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Jisung walked straight out of his house not even forty minutes after his arrival, jaw set and fists closed tightly. He was tired, so tired of his mother's bicker, he didn't know how he was supposed to be the teenager when his mom acted like she was six.

He walked with long steps more than ready to receive some sort of comfort. As much as he seemed childish he needed the attention his friends offered him, he just needed to get things off his chest.

First thing he did when first let in the apartment by a very confused Hyunjin was to sit on the couch.
The cat that had been napping there for God's knows how long now placed on his lap as Jisung ran his fingers through the soft fur.

"Hello Jisung is nice to see you too." The boy mumbled still close to the door quite surprised by the younger's behavior.

"Hi." The blonde answered a small pout on his lips as he petted the cat, still.

"I fought with my mom." He added, just to clear things up. Hyunjin nodding at this trying to suppress a sigh as he knew he was about to witness Jisung vent about it. Just on time Seungmin appeared from the bedroom too, he as well, quite surprised to see his best friend back so soon.

"What happened now?" The brunette said, giving the hint for him to tell them what had occurred.

Jisung dramatically inhaled deeply, his hands coming to rest on the pet, once again, to get him a bit of comfort.

"So like I was having a discussion with my mother, as always, but I don't even remember what about, and again she rambled on and on about how annoying I was being and to just get a girlfriend and stop fussing and whining over everything." He started telling each word very close to the other, voice high in pitch.

"So I got pissed about how much she insisted on the 'girlfriend part' and just spat 'or boyfriend' not really meaning anything behind it. You know what I mean anyways," he continued still barely breathing.

"So she started to fuss about me being weird and never doing anything right. So I corrected her in saying that I'm in fact bisexual though I'm mostly into boys," He went on as to prove a point, though both of his friends knew about his sexuality, as they nodded in understanding.

"And 'Oh lord', she never stopped about it saying that this was exactly another reason why I was so annoying because I always seek attention and make up things that do not exist." It was a ranting mess to say the least but no one dared to stop him.

"Saying that I only say things to make people interested in myself and all of that when I clearly had crushes on girls in the past." He added exhausted.

"Could you imagine how pissed I was hearing my own mother saying this to me when I'm pretty sure I do like boys? Clearly I do. That's not even the point, whatever we argue about, when we actual bother to speak anyways, I'm always the one at fault for everything and I'm so done with this. The other stupid head ass of her new husband only dumbly staring at us not saying anything, can you imagine it." To say that Jisung was frustrated was probably an understatement. Even his body gave it out as his shoulders were slumped and his lips were frowning.

Seungmin could tell that Jisung was very upset, not to the extent of crying because he was clearly angry too, but he knew how bad he would feel once the build up anger was to fade.

For some reason, again, Seungmin wished he would just accept and come and live with them for a while. He was so done with his best friend being hurt over and over again by the words said, more like shouted, by his own mother towards him.

As on cue right after Jisung rant had ended Minho had joined them too into the living room, well he was only technically passing by to reach the kitchen after his shower. He was the one in charge of making dinner for the nigh, after all.

He was actually surprised for a quick moment to see Jisung, the Han Jisung, who had eaten his yogurt in his apartment, on his couch with his cat Soonie lovingly getting petted.

"Oh my god he's corrupting my cat's mind into hating me!" He whispered-shouted his hand clasping over his mouth, very much dramatically.

"Minho he's not-" Minho couldn't be bothered to let Seungmin complete his sentence.

"First my yogurt, then my cats?" He was once again very, very frustrated. It was okay as long as he stayed with Seungmin, they were best friends and this was his apartment too, but like this? Oh no, no, no.
Eating his yogurt was one thing, but with his cats now too? Again a big no.

"Your cats actually have a major liking in me." Jisung added himself, just as a quick reminder that he was there too and that he could hear what was being said.

"I didn't ask you." Minho directly spoke to the blonde, finger pointer at him, not even trying to leave some anger out of his voice, eyes burning holes towards the boy.

"Well sorry." He muttered back, his hands moving under the pet to lift her away from his lap, sitting her back on the couch. It wasn't like Jisung at all to answer rudely, but this certainly wasn't the best moment for the boy.

"Also the only thing you're major at is being annoying and my cats have nothing to do with it."
Minho couldn't be bothered to keep a composed facade up, he was tired and frustrated.
Plus the blonde had touched his cat. There was not a single reason for Minho to stay calm and composed.

"That didn't even make sense." Hyunjin quietly added as if anything that was being said in that conversation had any sense, at all.

"Stop being mean to me I've eyes and I'm not afraid to cry! I'm not doing anything bad to your cats and your yogurt wasn't even that good."
Talking of being childish Jisung hadn't meant to say that. The comment had sounded way wittier in his mind and now all he felt was embarrassment for making a fool out of himself.
This wasn't probably Jisung's best day.

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