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"Hyung!" Jisung called the older, even if he was already at the top of the stairs while the blonde was still kind of getting up from the couch, still.
He blamed it on the sleep, his body was still kind of slow and not really functional.

"Hyung! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause you troubles again." Jisung called again while following Minho in his room. The brunette not even bothering looking his way while he lied down on his bed.

"What's up with the 'hyung' thing anyways? You never call me that, ever, so why so polite all of a sudden?" Minho answered barely concealing his sarcasm. A scoff clear in his voice.

"It's always you. I don't talk to you, associate with you or even look your way yet your troubles always come looking for me." He continued not even giving the chance to Jisung to apologize, or say anything really.

"Minho hyu-, Minho I'm sorry about Seungmin, he's never like this. I don't know what came over him, seriously." The blonde tried again, trying to make his apology as real as possible.
He really didn't mean for any of this to happen,
why was this even happening in the first place?

"Whatever Jisung, just go to sleep in your damn bed since that's what everything is about after all." He ended all talks saying this, or at least that's what Minho intended to do anyways.

"But that's not true, I don't care about it. I can go and sleep on the couch, really..." Jisung muttered further, sadness clinging on his voice.

"God forbid, I don't want to be blamed again for such bullshit. Just stay in this damn room, will you?"
Minho asked yet it wasn't much of a request really.

It's not like Jisung was actually scared about the fact that Minho seemed extremely angered by the whole situation. He knew Minho could never harm anyone ever, or in this case Jisung. But it was overall the fact that he was the cause, again, of Minho's anger.
Since, once again, he was being called out for doing nothing.

He had tried really hard to avoid getting on the older's nerves yet, here he was, being scolded when all he wanted to do was apologize, since he never intended to bother him, at all.

That's probably the only reason why now tears were clouding his eyes. Unbelievable, he was crying out of frustration. Out of all the ways one could cope with frustration his body decided on tears.
But that wasn't even the worst part. He was crying in front of Minho again and that, really, was the worst part of it all.

He really, really didn't want to cry at the moment. Yet the fact that the tears had formed so suddenly in his eyes was probably an indication that he wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

The only good thing was that Minho was not looking at him at all, he hadn't for the whole time so that was relieving somehow. Either he left the room, which would inevitably cause Seungmin to storm back in which he honestly dreaded, or, pretend not to be crying.

The second option sounded way better anyways.

Since he was still standing in the middle of the room, he walked towards his bed, that damn bed, to put on fresh sheets. (He had even stripped the bed off the old ones since he thought he couldn't sleep on it anymore.)

While being turned with his back towards Minho, he finally let the, now, stingy tears fall free. Trying his best to not touch his face and giveaway the whole act.

Yet, he went on his face with the sleeve of his hoodie a few times just to dry them in the most discreet way possible. What he couldn't know though, was the fact that Minho was now staring at him. The whole 'drying discreetly thing' giving completely away what was happening.

"Are you crying again?" Minho huffed out. His voice making him sound tired, exhausted almost.

At this Jisung shook his head still not turning towards the brunette. He had to at least try and keep his act intact.

"Then, why aren't you answering or looking at me?" Minho asked further, the sound of his bed squeaking under his weight making obvious that the brunette was getting up.

It was a matter of seconds till he was in front of the blonde removing the sheets from his hands and proceeding to do the bed himself.

"Go sit there." He huffed while gesturing towards his bed where the pc now laid untouched. Minho's plans of the night of watching meaningless videos on YouTube longer forgotten.

Knowing better Jisung did as told even if he felt completely humiliated. It wasn't because of Minho really, it was the overall fact that, again, the older had to deal with him and his -baby like- cries.

The blonde tried his best to calm down, and to reduce his sniffles to silence by gnawing at the skin of his thumb, at least till Minho turned around and noticed his action. Then he stopped, because he knew he needed to say something, anything really.

"H-hyung." He chocked out, this time Minho didn't comment on it.

"I really mean it, I am sorry for causing you trouble." He finished not looking his way. He was staring at his hands rested on his lap.

"You want tea or chamomile tea?" Minho asked instead, not bothering addressing what the younger had just said.

"Tea is fine." Jisung answered knowing better than bringing up his apologies once more would not get him anywhere.

With that being said, after more or less five minutes, Jisung watched as the older came back in their bedroom holding with one hand the cup of tea and holding under his other arm his reddish cat.

They both knew they should definitely find a better way to cope with each other, but for the night that was it and neither of them commented on it.

So I have a question
In which year were y'all born?
(Just random curiosity, don't feel forced to answer)

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