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It was already seven minutes into Minho throwing paper balls at Jisung yet the guy hadn't moved one bit. Honestly what was this about with the brunette always having to deal with the blonde sleeping habits?

Only when he hit right on his forehead did the sleeping guy stir from his slumber, opening his eyes just enough to give the impression that he was, in fact, not dead.

"I was threatened by Seungmin to wake you up because apparently at eighteen years of age you can't even get your ass up on your own. And I do fear that boy." Minho scoffed once Jisung started to sit up and got his glasses on.

"Thanks for that. Also a pat on the shoulder would have been just fine." Jisung added while looking at the paper balls scattered all over the couch and the ground, keeping a polite smile on.

"Bold of you to assume I'd want to touch you." The brunette mumbled with an horrified expression.

"And also why was my cat sleeping on your feet? I thought I was pretty clear about it, but apparently not enough for you." He quickly added.

"Uh?" Jisung asked once more, removing his glance from his phone as the text he had received a while ago wasn't exactly what he had wanted to see first thing in the morning.

From: Seungmin 💖
'Good morning Ji and happy birthday!! I left breakfast for you in the kitchen. Minho will wake you up in a bit so get dressed and tell him to drive you there. Let me know how it goes later!'
9.42 am

"I said-" He went to repeat himself but was quickly interrupted.

"You're driving me?" Jisung momentarily stopped the brunette quite confused by the text he had receiving about half an hour ago.
Seungmin knew the blonde well enough to know for sure that he had an habit of checking his phone first once awake, and he wasn't wrong.

"What? No. What are you talking about?" Minho confusedly asked.

"Seungmin texted me saying that you were. He must have threatened you real good." Jisung shrugged his shoulders before kneeling down where his suitcase still was since he had moved in the apartment to retrieve some clothes for the day he had ahead.

"It's not like I make your cats sleep on me, by the way. They are indeed tired after jumping around the living room for the whole night, now, aren't they?" Jisung annoyedly answered a while later sensing that the brunette was still in the same room as him, even when facing with his back the rest of the living room. And he was right.

Minho hearing him first had thought for a second that the blonde was once more talking or mumbling to himself as he always seemed to be. But he was actually talking to him he realized, and he didn't sound amused on any extent.

Any normal person now, would have apologized for the behavior of their pets as they were actually under his 'parenthood'. But the thing was though, that Minho was not very fond on apologizing in the first place. Or at all. Or at least not to Han Jisung, ever.

"That's their room and you invaded it with your stuff and well, yourself. Deal with it." He scoffed for the millionth time in the little time spent in the same room, or so the blonde thought anyways.

Now, to Jisung birthdays were never the happiest day, (he never had big expectations while basically celebrating the day he had officially gone an year older and an year closer to death) though that morning he had woken up in a decent enough mood that he had intended to keep for the day.
This was, at least, until Minho had talked to him.

And no, he wasn't being petty or anything.
He actually found the fact that Minho had woken him up kind enough even if he was a bit rude while doing so. Now though he regretted even putting Minho and the word 'kind' in the same sentence.

Even if Jisung was pretty sure that Minho did not know that it was his birthday, it's not like he wanted a nice treatment or anything, he didn't want to fall in the utopia either, he felt saddened.
All he had wished for was a polite conversation but, that too, seemed to be too much to ask.

On one extent Jisung felt as if he was back at home with his mother. Every single thing that seemed to happen he was always the one claimed at fault. That was exactly the reason why he had moved out in the first place yet Minho seemed very keen on giving him the same treatment.

For this reason he had gotten up rapidly, not even glancing at the brunette, let alone answered to him. He had left the room with the excuse of having to get ready in the bathroom though, the real reason was that he wanted to be alone for a few minutes.

His mood was quite dampened and that was exactly the last thing he needed, seeing what he had to do in the next hour or so.

Minho of course watched confused the blonde leave the room, sensing for a second that he might had done or said something wrong. Well as he usually would anyways, but it didn't seem like a Jisung way to act and that made him wonder once more if he had crossed a line.

Nothing though seemed to cross his mind as offensive, or ruder than normal. The blonde was probably overreacting once more or so he convinced himself.

It was the blonde's birthday today after all, as both Hyunjin and Seungmin had specified more than thirty times each since the last three days, so he blamed it on the hormones of the blonde.

Though once Jisung had come out from the bathroom and made his way to the kitchen to eat his breakfast, he was still awfully quiet Minho had noted.
Or so it was for someone that would hum a tune to himself just because, as he had said before, didn't like the silence.

He felt out of place for following the guy to the kitchen and watching him eat the various birthday theme decorated pancakes, and the small smile that had made its way on the blonde's lips at the sight.

Maybe he was the one overreacting, Minho thought for a second before realizing that he was actually the one staring at the blonde while he was stuffing his face in the pancakes.

So when the blonde was done in the kitchen and had gotten his shoes on, he just followed him outside of the front door, silently agreeing to drive Jisung.
Maybe, just maybe, he had felt the slightest bit guilty for being particularly rude with him on his birthday.

I updated today as I'm starting my exams in like nine hours and I might be away from wattpad and writing for a few days. Enjoy💖

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