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Minho couldn't comprehend himself sometimes, well most of the time actually , how he found himself often stuck in such uncomfortable situations.
It wasn't like him to mind other's business, he couldn't care less about most people except for a few who could have been counted on the palm of one hand, so this was a wonder for himself too.

And for all the times he had been put in a weird situation this one had probably beaten them all as he was now driving in his car with Seungmin at nine in the morning with the task to help the light brown haired boy and his best friend. Han Jisung to be exact.
And if that wasn't bad enough in itself to worsen it he was going to help the two with the latter's suitcases.

In all honesty he pretty much saw the trick when Hyunjin called in last minute saying that he had a really important task to do and proposing that Minho replaced him with helping the two. It was crystal clear really, that Hyunjin was up to something and the brunette didn't like it one bit.

So when he saw Seungmin's hand slip behind a potted plant and skillfully retrieving a spare key he didn't find it in himself to comment on why he couldn't just ring the stupid doorbell instead.

As for Jisung it's not like he hadn't set an alarm, or seven, it was more like his brain shot off whatever sound came from the outside world when he was asleep. On the other hand his mother was most of the time out of the house before seven due to her shifts luckily for the still sleeping guy.
For this exact reason, and Jisung heavy sleeping habit, it has been a long time for Seungmin knowing where the extra key was located and how to wake up the guy himself.

Unfortunately for the light brown haired boy he had managed to find someone even harder to wake up, his very boyfriend actually slept as if dead.

It didn't surprise him that Jisung was still in his bed soundly asleep, it was common for him really, to see his peaceful features and puffed up face from sleep unlike someone else. Someone that had naively followed Seungmin to an unknown room. Well, an unknown house too actually.

"He looks almost human when he's asleep, doesn't he?" Minho commented from the door step, arms crossed and cold tune.

"What? Minho- he is human." The other one awake in the room commented while going towards the window to open the curtains just a bit. He knew better than to startle his best friend with blinding light, it wouldn't end too well. On both sides.

"That sounds like something only Satan's friend would say." Minho said back still unmoving from the door as if afraid of taking a step further into the room.

"I'm not Satan I'm more like a fallen angel."
An apparently random sleepy voice came from somewhere under the sheets.

"Oh shit- and he is already awake." Minho commented once more with a roll of the eyes this time.

"I'm offended, say your excuses or leave my room and take your negativity away." The blonde mumbled half asleep half offended.

Minho looked unimpressed towards the lump of sheets on the bed, more likely trying to burn holes on Jisung with his stare.

"Well sorry that you heard my negative comment, it won't happen again?" He sarcastically retorted.

"Because you're going to say it behind my back?" Jisung wondered kind of done already with the guy standing a few feet away from his bed.

"Exactly, you're maybe less dumb than I thought."

"Leave." The tune of voice used by Jisung left little to imagination. He was annoyed. Very annoyed.
Knowing better than to start anything serious with Seungmin still in the room, Minho raised both hands in defense and started to carry one of the two suitcases downstairs for the pure purpose of leaving the room.

Probably a bit less than an hour later all three of them were now driving back home from the blonde's place as Jisung stayed silent for most of the ride.

He was actually still a bit upset about what had occurred earlier but he didn't want to look childish and say it out loud, so he kept to himself. It was kind of dumb what Minho had said to him in his room but still he didn't like it. So he just kept to himself, not in the mood for any conversation.

"So there's a spare bed in your room." Seungmin addressed directly Minho on this, silently hoping that the older would just suck it up for once.

"No way I'm rooming with him." Minho maturely said, an offended scowl on his face as if what Seungmin had said was an insult.

"I can sleep on the couch, it's okay." Jisung had a small smile on his lips as if he wanted to let his friend know it wasn't that big of a deal.
In reality though, Seungmin was sort of upset about it.

It wasn't fair for Minho to act like this and just kick the blonde out of the room leaving him to sleep on the couch. Still it would have probably ended up with someone going to prison for murder if he pointed that out.

It was Hyunjin's best friend after all he was dealing with, he couldn't just murder him right?

Sensing the stiff atmosphere between them the blonde left them to go set his luggages near the couch located in the living room leaving the two others to look at his back.

Jisung himself didn't feel like starting an argument with Minho, so the couch it was.
He didn't think it was a big deal to room together with the older but he also thought that there were probably other reasons than just a whim. Other than that Minho had been really clear about not liking Jisung so he was fine with not forcing the guy with him.

Sure Jisung was sort of disappointed because even not really knowing the guy he always thought Minho was really cool especially because even if he was older than the three of them he didn't mind hanging out with them, well with anyone but himself apparently.

He just wanted not to focus a lot on it and try a little harder. After all there was probably a misunderstanding behind the older's behaviors and so Jisung was keen on making Minho at least tolerate him.

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