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For it to be a particularly calm Sunday night no one was expecting Seungmin's outburst at all;

So it was totally unexpected when Seungmin slammed Minho's bedrooms door open startling the brunette and the cat that was napping on his stomach.

"Jesus Christ Seungmin what the Hell is wrong with you?!" Minho shouted holding an hand on the left side of his chest. As if the gesture could actually do something to his crazy beating heart.

"Not me! What is wrong with you?" The brunette shouted back not even trying to have a calm conversation.

He looked at Seungmin, stared down the boy for three solid seconds before shouting, "Hyunjin come collect your boyfriend, he's terrifying me!"

"Minho I'm in no mood to play. What the hell is going on with Jisung?" He asked not at all fazed about the plead for help from Minho.

"Oh my God Jisung again, what did he do now?" He asked, sort of disappointed in himself for not knowing what this was about sooner.
Of course it was Han Jisung.

"Not him- you! What did you say to him?" He wondered barely containing his anger.

"I don't even talk to him?" Minho answered completely sincere, he had no idea about what was going on.

"Stop playing dumb Minho, for God's sake." Seungmin sounded exasperated, which was something that didn't happen often.

"Then please care to explain what on Earth are you talking about?" And to be fair Minho was just as exasperated as the younger.

"You made him sleep on the couch again Minho! I know how everything it's not relevant to you but this is plain rude. I don't even know how he ended up in your room in the first place but at least he had a decent enough bed and I was truly relieved about it but then you just kick him out like it's nothing?"
The younger finally worded out to Minho who was completely and utterly lost for words.

How was where Jisung was any of his fault or concern?

"Wait what?" And he voiced out just that because honestly nothing else came to mind.

Right in that moment Hyunjin came in running from the other room sort of concerned about what was going on. It was rare, extremely rare for them to argue. Let alone shout at one other.

"What is happening?" Hyunjin asked alarmed, both hands resting on Seungmin shoulders to hold him back just in case.

"Jisung is sleeping on the couch." Seungmin spat out clearly not calming down at all, not yet at least.

"Wait, why?" Confusion was now all over Hyunjin's face too.

"That's exactly what I was asking Minho." The brunette muttered clearly annoyed.

"Minho?" Hyunjin calmly asked side eyeing his best friend.

"Don't look at me like that, I literally have not talked to him since yesterday morning and I've overall barely seen him around. How am I supposed to know what goes on with his best friend?" Minho pointedly answered staring down Seungmin for a few seconds just for extra measure.

"Go ask Jisung, for God's sake." He added while shutting close his pc, not in the mood anymore to watch YouTube.

"No, you're coming downstairs with us." Hyunjin clarified, the sooner this apparent misunderstanding was cleared the better.

"Okay whatever, let's get over with this. I have no time to waste over such a stupid thing."

"How is he even asleep after all that shouting." Hyunjin muttered receiving a questioning stare from Seungmin. Only he knew how bad his boyfriend was at waking up, so it was hilarious for him to hear Hyunjin wonder about others sleeping habits.

Since no one had the intention of trying to wake Jisung up, Hyunjin for the sake of keeping both his boyfriend and best friend alive went over and shook the boy awake. It took a few tries before anything happened.

"Not again Minho, let me sleep." Confusion washed over all three faces but mostly upon the called out guy. Seungmin immediately glaring his way.

"That's Hyunjin and he is clearly not me so get up and have a talk with your friends, I'm out." Minho explained, a scoff barely concealed at the end of his sentence.

"What-," He mumbled confused, sitting up only to find three guys around the couch. The third one had intended to leave but Seungmin was currently keeping him in place by holding his hoodie in a closed fist.

"Do you think you're awake enough to talk?" Seungmin asked to Jisung who was barely keeping his eyes open. The voice of the younger now soft and calm comparing to what had gone on with Minho only minutes prior.

Minho scoffed at this earning a glare from Seungmin who still didn't believe anything the older had said.

Jisung nodded, eyes focused on his best friend.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch again?" This was the question everyone was dying to ask, since apparently none of them knew why.
And again, Hyunjin was the one to ask, the other two were being stupidly stubborn.

The question was as simple as it seemed yet Jisung looked nervously between the three of them, all gathered up in front of the couch. An anxious feeling suddenly crawling up his throat.

Had he done something wrong by sleeping on the couch? Or maybe he had misunderstood a clear invitation to leave the house and all of them were fed up with his prolonged stay?
Jisung was getting no where with his thoughts.

But maybe the fact that his brain was practically still asleep didn't help the panic running through his veins in that the situation too.

It wasn't anything bad really, none of them looked mad, except for Minho but he always did anyways, so why was his brain overreacting that way was a wonder itself.

Noticing the prolonged silence, Seungmin decided to explain forward and with easier words sensing the discomfort of the blonde. He had known him long enough to know what panic looked like on his best friend's face.

"The question Hyunjin meant to ask was, why are you not sleeping on the bed instead?" He clarified and at this the blonde clearly breathed out in relief. Okay, so maybe, no one was actually kicking him out.

"Oh, because the couch is clean now." With not much clue about the answer just received Hyunjin looked Seungmin's way, only to find the boy currently staring at Minho.
This the older couldn't know though, since he was looking at Jisung himself with the most exasperated look ever.

He now, clearly remembered saying to Jisung to use his room in the meantime of the couch getting cleaned, but not for a second the thought of the blonde taking his words by heart had crossed his mind.

He was thorn between calling Jisung dumb or just laugh: oh, if only Chan could see the situation he had initiated a while ago when suggesting (not really) that Jisung should've slept in the bed in his room he guessed he would laugh too, or maybe not.
He would probably scold him again.

Hellooo, since today is #StaySelcaDay drop your @//twitter so I can do some hyping instead of studying!! 💕💕

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