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"Where are you going in that?" It wasn't like Jisung wanted to sound possessive or anything far from that actually, yet the hoodie the brunette was wearing was clearly his; most precisely his pastel pink one.

"I have practice, why? Am I too handsome to wear this?" Minho laughed, even posing with his hands resting on his hips.

"That's mine, in case you haven't noticed. Plus, I think cute would be more appropriate?" And if anything, the cute one in that moment was surely the blonde with his sweet smile.

"I don't think cute is a proper word to describe a guy Jisung, I'm not small or that short." And just like that in a few seconds, the light and fun atmosphere was gone. Replaced instead by a, not at all, jokingly remark.

"What? That wasn't the reason why I used that adjective. You know, adjectives describes the qualities of a noun, and I didn't use it with a negative acceptation for sure." Jisung was serious as well now, the smile completely gone from his face.

"What- just stop. I don't think it's appropriate okay? Stop it Jisung." Oh how unheard of, that Minho once again hadn't even listened to his explanation.

"You think it's not manly enough to call a guy cute? That's the problem right?" The blonde spatted out, though it had come out more harshly than what he had first intended, his point still stood.

"Jisung please don't even start with that talk, it's so random. You know that I don't mean anything of the sort." Minho rolled his eyes at this, and it was probably that, that made some sort of switch snap inside of the other.

"No, I'm not staying silent. I can call a guy cute and still not like them in a romantic way, do you think I've a crush on you just because I called you cute?" Jisung honestly wanted to believe that there was no reason for him to get this defensive over such a frivolous topic, yet it was a way too familiar situation for him to not associate it with bad memories.

"No?" Minho seemed half way confused, he was definitely lost as to where that conversation with the blonde was going. To be fair though, neither of the two were expecting such a quick and drastic change of topic.

"Exactly! There are more reasons." And the fact that Jisung was getting so frustrated that he hadn't even noticed the weight of his words, was reason enough to leave Minho startled.

"Wait, what?" Minho sounded extremely quite and that wasn't a good sign at all, it couldn't be.

"What?" Jisung asked back, this time way less riled up. He was panicking inside and trying his best to not show it, yet the lack of voice was a clear indication of his failure.

"Did you just say what I think you said?" Again the brunette was completely breathless, as if he was afraid of his own voice.

"Uh, I think I probably did." Jisung's voice too was almost completely gone now. As well as the color from his face.

" Yes, you did." The solid thirty seconds of silence  seemed to stretch out for a lot longer than that. Before it actually hit Jisung, that this was indeed a rejection to his very, not meant, half confession; while the other half of that sentence, he didn't even know himself what that phrase implied, since it was never meant to leave his mind in the first place.

"Uhm, yeah." Jisung ruffled his hair looking at the ground. He was mortified, to put it in a nice way.

"I- I'm going, I'll see you around." Jisung hadn't even had the time to try and come up with an explanation for what, the most random phrase that had left his lips probably in a very long amount of time, could even mean. Minho was already out of their room, and as well as gone.

Before letting his last bit of embarrassment swallow down the hint of dignity Jisung had left, he called the only person who he knew wouldn't ask too many questions, and most important of all, give him affection;

He very much needed that in that moment.

"How long have you been crying?" Felix asked seconds after storming inside the room, where Jisung was still dumbly sitting in the middle of.

"The past forty seven minutes," Jisung sniffled quietly, glancing at the clock. Posture slounched and frown persistent. For once he was very, very glad that neither of his two friends were home.

"So? He just said nothing?" Felix had kneeled down in an instant, already having received a very rushed and incomplete explanation of what had occurred, over the phone. Yet he had grasped the most important part somehow and knew that the blonde was probably going through way too many awful emotions in that moment.
Yet, the fact that Jisung had called him to come over, one of Minho's friend to console him, was way too revealing of how badly the blonde had taken the situation.

"Nothing at all, I stood there like an idiot for like half a minute, then he just left. And I'm glad he did because I didn't deserve to endure any more embarrassment, do you feel me?" Felix only nodded at this, still embracing the blonde.

"He was probably surprised, because it's not like Minho to say nothing at all, maybe it wasn't in a bad way? He didn't shout or shudder or anything, right?" Jisung honestly couldn't tell if Felix was siding with him or Minho at the moment, yet he wanted to believe that the other had really meant it, and wasn't just trying to console him. After all, he for sure knew Minho better than the blonde.

"Felix," Jisung sniffled in between words. He looked absolutely miserable and it honestly made Felix heart ache to see his friend like this.

"He doesn't even consider me as an acquaintance, let alone friends or anything else." He huffed, not even a bit of energy left in his body, as if he had just come to therms with how bad the situation was.

"I heard once that you guys became friends over cheesecake, what happened to that?" And Jisung half smiled at that, nodding even. Though, if Felix had noticed the tear that had slipped from the corner of his eye, he hadn't commented on it.

"Then I guess we are friends?" The sadness his own phrase had brought to him was definitely excessive, yet he couldn't help the fresh wave of tears welling up in his eyes, even though he was still smiling.
He sure welcomed though, the warm hug from his friend.

So did I just completely disappear for a month before dropping chaos? I guess I did.

In case you are wondering where I've been this past month, I've been very much quarantined in my house watching dramas and crying over how much school related work I've to do since I've exams starting in like a month. That's it, I've been a bit demotivated to do anything productive if you might, just that, nothing serious.
I hope all of you are doing well though!
And thank you for being this patient with me 💗 :c

Also, I've very important and nice news as well! You can find translations for this book in both Italian and Turkish for this story by mjnknow and aewkni I saved them on my profile too if you're interested!

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