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"You're Seungmin's best friend right?" Jisung heard someone ask him, well clearly to him.
Who else was Seungmin's best friend?

The blonde boy looked taken aback at first when Chan had arrived at the table the guy was sitting at alone.

With a small smile, more out of courtesy, he nodded yet he looked very distracted to Chan.
His attention was still clearly focused on his own thoughts.

"Can I sit here?" Chan asked kindly, receiving, again, a nod of the head while the blonde moved his backpack from the other sit.

"So, Jisung right?" He asked, not really knowing how to start the conversation. They didn't know each other and weren't friends or acquaintances.

"Yes, that would be me." The guy answered unsure.

"I'm Chan, Minho's friend." The older introduced himself.

"Oh right," Jisung answered. It didn't click to him instantly where he had seen that guy, Chan, before.

"Why are you sitting alone?" He then wondered again.

"Is Minho sitting here as well?" The blonde looked suddenly awake and probably ready to sprint away from the table and out of the room really.

"No, he's somewhere taking an exam actually, don't worry. I'm actually alone, me too, today for lunch." The older reassured him.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." Jisung looked genuinely apologetic.

"Don't worry, I'm not here on Minho's behalf to annoy you." Chan held a small smile just to reassure the blonde.

"Uhm, thank you?" He sounded unsure, what was he supposed to say in this situation?
Well, this was becoming very awkward.

"No but seriously, I'm sorry about Minho. Knowing him for a long time I know how much of a handful he can be. So just so you know, I'm actually ready to hit him if he annoys you?" Chan was smiling at him. Why was this guy he didn't know, proposing himself to hit his own friend for annoying him?

"Isn't he your friend?" He felt the need to ask.
He was sure that he could not bring himself to hit Seungmin or Hyunjin, especially for someone else. This wasn't right to him.

"Yes, that is exactly the reason why I'm saying this."

"Uhm thanks, I guess. But, uhm, it's not that bad. There's no need to worry." Jisung explained.
He surely was not about to let this Chan guy hit anyone. The situation was getting a bit surreal.

"Is it because I'm Minho's friend? You can tell me I swear, me and Changbin can have a talk with him." The older reassured, again.

At this Jisung smiled, he looked genuinely amused.
"I don't know who this Changbin person is, but if he can talk down on Minho then I'm his new best friend."

"I'm sure Changbin won't mind. Anyways did you guys have a fight or something, Minho looked bothered this morning and you do too?"

"When does he not look bothered," The blonde muttered before realizing that he was actually talking to Minho's friend.

"Okay, true, but I was just wondering. Also I'm sorry if I'm being creepy it's just that I talked to him recently and so that's why I know. I don't usually go around like this talking to people about hitting Minho." Chan explained looking a bit embarrassed now.

"Oh all right. Anyways, no it's not about Minho by the way. Don't worry I was just thinking. It's just thoughts." Jisung reassured, and it was true. He had even forgotten about Minho's existence for the time being, he was really absorbed in other thoughts, he wasn't just saying it.

"Fine then, still come find me if he does something." The older insisted.

"Thank you very much Chan hyung. But I don't think it will be necessary. I can handle him, sort of, anyways." Jisung reassured the older once more.
With this being said, he started to pack his stuff.

"I'm sorry to leave you so early but I really have to go somewhere before class. Will you be fine on your own?" Again Jisung looked genuinely sorry for Chan. This guy was so sweet that the older wondered once more about Minho's behavior.
There was something else that Chan was yet to understand.

"No it's okay. I actually have something to do myself. I'll see you around Jisung." The blonde waved at him when he was done packing.

Jisung felt actually sorry about leaving the other alone but he really needed to talk with his teacher. Even if he had tried to ignore the matter he still had to figure out a way to pass that class.

But since he just couldn't ignore the problem for ever here he was, walking in the office of his math professor.
He was really dreading the whole thing but he had to. He was yet to get the grade of his last exam, still he sort of already knew that it wasn't going to be good.

So once entered, when he had actually seen his paper on the table with not a very pretty grade stamped on it in red, he wasn't that surprised.

The thing was now, that Jisung had actually studied very hard for that exam, yet, he remembered feeling completely clueless while staring at the questions.

So he couldn't help the feeling of disappointment even if he wanted to. It was stupid really, it was just a maths test yet the feeling was still there.
He was totally going to fail the class if he didn't improve quickly.

This had been one of his main weak point since high school, he had argued with his mother over this many times. He was just not book smart. Math wasn't his thing at all, it never was, and that was final.

With extra exercises and an encouragement speech from his teacher, he had left the room feeling very frustrated. He didn't even have his mother's money to pay for an extra tutor or anything anymore.
He probably was going to have to ask Seungmin to explain the whole thing to him again. And the thing was that, he was surely going to do it even if he had to study for his own classes.

This day, again like many days before, was not his best day.

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