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Minho had been waiting in his parked car for twenty minutes already seeing as he had declined the decent enough proposal of going inside of Jisung's house with him.

The blonde had indeed asked, probably, just out of politeness, as the brunette had reasoned to himself though the guy had looked hopeful for a second as he really didn't seem the least bit happy about going in, in the first place.

But it's not like it was Minho's business anyways where and why Jisung was going back home seeing as he ran from it not even a week ago, it was actually kind enough for him to drive the guy here and that was final.

Ten minutes into scrolling his totally random Instagram feed Minho watched as Jisung came out of the house, threw a bag on the back seat and quickly hopped into his car as if he was being hunted down.

"What's that?" The brunette asked while turning his car engine on, getting the hint that the blonde was ready to go.

"A present." The blonde muttered looking out of the passenger's window, acknowledging what Minho had asked only partially concentrated.

"And why did you throw it like that?" He continued quite fazed by the mood of the other guy.

"Because I don't want it, clearly."

"That's disrespectful, maybe someone else does need that." Minho pointed out, he didn't know if he just wanted to tick off Jisung or was curious.
Probably a bit of both.

"Take it and do whatever with it, I don't even want to know what is in that bag." The blonde mumbled clearly wanting to cut the conversation short.

"Well, free present okay." Minho shrugged still driving, though he did throw a quick glance at the boy catching on his upset mood.

As much as he was curios to know what had happened in those fifteen minutes, he wasn't that curios and for once he just shut up for the sake of it.

Jisung seemed extremely moody for it to be his own birthday that was for sure, though again it wasn't any of his concern.

So when Minho had parked in front of the mall he expected the blonde to throw a fit but instead he just unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car not even questioning it.

Taking the gesture as a silent agreement from Jisung the brunette kept on heading where he needed to go, stepping in the pet's shop.

He didn't want his poor cats to starve so this was his number one priority of the day. It was only when he got everything and intended to leave the shop that he noticed the blonde uncommon silence only to soon realize that the boy was not behind him anymore and probably hasn't been for a while.

As he politely asked the cashier if he had seen the boy he was pointed towards a shelf where indeed Jisung was kneeling down to pet better the cat that apparently lived in the shop for as long as he could remember since starting to come there.

The cat had an orangish fur that somehow came off as similar to Jisung's hair color at least under that certain light. For once in the whole day the boy appeared content or at least not upset, drawing quite the contrast with what Minho had to witness since waking Jisung up.

He wondered if he was supposed to get him or just wait for the guy to voluntarily stop playing with the cat that seemed to enjoy the attention given.
Seeing as he had no rush, he didn't bother the guy just yet instead checking out his text messages just to be sure that there weren't any changes from what his roommates had told him that morning.

Noticing that Minho was standing there with his phone in hand looking bored as he always seemed to be when dealing with Jisung at least, the boy quickly petted the soft fur of the cat one last time before walking over, half expecting the brunette to scold him for making his time go to waste or something.

Instead he was greeted with a nod towards the door while Minho walked out smiling sweetly at the old lady working at the cashier, a smile that Jisung had never the chance to witness as he was always met with a grimace or a scoff.

Jisung pondered wether or not trust his luck and ask Minho if he could go to the close by shop he had eyed first when entering the mall. He had made his mind up about getting a ring or maybe two a while ago but didn't actually manage to find the time or a ride to go.

"Uh," The blonde slowed down his walk as he had fallen in step with the brunette while thinking.

Minho looked towards him, his face quite intimidating but the blonde decided that trying wouldn't kill him, right?
Well, at least he hoped so.

"Can I go in there?" He shyly asked pointing with his finger towards the shop a few meters ahead of them.

"Do whatever, I'm going home." Minho muttered still walking.

"Uhm, okay." As given no chance Jisung slumped his shoulders even further, his mood getting dampened all over again, because yes the cat at the shop giving him attention had made him feel a bit better about himself, for how pathetic that must've sounded.

With one last heavy sigh Jisung pulled the seat belt out to wear it not wanting to get scolded by Minho once more during that day.

"You sure complain a lot even when staying in silence." The brunette murmured without making any move to turn his car on.

Jisung shrugged his shoulders at this, he was surely not happy so far in the day and Minho being like this since this morning had made him feel, well, sad.

He was woken up and scolded, went to see his mother and her husband and got given an overall look of reproach for no reason as well as a lecture for leaving his home to go and live with his friends, went to the mall without him wanting to, and then got turned down once he asked to see a store he was excited about.

"I hate seeing you like this already." He glanced annoyedly at the boy, his stare serious and free of humor.

"Like this?" The blonde mumbled sadly only half interested in what the brunette had to say.

"I mean in person."

"Oh..." Once again Minho was being rude, but really what was the blonde even expecting? For the brunette to feel bad for him and give in.
Well partly yes, he had hoped so for a second.

"But I guess... you can go in there but-" With an heavy sigh the brunette agreed to the blonde going to the damn store.

Not expecting that, Jisung smiled, a real smile,  and without even waiting for the other to finish his sentence he speed walked back inside leaving the brunette to wonder if he was supposed to walk in or wait in his car.

"-but you have ten minutes." Minho ended the sentence anyways, though the blonde was long gone and out of hear shot.

He was going to be in that car for a while.

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