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"You look.. wet," Minho commented upon seeing Jisung entering the front door.

"Thanks for telling me, I haven't noticed." Jisung sarcastically told Minho pairing it with a glare.

As it was obviously raining outside and he didn't have anything to cover himself with, not even his jacket had a hood or anything, he was stuck with getting rained on on his way home.

"You're welcome." Minho answered back, kind of conscious now that he had stated the obvious.

Without bothering to answer, Jisung started to peel off his wet clothes that were starting to stick to his skin giving him that itchy feeling that he was hating so much at the moment.

The only thing he truly desired in that instant was to have an excessively warm shower and sleep till dinner time.
And apparently that was again, asking for too much.

As he had walked in the living room to get a dry change of clothes he had instantly noticed the unmade couch. There was no cover on the rough fabric as well as the pillows were missing too.

"Why is the couch like," he was kind of speechless while he was gesturing towards the item while Minho watched him from the other room.

"Like this?" He ended up saying, not finding better words.

"Or don't tell me, I don't even want to hear what it was that I did or whatever." He muttered mostly to himself.

Like this the blonde left the room leaving behind a confused Minho who watched the boy walk into the bathroom and shut the door close.

The brunette was kind of speechless, what even meant what the other had said?
This was proof enough for him to prove to Chan and Felix that the blonde didn't deserve any kindness.

Here he was about to tell him and he had walked away.

"Unbelievable." The brunette muttered once more.
He had been using that word a lot since Jisung had entered his life. It was just that sometimes the blonde didn't make any sense to him.

For ten minutes Minho was left to fiddle with his fingers waiting for the other to finish his shower or whatever he was doing in there.

Ten minutes, only to watch the blonde come out of the bathroom, throw the blankets on the carpet near the couch and lying down on it.

"What are you doing? Have you completely lost your mind for good?" Minho incredulously asked.

"Could you kindly leave and turn the light off?" The blonde scoffed while facing with his back Minho.

"No I can't."

"What now? What is it? Tell me already I really want to sleep." The blonde really didn't want to put up with Minho in that moment.

"I had to take the couch comforter to the laundry," The brunette started.

"Well I noticed." Again, the blonde was being sarcastic.

"Because one of my cats peed on it." He explained trying not to mind Jisung's mocking tone too much.

"Why are you even telling me this? Are you trying to annoy me by keeping me awake or what?" The blonde was really losing his patience now.

"Since my cat did it you could sleep on the extra bed in my room. Just in the mean time of course." Minho explained slowly.

Jisung turned around still lying on the floor to look at the brunette. There was something missing, he was for sure about to laugh or make a joke about it.

"I don't believe you." And it was true, he really couldn't find himself to believe what Minho had just told him.

"Can you be serious for once, I'm telling you. Go sleep in my room." The brunette now sounded serious but even then Jisung wasn't believing it.

"What are you exactly playing Minho? No one is allowed in your room, me especially." Jisung pointed to himself now sitting up, he was seriously getting angry at Minho now.

They weren't on best therms obviously but this was taking a further turn, he was just plainly making fun of Jisung for no reason.

"I'm serious, now get up." Minho said his voice void of any sarcasm.

"No." Jisung answered with a serious tone, his arms now folded on his chest.

While mentally cursing Chan, Minho walked towards Jisung with long steps, grabbing the blonde by his bicep and bringing him up himself. He wasn't holding him tight or anything it was just the quickest way to get Jisung up, really.

Surprisingly even if he could see that the blonde was opposing to this he was still a light weight, very easy to drag around.

Just for extra measure the brunette kept hold of the other's arm til they both reached the room, Minho closing the door just in case.
He knew that Jisung was probably going to walk away if he didn't anyway.

"I changed the sheets earlier, go to sleep now and don't touch anything." With this being said the brunette freed the blonde's arm and left the room while closing the door after himself.

Still partially not believing what the older had said, he waited for Minho to comeback and tell him it was a joke but after a few minutes the tiniest part of him started to believe that the other was, maybe, being serious.

He decided to take a few steps towards 'his' bed, touching the sheets carefully. Kind of scared that Minho could have walked in any moment and scolded him, again.

The fabric felt very soft along with the blanket yet the most bizarre thing was the pattern of those. While the sheets were a pastel pink, the blanket had little cats prints all over.

It's not like Jisung wanted to judge Minho for it or anything, but for someone who seemed grumpy most of the time, he hadn't expected that. At all.

The thing was that most of the things in the room were pastel pink, he realized while looking around.
It was really an unexpected turn of events.

He finally decided to move the covers aside anyways and getting into the completely pink bed.

The moment he lied down, it felt like rebirth to him. His back was, for once, not crying out for help and his feet weren't sticking out of the edge.

To say that Jisung was confused was for sure an understatement, yet the only thing he managed to do was to fall asleep.

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