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"This is totally out of context, but the first ever picture of a black hole was released a few days ago!" Jisung spoke between spoonfuls of white yogurt, pointing the spoon towards the other boy just for extra measure.

He was currently at his best friend's place, more precisely sitting on Seungmin's counter top in the kitchen while the other was watching something on his pc. Probably some series he was into lately.

It wasn't uncommon for them to hang out like this, in fact they did it mostly everyday, to the extent that not even Hyunjin was upset about it. He had come to learn too that Jisung and Seungmin would probably put each other first everyday if things were to get bad.

They would just hang out in the presence of one other and still mind their own business without uttering a word to each other for hours and still be okay. It was the normality to them.

Seungmin upon hearing his best friend giving out seemingly random information for no apparent reason, nodded at this, having already seen the news somewhere else (probably the whole world had already) but never pointing it out.

"Who's yogurt is this by the way? It's so sour." Jisung commented still stirring and eating it from the cup.

"Minho's." The other muttered, still his eyes fixed on the computer's screen.

"That explains a lot." He mumbled to himself slightly thinking back about the few times in which the older guy hadn't been the most friendly towards him, or others as well.

"Speaking off, Hyunjin and Minho are coming back in like half an hour, are you staying for dinner?" Seungmin asked, this again, being very frequent.
Jisung just happened to spend a lot of time in that exact apartment, not even trying to deny that he liked it better there than his real home.

The blonde seemed to ponder over it for a while being unsure for some reason.

"Minho is cooking tonight, so that means actual food." Seungmin added trying to lure him into agreeing.

"I don't think so." Jisung finally put down the cup and the spoon, which made a clicking sound on the hard surface.

The blonde himself wasn't oblivious enough to not acknowledge that there was something up with Hyunjin and Seungmin's roommate.
He hadn't quite grasped on what it was yet but the not so rare glances thrown at the blonde by the older on most occasions were making him the slightest bit conscious.

It was okay most of the time for Jisung to stay over, seeing as Minho was often out of the apartment anyways. The only trace left of him being his cats who apparently had a better liking in Jisung than their own owner, but as for tonight he just wanted to shower, watch a movie and sleep.

"Are you sure?" The other asked again just for extra measures, making the blonde nod his head in response.

"I should probably head home anyways, you know how my mom gets lately." He left the sentence hang there, no further explanation needed to get his point across.

"Yeah I know, let me know if you need anything though." Seungmin added watching his best friend slip his teal colored puffer jacket on, before slipping his shoes on as well.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Jisung said before leaving the apartment making the door shut close behind his back as he left.

It wasn't even fifteen minutes later that the door clicked again this time signaling the arrival of his boyfriend together with his other roommate, heavy footsteps left by their tired bodies as they both came back from dance practice.
Both of them being particularly invested in this specific hobby.

"Hello." Seungmin murmured as Hyunjin sweetly leaned down to lay a kiss on his boyfriend's head, Minho instantly fake gagging a the sickening sweet gesture. This, at least, until he noticed something else.

"Why is my yogurt's cup empty and on the counter?" He suspiciously glanced at the cup void of its content while waiting for an answer that didn't take long to be spoken.

"Jisung ate it." Seungmin mindlessly said back, not a trace of guilt in his voice for not trying and stop his best friend to have food that wasn't his.

"And you let him eat my food? Unbelievable." Minho scoffed not even a slight attempt put into concealing his annoyance.

"He basically lives here it's the same thing as you drinking my juice or eating Hyunjin's chips, isn't it?" The boy answered still focused on his computer, not much worried about Minho's upset state.

It's not like Seungmin was completely wrong, Minho knew that for sure seeing as any of them was ever greedy in sharing what was bought in the house.
For some reason though knowing that Han Jisung had eaten it was making the older frustrated, more than it should have had anyways.
He could've at least thrown the empty cup away.

"Yeah whatever, I'm going to have a shower first so I can get dinner ready for us." He muttered last before leaving the kitchen not exactly in the mood to cause a scene, Hyunjin and Seungmin both exchanging confused glances at the boy's, once again, mysterious attitude.

"You look cute today, did I tell you this already?" Hyunjin smiled seemingly out of nowhere, his index finger gently bopping the nose of his lover, a slight pink blush on the cheeks of the younger.

"Yes, I think so." Seungmin murmured in some sort of trance.


"Yes this was like the sixth time..." The boy shrugged his shoulders, it wasn't uncommon for Hyunjin to compliment him. He did that a lot.

If Seungmin was to be honest he felt very, very lucky for having Hyunjin. He felt extremely lucky to have found him and anyone could tell pretty much that they liked each other a whole lot. It wasn't anything close to a perfect relationship, that's for sure, but it seemed like they could always work things out together due to their special chemistry.
Even if they'd always be around their own friends too, it was in those moments in which they could be this intimate and domestic that they both felt that particular bond that had been there since early in their relationship.

"Let's go out for ice cream later, we both have late classes in the morning." Seungmin said before leaning in to leave a sweet peck on Hyunjin's lips.

And just like that Minho's strange attitude was longer forgotten, replaced instead, by a lovely atmosphere.

a small insight into the Seugjin couple life, I hope you liked it. xx

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