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It was early in the morning when both Seungmin and Jisung were having breakfast together in the kitchen. Well, actually Seungmin had offered to prepare breakfast for them since he felt sorry for making his best friend worry all day long the day before.
The conversation that was being held between the two boys was hushed too, as the two of them were they only ones awake in the apartment.

"He has some kind of tsundere thing going on!" Jisung whispered shouted as to further explain his point. Point that Seungmin wasn't understanding very well.

"What? What even is that? Is that some kind of weird.. sexual thing? Oh my God .." The brunette honestly, was seriously misunderstanding.

"What ? No I mean I hope!" Jisung hurriedly answered not keen on creating any misunderstandings.

"You hope he has a kink?" The brunette further tried to clarify. The conversation was taking a weird twist and Jisung was hating it.

"I meant I hope not, why would it even matter if he had a kink or not?"
The blonde was about to give up on explaining.

"Okay true, but you never know what's useful to know or not."

"Anyways back to the important stuff. He basically dragged you in his room and made you sleep on the bed?" Seungmin tried to stay on track for once with the main topic.


"This doesn't sound believable. Did you threaten him or something? That's not you Jisung what's going on?"

"What? I did not threaten anyone like, ever, in my whole life." Jisung sounded offended by the light accusation for a moment even if he knew that not even Seungmin believed it.

"Yes but I had to ask anyways. We came home and the couch was unmade while you were nowhere to be seen. We got scared." The brunette explained for the only purpose of making a point.

"You were scared? You disappeared with Hyunjin since morning yesterday and weren't picking up my calls. I thought you were mad at me!" The blonde slightly raised his voice with crosses arms and a scowl on his face.

"We weren't obviously." Seungmin said with crossed arms too.

"I know this now, but yesterday I was panicking all day, thanks for that."

"I'm sorry Ji, I won't forget to tell you next time me and Hyunjin go somewhere.
Minho doesn't actually care as long as we stay out of his room and feed his cats when he's out somewhere, so it didn't cross our minds to tell you."

"Yeah anyways, now I sleep there I guess till the couch gets cleaned and all." Jisung concluded shortly after.

"You don't sound so happy about it." The brunette inquired finding weird the fact that the blonde finally had a bed and yet, was still sounding very unpleased.

"I am happy to have a bed, it's just that I don't get why he left me sleep in his room." He tried to explain, and it actually made sense.
Minho was being definitely not his usual self.

"I don't get it either, you're so damn messy it's ridiculous." Despite the nagging the blonde wasn't offended, it was true after all.

"Rude, but like true. Anyways what should I do? Should I move my things in there? Is he going to skin me if I do that or what?"
The poor blonde had still so many questions, yet not many answers.

"Honestly I have no clue, he's Hyunjin's best friend. The two of them are of a different kind, I don't always understand their ways." Seungmin wasn't even being sarcastic.

"Great." Jisung muttered clearly unsatisfied with the answer.

"Anyways how did it go yesterday with you and Hyunjin?" The blonde asked genuinely interested in knowing but also wanting to switch topic for a bit.

"Oh, it was okay. We were out together but it started raining so we went to a cafe, really nothing much. But also, he booked us a two days trip for my birthday's weekend and I was literally in tears?" Seungmin clapped his hands in excitement momentarily forgetting about the sleeping people in the house.

"Oh yeah, he was so insecure about that gift that he wouldn't shut up for the last two weeks." Jisung said recalling the constant complains of the other boy.

"Wait, you knew?" Seungmin strangely sounded surprised. Of course Jisung knew, he was probably the closest person to him after Hyunjin, yet he still didn't think about any of it.

"I'm your best friend remember?" Jisung sounded kind of offended but he was actually amused by the way Seungmin was reacting.

"Yeah, but like why was he insecure? It's like the best gift he could ever think of, I was very touched honestly." Jisung nodded to this.

"Yeah, I knew you would have liked it. That's what I said to him for the last ten days yet he was freaking out thinking you would hate it or think that it wasn't much of a gift. You know how sensitive he gets for you."

"Wow, I think I actually love him." And it felt strange on his tongue, the word love. It wasn't that Seungmin didn't have feelings for Hyunjin, far the opposite actually, yet the three words were never used between the two boys. Both concerned that it might have been too soon and it would be bad if the other wouldn't have said it back when the other did.

Despite the long relationship, no 'I love yous' were said though neither of them minded.
It was just the way they were.

Thinking about it now, Seungmin had known since long ago that he had really deep feelings for Hyunjin so it wasn't much of a shock, yet the words left a giddy feeling in his stomach after being pronounced.

"You're probably the last person to realize that." Jisung joked.

"Yeah, no, actually it's not even that, we just took our time and never said it. Maybe I will tell him during our trip, maybe it will slip out sooner. I don't know, I don't think he minds either."

"That's actually so sweet what the hell! Disgusting!"

"Trust me, you'll be like that too when you find someone, and don't try to deny it. You're literally the most clingy and affectionate person I know." Seungmin tried to turn the attention on Jisung feeling slightly embarrassed. It wasn't a bad kind of embarrassed, he wasn't ashamed, it's just that he rarely had such conversations with the blonde or anyone really.

"I will probably die alone and we both know it." Jisung added while eating the rest of his pancake in one bite, as a source of comfort probably.

"Now if you want to excuse me I've got to get ready and leave this house in less than thirty four minutes." The blonde said while standing up from the table.

"Do I even ask you why?" The light brunette asked out of pure curiosity.

"I don't want to see Minho." He quickly explained half way already out of the kitchen.

As expected, Seungmin wasn't even surprised. Even if he hoped that Jisung sleeping in the others room meant some kind of truce, it clearly didn't.

Despite Jisung saying that he didn't want to see said guy, he had to enter the room under unavoidable circumstances.
He had to retrieve his phone and charger from Minho's room.

Trying his very best to not make any noise, even if he knew for sure that if it was the other way around Minho would be making any noise possible just to annoy him, but he was actually trying to avoid the guy, so he went and unplugged his phone from the charger very quietly.

Yet he still didn't know how it has gotten connected to the charger since he had fallen asleep minutes after touching the bed.

He quickly took a pick at the other person in the room just to be sure that they were still asleep.

Minho looked okay while asleep, why couldn't he always be like that?

w e i r d; 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now