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"Has Minho left already?" Seungmin asked upon seeing Jisung coming down stairs, phone in hand, all dressed.


"Then are you still going to see the doctor today?" Seungmin questioned, already getting up to take the blonde's shoes for him.

"Yeah, definitely. I'm not keeping this for another extra day." Jisung immediately nodded, throwing a not so pretty glance, at his bandaged wrist. It had been fourteen days, already he wanted to believe, but honestly Jisung could only refer to them as endless. It had been torture, to put it in easy words.

"But Minho seemed very fixed on going with you." The brunette seemed genuinely confused, glancing at Jisung from his spot on the floor, where he was trying to help the blonde wear his shoes.

"Oh, don't remind me. I had to hide his phone twice because he wanted to reschedule." Jisung huffed, of course the brunette found it funny.

"You two are insufferable." Seungmin concluded, finally slipping both shoes on the other.

"What! Why? I just want my arm back." Jisung sounded incredulous, glancing at the brunette who was just laughing quietly by himself.

"And he only wanted to take you, your point?" He retorted.

"My point is, I'm done with my arm dangling off my neck, plus it is constantly frozen."

"I don't think any blood has been there in days." Jisung added for extra measure, even poking at the cold skin sadly, with his left hand.

"Oh but Minho seemed to be doing a good job, keeping your hand warm." Seungmin was full on laughing; was is it really that funny now.

"Rude Seungmin, you held my hand too." Jisung huffed, pointing out real events that had in fact, occurred.

"Well, you were whining non-stop. I'm your best friend, what was I supposed to do?"

"Hold my hand, like Minho did." It had been a rhetorical question obviously, but no one needed to point out the even more rhetorical answer the blonde had provided.

"But Minho is not your best friend." Seungmin added, he was probably having too much fun with this.

"Neither are you going to be, if you don't help me tie my shoelaces right now." The blonde sassed, even rolling his eyes; Minho was rubbing off on him too much lately.

"Who's taking you?" The other asked curiously, since he knew for a fact that Hyunjin wasn't going to.

"Much to my, both, comfort and discomfort, Minho called Chan this morning in front of me, on speaker, telling him, he had to drive me there today and wait for me." The fact that he had given context on how the conversation had taken place, was indication enough that the outcome hadn't been Jisung's favorite thing.

"Is it not going to be awkward?" Seungmin sounded apologetic even.

"That's exactly what I told Minho, not because Chan is awkward or anything, it's just that he's driving me to the doctor, after seeing me like twice in his whole, entire life."

"Should I be a good person and go with you?" Seungmin proposed, Jisung immediately breaking out in a smile. He was thankful to the heavens for having Kim Seungmin in his life, now that was a friend that had his back no matter what.

"I mean, he's already bringing his other friend along, so I guess one more won't be a bother." The blonde shrugged again, relived to no extent knowing that he could at least have Seungmin's hand to crush in case things were to get bad.

"Depends, which friend?" The brunette asked, though he knew already that Seungmin wouldn't abandon him anyways.

"Changbin." He said as he recalled the talk he had had with Minho and Chan earlier.

"Okay deal, I'm sorry but I had to make sure. You and Felix together are a bit too much for me too." Seungmin innocently glanced at the blonde, though if was a known fact really, that they could get quite excited together.

"Won't Hyunjin want to come too?" Jisung dismissing hand was enough to drop the previous topic.

"No, he has his dance practice later so, he'll be fine." The other assured.

"Ah, that's why Minho was cursing Hyunjin while calling Chan." To say that Seungmin hadn't made the, far from, nicest noise, upon hearing the other mumble, would be a lie indeed.

"He what?" It was hilarious for Jisung, the way Seungmin's eyes were widened.

"Nothing, forget it. He didn't seem to be in the best mood anyways. He didn't actually mean it." The blonde reassured.

"Is this why he has been texting you non stop, and repeatedly?" The other joked again, though it was true. He had heard Jisung's phone go off lots of times already, and there weren't many options as to who it could be, now where there?

"No, I think he's bored since he's taking a bus. Don't flatter me." Again, Jisung dismissed.

"What is he even texting you about?" Seungmin looked amused by the whole ordeal, and he probably was. Minho had left a few hours prior after all, it's not like there had been a reason for him to text Jisung so frequently, really, there wasn't anything to catch up about.

"You really want to know?" The blonde let out a puff of air with his words.

"I did ask first so," The brunette nodded, quite intrigued even.

"First about his cats, who eats what and when," The blonde listed, counting with his fingers.

"Then, he made sure I had Chan's number saved just in case. I don't even know what the case might be, but I didn't ask." He went on.

"After that, he again, made sure I was getting ready and not going to be late."

"Why did I even bother to ask?" The brunette shook his head, a hand even resting on his forehead.

Jisung's shrugged.

"By the way, I'm sure he's only trying to be nice so I'll still look after his cats, because let's face it, that's his number one priority." To this Seungmin nodded, finally proceeding with tying the other's shoes.

"Okay, all done." He patted his knee, they were ready to go finally.

As expected the appointment with the doctor hadn't been anything serious. After getting checked and freed from his bandage, he was now finally able to move his arm around as much as he used to.

Even if he couldn't help the feeling of having an heavy limb just hanging from his shoulder, Jisung was incredibly happy.

He had never thought that tying his own shoes or cutting his food, could be such an hard task to accomplish, yet now he sure knew to never underestimate the smallest acts of independence ever again.

Especially showering, that was probably the worst of all; it was actually of no surprise that the moment he had been done thanking both Chan and Changbin, he had wasted no time into rushing into the house and take probably, the best shower of his life.

Though, since no one had witnessed it (he was in the bathroom after all), there was no reason to point out the fact that a smile had grown on his face when he had found, once again, a text from Minho.

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