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As Jisung had dreaded for the longest time the night before, still the Monday morning had come inevitably.

It's not like there was much one could do to prevent that from happening. (it's not like him, or anyone really, could stop the orbital revolution of the Earth, or anything of the sort anyways)

So after another long, draining, but most importantly, awkward early night spent with Minho, he had ended up falling asleep in the older's bed. Not much to anyone's surprise.

And all in all wasn't much content when he was, again, awakened by Minho.
It was becoming too usual, and he didn't like it. He was not keen on the idea of having Minho holding something against him, or that's what he thought was going to happen at some point.

Again, as it had happened most mornings in the last couple of days, the brunette was already dressed. Almost ready to leave, maybe he enjoyed watching the blonde run around like a mad man trying to collect things and make it on time at college.
Maybe this was payback for putting up with him.

But different from other times it wasn't really late, he still had almost an hour to comfortably get ready, which made Jisung lie down again. Not at all fazed that it wasn't even his bed the one he had been sleeping on.

"Shouldn't we talk?" The older muttered, when noticing what the blonde was trying to do.

'Oh, that's why Minho had woken him up so early.'

"Talk?" Jisung tiredly asked back, his arm covering his eyes while he laid down still.

"Yes, talk." He stressed, having little to no intention to let the topic be forgotten.

"About?" Jisung skeptically looked Minho up and down from his lying position. His arms now resting by his sides.

He wasn't at all convinced by the request of the older of having a 'conversation'.
He really wasn't one to talk his problems out, he preferred to leave them alone and wait for them to rather be forgotten or washed away by bigger problems.

It wasn't a really mature way to act upon yet he couldn't be bothered to change his ways anytime soon.

"About what happened two nights ago. And last night too." Minho was really not leaving out any room for wondering, he was set on talking about it.

"I don't want to talk about it." Jisung muttered while turning around, now lying on his side so he didn't have to look at Minho that seemed far too set on having the conversation right at that time.

"Well, I want to and I think you shouldn't avoid it too." Minho said, clearly giving not much of a choice to the younger.

"Why? You didn't want to talk about that night when it rained, got all defensive even, yet I have to talk about things?" Jisung to say the least wasn't having any of Minho's tricks.

He really didn't want to talk about, what even? His mental health perhaps?
With Minho out of all people? No way.

"Well, that's because you agreed to not say anything the day after, yet you did." Minho retorted back.

"But what was I supposed to do? Force you to talk and then leave you to sleep alone Minho?" Jisung was somewhat sounding exasperated, and it wasn't even eight in the morning.

"Jisung, we're going nowhere with this, so please calm down first, then we talk. And if you really want to we can forget that this conversation ever happened." Minho added then, giving some sort of choice to the blonde.

He sighed, it's not like the older was giving him much room for discussion.
"Fine, I'm calm now."

"So what happened?" Minho went to ask sensing that asking questions was the easiest way out of it.

"Nothing happened." Again, Jisung really didn't know what to say. Theoretically speaking nothing had happened.
Just some tears here and there. What was the big deal anyways?

"Jisung," The older called him out, not with a threatening voice, just one really done with the empty words.

"Fine, but really nothing happened. It's just that it wasn't a good day, something bad happened, over the fact that we already argued in the morning, and I sort of happened to react that way." He finished out, eyes exasperatedly looking at Minho silently begging him to just drop the subject already.

"That's all?" Minho wasn't done yet. Of course he wasn't.

"That's it." Jisung huffed out. Yet Minho didn't look convinced one bit.

"Stop looking at me like that! I'm fine, it was just a slip, it happens sometimes. It's literally nothing!" Jisung tried again, this time raising his voice, just the tiny bit of exasperation slipping through.

"So you just sort of snap into being depressed and drained from any will to live?" Minho tried to clear out what the other had told him, yet he sounded sarcastic.

"I guess." Jisung muttered once again.

Minho incredulously looked at the blonde as if to further point out how not okay that was.

"Listen, I don't know what you are thinking right now but I don't need pity. I grew up being like this and I don't need anyone reminding me how 'not okay' I am. I got over it in the past and I'm okay now, it just so happened to be a moment of sadness okay?" Jisung was getting somewhat angry now, if he wanted an opinion on his way of acting he would have asked a psychologist or a doctor perhaps.
This wasn't Minho's place to judge or give opinions.

"Okay, okay. But does anyone other than Seungmin know about it?" Minho was talking calmly how, maybe sensing that it was, actually, a sensitive topic.

"Uhm Hyunjin does, now you too."

"Your family?" He asked.

"I don't talk to them, clearly." He gestured around the room, vaguely giving the idea of the situation he was in; they were currently in.

Minho reluctantly nodded while still further wondering how much he didn't know. Not about the Han Jisung sitting on his bed, on his wrinkled sheets. But people in general.

Not to talk about the thick knot of guilt forming into his stomach while recalling every single slight insult he had thrown his way throughout their time together.

He knew it was extremely wrong since Jisung had already claimed to not want any pity, yet it was probably human nature to feel sorry for others.

"We never talked about this."

Minho found himself nodding.

Thank you for waiting so long for the chapter I just needed a moment to figure out the way I wanted the story to proceed, like for real;
Anyways so far I hope it's okay and to all the people that do celebrate Christmas, well Merry Christmas in advance. 💗

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