the two concluded a while later letting his hands finally rest down by his sides.

Tentatively Minho opened his eyes as instructed, blinking a few times, both to get rid of the sensation of having contacts and to make sure nothing was about to poke him in the eye.

"Pretty!" Jisung was clapping his hands seconds later in excitement, yet Minho hadn't even turned towards the mirror.

And yeah, Jisung wasn't wrong, he had actually known what he was doing. He looked pretty.

In any other circumstance he would have asked Hyunjin to do his makeup, especially his eyes, yet as his best friend was unavailable for the task, he had to ask Jisung. He was no stranger to make up, he had his fair share of experiences between the dance competitions or just going out for fun with his friends.
He liked to look good, it was that simple.

So he wasn't much uncomfortable with the products on his skin. He was used at that point.

Well, he hadn't dared to ask till he had seen the full face done on Jisung himself, yet now he didn't regret it.
It had looked okay, more than okay actually so, it wasn't much harm to let the blonde do it for once.

"I looked good even before." Minho mumbled while closely inspecting the slightly reddish eyeshadow and the sparkly glitters. It wasn't too excessive, it looked cute.

"Agreed, not all of us are blessed from Mother Nature though. I'm off to get dressed." Jisung concluded already off towards the bathroom.

Even if they were already quite late, he still took his time getting his clothes on. He liked to believe he wasn't stalling, yet knowing better he simply decided to think it as a moment to 'collect himself'.

Seungmin had looked quite enthusiastic when he had told him he was invited this morning, along with Minho, to Chan's birthday party.
That explained also the matching clothes left on his bed, all ironed and ready to be put on.

It's not like he was afraid that the party was going to be rough and reckless. They were all reasonably older than him and, most likely responsible from what he had seen.
Apparently there was no reason to be worried, yet Jisung was still quite unsure about going. But it was probably too late now to back out of it anyways.

So, sooner than he had expected he was on his way in Minho's car, dressed fancily with sparkly glitters on his eyes. 

Jisung wasn't sure about what it was exactly that he had been expecting. And honestly this was far better than what he had first thought it to be, if he had to be completely honest.
There wasn't loud music and a packed room full of people.

Not at all. Instead, soft music was coming out of the apartment while clearly not as many people as he had expected were sitting around the living room.

The first person to great them, both he and Minho to be specific, wasn't Chan as he would have thought, but a guy Jisung wasn't sure he had met prior.

But before he could even take a better look at him, he was already engulfing Minho in a hug and greeting him. Their difference in height was extremely eye catching, as well as the muscular arms wrapped around Minho. His hug getting even tighter before being completely undone, and soon after the guy let his eyes catch onto Jisung, who was awkwardly standing still behind Minho.
It's not like he needed Minho to protect him, but after all it was a guy standing before them that he had never seen before.

"Oh hello!" The guy smiled warmly, full cheeks almost resembling his, proudly appearing on his face. And since he seemed far from a threat or even awkward to be around, Jisung waved back muttering a greeting. The guy was grinning at him, making him wonder. Did he know already who he was?

Jisung quickly came to the conclusion that he probably did. "Come on in."

"I'm Changbin by the way, nice to meet you." The guy introduced himself a playful and welcoming smile playing on his lips as he eyed the combination of him and Minho standing side by side by the front door.

"Uh- Jisung." He said back, overwhelmed, in the best way possible, by the super enthusiastic greetings.

"Ah it's nice to see you in person, I've only heard of you from Chan before. Feel free to feel at home." He chuckled before turning towards what he presumed was the direction of the kitchen.

"Chan! The last two guests are here!" He half shouted making sure that the other had heard him from the other room, wherever it is that he was.

At some point while getting ready he had thought that both him and Minho were going to be overly dressed, and definitely be wearing too much makeup, for it to be a calm party at home. Yet, all of the boys around were pretty much dressed as much as them, if not more.

Especially Chan than came out from somewhere not even half a minute later, launching himself towards both him and Minho who were still standing side by side, hugging them together. Not only was he sporting really impressing blue contacts, the smokey makeup complimenting even more his eyes that were already sparkling with genuine excitement.

"I had faith in Jisung that he would make you be on time for once, guess I'll reconsider from now on." Minho shook his head at this, not even trying to apologize for being almost forty minutes late.

"Ah Jisung, I'll introduce them to you. Those are my friends," Chan enthusiastically gestured towards the couch, where Changbin and another blonde boy were sitting comfortably, clearly they had taken the invitation of feeling at home, long before he and Minho had gotten there.
"Changbin, the one that opened the door" The boy smiled at him again bowing jokingly to fake formality.
"And that's Felix, the youngest among us." Chan had announced, to an already smiling Felix who waved happily at him. 

"Oh, actually I already met Felix." And to prove his point Felix was already standing, hugging him as well. He had learned very soon that Felix was a hugging type of person, but it wasn't anything bad. He simply was very affectionate and who was Jisung to make Felix uncomfortable by refusing his hugs? No one. Simple as that.

Maybe the party wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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