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"Are we friends Minho?" To say that the question was unexpected, was probably an understatement.

Especially since the two had been silent for hours now. He wasn't exaggerating, he had been doing his assignments for probably more than an hour, and it looked like Jisung was doing just the same.

He swore he had seen him scribble down something only to then, stare at it, huff and run his hands over his face for more than a bunch of times. Out of the corner of his eye obviously, since he was actually doing his paper sheets, so he guessed that could pass as some form of studying too.

He wouldn't comment on it though. The brunette didn't even have a clue about the other's major.

"Why the question so suddenly?" Minho worded out just that, because honestly it was just that. Sudden.

"It's only a question, like many others I ask." Jisung shrugged, homework long forgotten and pencil tapping on the desk lightly.

"Yeah you do ask many questions..." The brunette agreed, still not giving out any answer.

It's not that he didn't want to, it was more like he didn't know. Whatever went on between the two of them was... well, complicated. Also Minho was never one to make friends on the spot, he was quite reserved despite his active personality. He really didn't know, not then when he was caught off guard with a very, very random question.

"But for real though! I paid for your food, I let you take my birthday gift, we even slept in the same bed a few times. Oh my god, we're friends!" Jisung eyes were wider now as the realization washed over him in that moment. Had he even been thinking about it at all before asking Minho? He supposed not, but he wasn't going to look further into it.

"We are?" He asked, quite uncertain.

"Of course, isn't that obvious?" Jisung was practically beaming now, a huge smile on display and eyes very attentive of any reaction from the older, he noted.

"Uhm, it probably is for you. Why so giddy all of a sudden?" Minho wondered, really not getting the excitement Jisung was displaying.

"What do you mean?" The blonde seemed to let go of some of his enthusiasm, head tilted slightly as if the gesture could make the understanding process easier.

"Nothing, just what is it?" Minho cleared out, gesturing with his hand towards Jisung for him to just hurry and say what he wanted to ask.

"What is what?" Jisung tilted his head even further, stilling the motion of tapping with his pencil finally.

"The friends thing, you need something right?" Minho tried to further explain, there was something he wasn't grasping on, he was sure of it. Why so happy and excited all of a sudden if not that?

"What else would I need when I have our friendship?" Jisung shamelessly said, his smile bright again. Bingo, he was trying to coax the brunette into something, he was sure now.

"Wow, so cheesy." Minho raised his eyebrows in sheer acknowledgement.

"Some more brain cells would do you good, but I guess we can't always get what we need most." He dreamily added just for the fun of annoying the blonde.

"Ya! I only wanted an iced americano, no need to be rude now." He exclaimed while (not even exaggerating) pouting.

"See? You did want something after all." Minho pridefully retorted back.

"Yeah, I swear though that our friendship was my number one priority, coffee the second one." Jisung was even smiling sweetly now, it was too much effort for one coffee in Minho's opinion.

"Just ask Hyunjin or Seungmin to get you some on their way home?" The brunette helpfully provided, it seemed like a reasonable option to him.

"No, they won't get me my coffee." Jisung frowned.

"Why?" He inquired, he knew better than try his luck with Seungmin and ignore his ban towards coffee for Jisung. He didn't want to risk anything, that boy was scary when he wanted to be.

"Because they said caffeine it's bad, but-! I only drink it once, maybe twice a day." Jisung rushed sensing that the older would agree with the other two boys no matter what.

"Well for just turning eighteen, it is a lot." He reasoned yet he was more than sure he drank just as much at his age.

"You drink just as much!" He exclaimed eagerly.

"But I'm twenty and I live alone with two cats." Minho worded back, it didn't make much sense to be honest.

"Pointless but okay. So coffee Hyung? Leave it or take it." Jisung perked up again, he knew when to try his luck apparently because the brunette seemed tempted to give in now.

"Let's go." He huffed out after a few seconds. It's not like he didn't want to go because he was actually craving coffee too, yet even if he could have managed to restrain his urges he was pretty sure that Jisung wasn't going to leave him alone anytime soon.

Jisung clapped excitedly basically jumping off from his chair.

"Wow if I had known it sooner, I could've bought our friendship with coffee, but look at us now! We even go out together!" Jisung said with his fresh coffee in front of him, while handing one straw to the older.

"Jisung lower your voice, that's exactly why Hyunjin and Seungmin won't buy you coffee." The older muttered in response.

"No but be honest. What else can we bond on?" He went on completely not acknowledging whatever the other had just said.

"Uhm I don't know, our hatred for each other?" Again, Minho helpfully provided his best option.

"Oh stop it! You don't hate me, we even sleep together." Jisung pointed out, though, it probably wasn't his best choice of words.

"That sounds so wrong please never say it ever again especially in public where at least eight people are in ear shot." Minho quickly mumbled while keeping his head low, staring at the very interesting table the shop provided.

"Do you perhaps like cheesecake?" Jisung completely ignored what the older had complained about before asking that.

It was a soft spot for the blonde, he had an undying love for cheesecake that had never faltered throughout the years. Some would think that the boy would have grown tired of it after trying probably every single one he had ever come across throughout his eighteen years of life, yet he was far, very far from getting sick of it.

"Hyunjin told you, didn't he?" Minho asked without looking up from his phone, there was no way Jisung could have guessed on his first try.

"Told me what?" He wondered thinking that maybe he had lost the point of the conversation or something.

"That cheesecake is my favorite." Minho explained, his eyes now on Jisung who now looked very happy?

"Wait. Really?" He asked excited for some reason.

"Uhm yes," The look Minho was giving him was probably funny for outside lookers, but the blonde hadn't noticed. He was too happy about what the other had just stated.

"That's my favorite too! Where have you been all of this time when Seungmin had been constantly feeding me pancakes. The boy has an obsession with them, I'm telling you." Jisung looked bitter about it, as if Seungmin had actually done something bad or harmful.

"I've always been there." Minho shrugged before resuming sipping his beloved coffee.

I'm so sorry for leaving you here waiting, I just didn't have much time to sit down and write throughout the past week. Anyways this is a very light chapter compared to the ones I've been writing lately but I hope you enjoyed it as much as I liked writing it!

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