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"He looks weird." Minho commented to his group of friends sitting at the lunch table with him.
Or maybe he was talking to himself.

"And why on earth would he be dressed like that?" Minho continued, disappointedly looking at Jisung's jeans overalls, pastel baby blue sweater and black bandanna nicely tied under his blonde hair. He swore that only a few days ago those were orangish, not that he was paying attention to Jisung's hair, not at all.

"Maybe because he likes it?" Felix answered with a roll of his eyes, mostly unbothered by now by Minho's constant remarks.

"It does fit him though." Changbin added, shrugging his shoulders. Same thing as Felix he was used to it. But Minho couldn't actually argue with the brunette on that point, it's not like he looked bad or anything, it was just weird.

"Also why are you looking his way anyways? Didn't you like -not stand him at all he's so weird-."
Felix quoted, half amused by his own remark.

"It's not like I meant to, his clothes kind of stand out from the rest of the whole school." Minho remarked sarcastically, his friends voluntarily ignoring it.

"Still, it is not nice to say things like this Minho, especially because he's your best friend's boyfriend's best friend, after all." (That took a while for the brunette to process).

He knew Felix wasn't completely wrong but still.
It's not like it was necessary, to anyone really, to point out Jisung's choice of clothes. The blonde was someone who had a tendency in dressing in various styles anyways. It's like the boy dressed up like the way he felt in the morning. It had always been like that.

It could vary from dark, ripped, skinny jeans paired with the blackest hoodie in his closet to the lighter color of washed up jeans and pastel shirts. He could basically pull off whatever and still look good. No one could ever deny that.

Was Minho annoyed about this? Kinda.
Would Minho ever confront the guy about it? Never.
That would look probably extremely stupid, what was Minho even supposed to say?

You look good whatever you wear, fuck you?
No, that'd be really stupid, again. So here he was, making comments about the, now, blonde haired boy because he was annoyed.

No one, not even his closest friend Hyunjin knew when and why Minho had started to dislike Jisung.
Minho himself couldn't pinpoint, probably, the exact instant, but what Hyunjin did notice was that it had started to worsen after his current boyfriend Seungmin had introduced Jisung, to Minho. Seeing as he was Hyunjin best friend after all.

Anyone knew actually about Minho's antics, but his friends never looked up into it too much. It was probably some kind of dislike at first sight.
If people could fall in love at first sight why couldn't people dislike at first sight too?

As for Jisung it was common for him to receive second glances, and well he knew himself it wasn't because of his good looks, that too of course, it's not like he considered himself ugly. But it was his clothing style in fact that was known enough to draw attention.
So he wasn't that bothered.

"Don't look now but, your godly looking friend is looking at me. Again." Jisung commented to Hyunjin while side glancing the so called looker.

"Who? Minho?" Seungmin's eyes were madly scanning the cafeteria already and when his gaze landed on his very boyfriend's best friend he saw himself that yes, the boy was indeed looking Jisung's way, and commenting too apparently.

"Why do you look so shocked?" The blonde questioned further to both, his eyes now focused on the lovely couple sat in front of him.

"Uhm, it's just that, it's not a Minho thing to do. Especially if he dis-." Hyunjin started to say, only to be quickly interrupted.

"Hyunjin I think your phone is ringing." Seungmin muttered lowly slightly elbowing his boyfriend a few times to make him shut up.
The screen of the phone clearly pitch black.

Seungmin knew too that Minho wasn't that fond of Jisung but Hyunjin saying it so freely could have ended up hurting the blonde's feelings.
He knew him well enough to know that Jisung would start to question himself about doing something wrong, anything to Minho, and that was not something Seungmin wanted to happen.

Meanwhile Jisung had taken his attention back to his lunch, the main topic of the conversation long forgotten. Or so the couple thought anyways, Jisung was clearly unpredictable and both Hyunjin and Seungmin loved him for that.

"So, as on a different topic, how is it with your mom these days?" Seungmin asked hoping not to upset Jisung or anything, though he felt the need to ask after the events of a few days prior.

Jisung shrugged his shoulders, with his eyes still fixated on his lunch, making the other two boys feel slightly concerned.

"I guess it's still the same. I'm not talking to her lately beside the strict necessary, and that's about it." Jisung added, it's not like he wanted to hide anything to his two closest friends, ever.

"That's not good, did she say anything about the matter?" Seungmin tried hoping that the situation was getting somewhat sorted between the blonde and his mother, when, clearly, the whole situation was weighting down the boy a lot.

Jisung shocked his head as an answer to his question, "Nothing at all, she's still convinced she's doing what's best, which is clearly not the case." He slightly huffed after saying it.

A small frown was set on Hyunjin's face too, seeing as he was aware of Jisung's current home situation.
He cared about Jisung too, probably as much as he cared about his own best friend, Minho.

"I've told you this before, Seungmin did too, if you feel like staying away from your house for a while until things start to get a bit better you're always welcomed to stay with me, Seungmin, and Minho too." He sincerely said, sad that his friend was going through a though time at home.

"Yeah I know, if things get to a even worse extent I will gladly accept, thank you guys." With a small smile to the couple he started to eat again, glad that he had them to relay on.

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