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There were times like this, lots of times actually in which Hyujin questioned himself on why he had been best friends with Minho for nine years. It could be counted as a form of voluntary work couldn't it?
It was literally hard labour not paid.

Thinking about it, Minho was older than Hyunjin, and all of them really, but still managed to act as a kid way more than Jeongin and Seungmin together which was a lot.
At least Jeongin was an actual child and Seungmin was seventeen.
Not almost twenty.

Minho had always been so naturally stubborn to the extent were most of the time Hyunjin had to just drop whatever argument they were having because there was rarely a way to find a solution to the smallest things.
It was tiring to try and discuss with Minho.

"Hyunjin you clearly don't get this! Think about our whole balance as roommates. It has been the three of us in here since forever. Plus you're only agreeing to this because Seungmin wants you to." Minho practically whispered-shouted back to his best friend.

For how much Minho loved his best friend (platonically of course) he was really contemplating wether strangle him to death with the pink sheets of his own bed was or wasn't a good idea.

For how childish that might have sounded the big deal was about Han Jisung (again).
Seungmin's best friend was going to live with them and this wasn't okay, not one bit.

Clearly everyone knew that he wasn't really fond of the blonde haired guy with an extravagant taste in clothes so why was Hyunjin even proposing something so absurd? He was testing his luck on this.

"Minho stop being so dramatic. You know that this is not about Seungmin nor you."

"I'm asking you and informing you about this because you live here too. So," The younger huffed from where he was sat on Minho's bed though not looking into the older's dark eyes that he already knew held a pleading emotion.

Minho was supposed to be the older and mature one, wasn't he? Hyunjin repeated this to himself .

"I knew something like this would have occurred sooner or later, so what am I supposed to do? Uh?
Just accept the weird guy in our house?"

"You know I don't have a liking in him. Not one bit." Minho arched his eyebrows in a frustrated way.

The younger was trying not to react too much to Minho's words, maybe because the sense of guilt he felt already wasn't a pleasing one.

Though at the same time he knew that Jisung actually needed a place to stay and staying with them, at least until he found a better solution, was his best option.
Jisung was his friend too.

"Well about this," Hyunjin started unsure.

"The only thing I'm going to say is that I know myself that you don't click well with Jisung."

"Well everyone does, but he needs a place to clear his mind for a bit, and he needs Seungmin too, actually."
Hyunjin left the phrase hang in there knowing that no matter how much he tried to explain things to his best friend he was not going to listen.

Also it wasn't his place to say Jisung's problem to anyone really.

For the umpteenth time the older huffed in annoyance.

"Jisung is not that bad, wouldn't you at least consider that?" He tried to make the other reason though he knew it was going to be difficult.

"Didn't you hear the way he talked back to me earlier? It's mutual, the hate, I mean." Minho glared at the door as if he was trying to directly glare to the boy staying on the couch in their living room.

"Oh come on Minho. Hate it's a strong word, you don't actually hate him." The older didn't answer to this.

"Just think about it and we can talk with Seungmin tomorrow as well, okay?" Minho looked something between pissed and betrayed.

"Yeah whatever where is he anyways?" He questioned.

"He's talking in the other room with Jisung."

"About this?" Minho asked annoyed gesturing with his hands around the room to exaggerate the proposed arrangement.

Hyunjin shook his head, not sure on how to answer. Again it wasn't his place to blabber about Jisung's life.

"I'll go check on them now, good night Minho." Minho nodded, not in the mood to answer even.

The moment Hyunjin left his room the older just spent a while looking at the ceiling trying to come to terms with that. This was til he was bothered by two light knocks on his bedroom door.

To Minho's dismay he knew better than ignore it knowing how is roommates were, so he lazily got up and opened the door.

The sight appearing before his eyes quite disappointing to say the least as there stood Han Jisung. Apparently for no good reason, at all, given the fact that the guy was probably the last person Minho wanted to see in the whole world at the moment.

Even less than his own mother, which was a lot.

"What is it?" He asked, annoyance barely contained.

"I'm sorry about the way I spoke to you earlier, I was riled up about something else. I didn't mean to talk back informally and cause a scene." Jisung spoke, voice small, way smaller than how he had been earlier at least.

"That much at least you know." Minho muttered back sarcastically.

At this Jisung looked up from where is eyes were
stubbornly fixed on the floor and looked the older in the eyes. As Minho could tell the blonde in front of him was clearly upset with puffed up eyes, not much, just enough to sense that he had cried priorly.

Yet he was skeptical about the words of the younger. The way the younger had acted only a few hours before seemed pretty much the way the older had figured the blonde to be.

"Are you forgiving me?" The blonde questioned unsure, not intending to leave till he knew he had apologized properly. Because as he had said before he hadn't meant to be rude, it was fairly a bad moment to attack him, so he had responded.

Minho stared incredulously at the guy in front of him quite surprised by the childish request. Although he had sounded pretty serious, what was he? Five?

"Yeah, yeah whatever, just- go to sleep." He gave in for the only purpose of being left alone. Though he felt quite weirded out when the blonde grinned at him before leaving.

This was going to be such a bad idea, Minho pondered again before shutting the door back close.

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