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As if it was a tradition of some sort, one established long before they even shared the apartment, or well even before they all moved out to live on their own, Seungmin and Jisung had always had this sort of habit of having talks while having breakfast together.

As both were very accustomed with how hectic their days could get especially with school and all, they took that part of the day as a moment to catch up with one another.

So here they were, on Seungmin's request, sitting in the kitchen together while eating the infamous pancakes Jisung had been complaining about just a few days prior.

"So what's the matter to discuss my dear friend?" Jisung jokingly asked, not even trying to hide the yawn bubbling up in his throat. It was still early, too early especially for the blonde. He wasn't used to be up before ten, especially if he had nowhere to go particularly.

"Nothing much, it's just that we haven't had much of a talk lately. I'm spending too much time with Hyunjin, aren't I?" Seungmin sounded apologetic, which the other didn't like much.

"Yeah, but it's not too much. You're together after all. So, not relevant, continue." Jisung immediately dismissed the other's worries.

"Nothing to add." Seungmin concluded while handing Jisung both a cup filled with coffee and his plate of pancakes.

"That's what I thought, you just wanted company eating pancakes didn't you?" Jisung shook his head but he wasn't annoyed in the slightest. He liked this kind of talks with Seungmin, when the house was silent and they had nowhere else to be.

"Eh, you know me well." He agreed nevertheless, it was no secret that the brunette had a sweet tooth.

"Ah, but there was something. I almost forgot." He said after a sip of coffe, as if the drink itself had brought back to Seungmin the faculty of formulating thoughts.

He even leaned closer, trying to catch any slight change of expression on the others face in case there were any regarding this question.

"I see you out and about with Minho lately. Is he going to replace me?" Seungmin narrowed his eyes, even if in the slightest.

Jisung chuckled at the bizzarre doubt his best friend had just voiced. "No, he still doesn't like me much. I asked him a while ago if we were friends but he didn't answer, so no we're still exclusive." Jisung winked jokingly.

"Good, I thought I had competition to fight off for a second. But at the same time I knew I didn't. We go well with very few people and this goes both ways. No wonder Minho hadn't reached my status yet." Seungmin proudly said as if the eventuality of Minho becoming his best friend anytime soon wasn't the most absurd thing he had heard in a while.

"But you know who else is coming for your place?" Jisung suddenly added. A smug smile playing on his lips, even if it was indeed a joke.

"Do you think it's safe for them if I know?" Seungmin retorted back making the blonde chuckle again.

"I mean, yeah, I don't doubt your self control most times." He confirmed.

"Okay then, say the name." Seungmin pressed.

"Bang Chan hyung."

"Bang Chan as in the guy who is friends with Minho?" Seungmin voice sounded surprised and honestly, Jisung couldn't blame him. It was the first time for him to bring the guy up into their conversation. Not that there was any specific reason for him to have done so earlier.

"Yeah, the blonde one, I mean the one blonder than me." Seungmin nodded at this.

"He looks nice, I approve." Seungmin shrugged his shoulder as to indicate that the topic was dismissed already.

w e i r d; 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now