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"Minhoo!" The blonde whined loudly while side glancing at the boy that was, once again, 'sneakily' peaking at him (for the millionth time probably).

"What?" Minho immediately focused on the blonde, was he whining from pain?

"Hyung! Stop being like that!" The blonde huffed out then, even attempting to cross his arms for extra measure. Only to give up seconds later upon realizing that one of his arm was tied up, held up by a band resting on his neck. Never mind the 'extra attitude', his facial expression would have to do the job.

"Like that? I'm not being 'like that'." The brunette scoffed, emphasizing on the word and even tilting his head to try and understand what the other was calling him out for.

"You're literally throwing glances at me as if I'm about to collapse or disappear into thin air. I don't know about you, but that's a clear indication of someone acting 'like that'." Jisung went on to explain, he had a point here.

"It's not true-" Minho immediately denied. He was definitely not looking like that at Jisung.
Or at least he hoped that wasn't the case.

"Then what? Just say what you want to. I can hear the sound of your thoughts running around, and it's giving me an headache already." Okay maybe by the way that Jisung was scolding him, just that, (not that he was admitting anything to anyone, especially not to the blonde) he probably had been doing just as the other had said, but what about it? It was no secret, that he was feeling extremely bad.

"Wow, I really rubbed off on you, didn't I?" The brunette joked it off anyways, it's not like he was about to agree with Jisung so easily now.

"I'm learning well if I have to say myself." He warily answered, still, not being tricked by the shallow attempt of changing topic Minho had just tried.

"Ah you've good taste, learning from me and all." He still continued, it wasn't working well for Minho but he was never one to give up without a fight.

"Yeah whatever, but cut the chase. What is it?" Jisung asked once more, since when was he so quick to catch up? Minho definitely wasn't liking this.

"Are you okay Jisung?" He asked instead. That's it, that was probably the biggest question out of the thousand swirling around his brain. It wasn't the first time that he had found himself directing that same question to Jisung, yet the words felt as heavy as ever.

"Don't you just say 'I'm fine', I mean it. If you're in pain or just want to yell at me or throw a fit you can do that too. I overreacted and I'm so sorry." He added, he might as well come out clean since Jisung was way too focused on extorting an answer out of him.

"Minho it was an accident, clearly. And you were upset. I was pressing too much too. I didn't mean to tick you off like that." He still apologized, but why on Earth he was apologizing, was a whole mystery to Minho. It wasn't clearly his fault, so what was this about? Minho felt exhausted, both mentally and physically.

"Still, I ended up hurting you." And it physically pained him to say so. Out of all the arguments and disagreements, small or big they might have been, purposefully hurting the blonde was not, and hadn't ever been his intention. He wasn't like that, but what had happened just the night before was way too harsh for Minho to forget and feel at ease. Even if Jisung had already confirmed more than a hundred times at best, that he was totally fine.

"Just, stop saying it like you just chopped off my arm or broke my neck. It's nothing serious really, sometimes I get even worse injuries just because I'm clumsy. I don't care at all, I told you that already." He reassured once more (it was more than a hundred times now, for sure).

"Okay, fine. But still I just-"

"But if you insist on being 'so sorry' you could just be extra nice and drive me to class. And buy me coffee. And cheesecake, then drive me back home.'' Jisung interrupted Minho mid sentence, enough of the brunette moping around.

If he wanted to make up for it, then be it. It's not like Jisung was one to take revenge or anything, he wasn't even mad at Minho in the first place.
If he wanted to act nice then be it, if it was enough to make Minho feel at ease with himself, then fine.

Minho shrugged at the many requests.
Those weren't that bad, and honestly it was a hundred thousand times better than what he had been expecting. Honestly, he knew already that Jisung was just giving in for his sake, still he was probably way too happy to agree to this.

''But are you sure you want to go to class?'' Minho wondered out, upon going through the list of things the blonde had requested once more in his head.

''Uhm yes, I skipped yesterday already, so I have to.'' The blonde shrugged already getting up from his bed.

''Are you left handed or ambidextrous?'' The brunette asked, it wasn't that the information was of vital importance, but it was just common sense really. Now how Jisung hadn't thought of that was unknown to him, he probably hurt his head too along with his wrist.

"No?'' Still the blonde looked puzzled, how was the hand he wrote with relevant enough for Minho to question him about it?

''Then how are you going to take notes?'' Ah, there lied his answer. That was indeed a good point, yet Jisung was probably too stubborn to just give up on his good resolution of the day.

''Oh right, I forgot.'' What was even the point in trying to deny the fact that the thought hadn't even crossed his mind once? None.

''I'll just do a voice recording and write it down once I get my wrist back.'' He shrugged, it was as good as he was going to get for now.

''Or, I could write them down for you.'' Minho offered, it was probably the least he could do, he had reasoned to himself.

''That's too much Minho. I can do things by myself.'' Jisung scoffed but he wasn't mad, he was just being too proud to prove his point about Minho not injuring him badly.

''Okay then, but what about your pajama? Are you going out in that?'' The brunette boldly added. It's not like he could let Jisung win with his point over his so easily. That wasn't how they worked, especially with each other.

At this Jisung flopped back down on the bed, his head thrown back in what looked a lot like a voiceless scream of exasperation.

''Just hand me a hoodie, and jeans. I'll figure it out, I'm so not changing in front of you.'' The blonde after a while muttered, immediately taking the clothes from Minho once the older had gotten them for him. Walking straight out of the room too.

The brunette shook his head at this, chuckling even; the day one of them was to give up and let the other win even the smallest of arguments would probably be the end of the world.

Soooo, I guess I accidentally disappeared for a while but in my defense I sort of watched two dramas without even sleeping for days, plus my sister visited from abroad since she lives in another country and I guess I sort of lost track of time :c

I hope you're all doing well and also please guys stay safe with the corona virus and all, I wanted to say that as well since the situation in my country is getting pretty serious. :c

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