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As the next morning finally came the sky was still letting rain fall free, but luckily for Minho, it was just rain, no thunders. But this neither of the two staying in the same room could know since they were both fast asleep; in the same bed.

It was probably the most bizarre sight ever if someone was to walk in their room in that exact moment, but luckily for them, the house was still void of people except for those two.

It would have been really hard to explain to anyone really, how two people that basically did nothing but argue or ignore the other's existence, no in between, were sharing the same bed and were lying under the same blanket.

They were lying so close to each other that it was no wonder that Jisung could tell someone was beside him, even if he still had his eyes closed.

He honestly didn't care who it was, the other's body was giving out warmth, plus that person had a nice scent. But even then, even if he now remembered that the unknown body was Minho's, he still couldn't bring himself to get up from the bed. He was tired and he could feel the cold air.

The room itself was actually quite low in temperature as he could feel that the tip of his nose was cold. It was basically the only part of his body that wasn't under the bed's covers. So the thought of getting out of bed and away from Minho, even if tempting, wasn't an option.

He couldn't give up being warm and cozy just because of Minho. He treasured his sleep too much for that.

He wouldn't even dare to move or open his eyes afraid of waking the other up and being for sure shooed away. Actually, he could tell he was lying very close to the other, so the smallest movement could have ended up in accidentally touching Minho.

It seemed like the other had moved around throughout the night too, but it only made sense: he remembered Minho being pressed against the wall, so of course he had moved. Who in his right mind could sleep while resting on an icy wall?

He could tell that his hand was brushing against Minho's arm, he could feel the fabric on his half closed fist, as well as Minho's hand was resting on the pillow close to his face, really close.

But he knew his time was up when he felt the older slightly moving, nothing much, but from the pattern of Minho's breathing he knew it was less slow than when he was asleep.

"How did you end up in my bed?" Minho groggily asked, his voice soaked in sleep. He didn't sound exactly angry, it was more slightly annoyed but this could be because he was sleepy still.
Yet he was still lying next to Jisung so it was vague to try and understand what the other was thinking.

The blonde pondered if pretending to be asleep was a good idea for a few seconds, but it was probably of no use. Minho wouldn't skip on waking him up, he knew that for sure.

"You invited me." He answered a while later, he knew Minho knew he was awake already. There was no point really.

"Yeah not that, you're under the covers, in my bed." Still the blonde wasn't opening his eyes, he wasn't about to make himself go through the embarrassing situation of having to stare at Minho from only a few centimeters away, never.

" I was cold." Jisung answered it was of no use to try and argue saying he didn't know how he got there.

"You had a blanket what else did you need?" Minho asked.

"A second one" the blonde said reveling the other blanket he had underneath Minho's one, now with his eyes open.

"It wasn't even that cold, always complaining." Minho commented.

"You're being so annoying, it's like seven am." Jisung said slightly turning away from the brunette.

"No, I'm not. I'm only defending what's mine." Minho added, not giving up on starting an argument like always.

"Wait so you're saying I'm at fault when you were the one asking me to join you since you were about to cry about stupid rain?" Jisung shot back, quite bothered.

"You said you wouldn't bring that up." Minho said in a low voice, sounding close to offended, maybe.. hurt? Jisung wasn't sure.

"So what? You can call me out on anything while I can't say that you are-" suddenly an hand was clasped over his mouth and for sure it wasn't his own.

"Stop now." Minho muttered without looking Jisung's way. Angrily Jisung moved the hand away from his face quickly getting up and retrieving his blanket from the others bed.

Without saying a single word he walked to the other side of the room, dropping on his own bed, his back now facing Minho. Maybe it was childish, maybe it was appropriate.

He didn't want to see him, or hear him.
He was seriously angry. It didn't seem right to Jisung. All he did was help Minho out in a difficult situation yet he was still the one being called out. He had tried to help Minho the best he could since he seemed to be having an hard time, yet that was what waited for him in the morning.

He wasn't honestly one to expect always something in return, he wasn't that materialistic. Jisung had helped the brunette out of pure kindness even if for many he didn't deserve any. Yet Jisung hadn't regretted that, he didn't regret helping the older out, but still he was mad.

Did it even make sense? He had felt sort of proud for being helpful for Minho while he was having and hard time, and while his closest friends weren't there yet he couldn't help the feeling of disappointment, maybe, he didn't know if it was that even.

He surely knew the second he was to help the brunette he was not going to get the same treatment it they were to switch roles, or to put it in simple words, if Jisung was the one in need instead of Minho. He had acted out of pure selflessness and maybe that's way he felt hurt?

He really, really started to miss Seungmin yet he knew that if he called his best friend he would just ruin his trip, and he wasn't that selfish.

And just like this, the same feeling he had felt yesterday, that overall sense of loneliness came back washing over his bed like a wave, a wave of sadness;

w e i r d; 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now