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If this was rock bottom for Minho, he wouldn't tell. Yet in the back of his head the little thought that he was definitely acting on pure instinct and lack of sleep was very prominent, still his feet had took him there, and there was no such thing as backing up now.

The fact in itself that he hadn't told anyone about where he was heading, to not look miserable, was probably the only motivation that still kept him going. Pride, that's what this was about.

Here he was outside of his friend's apartment, still only standing in front of the door, one that he had seen many times but yet, for the first time, it was as if that door that had been opened for him on plenty of occasions, was now a source of nervousness and hesitation.

After all he hadn't even texted Felix beforehand to make sure that what, or better whom, he was looking for was behind that door, in that apartment.
And suddenly that too became another source of insecurity and anxiety.

He knocked finally. Once, then another time till the door was cracked open from the inside. Blue hair and an apologetic face appeared in front of Minho, probably ready to decline whoever it was standing before him, who was probably looking, most likely, for the person who lived there in the first place.

Yet he was no stranger, Jisung knew Minho way too well.

If Jisung's face had faltered at the sight of Minho, the other wasn't really sure, but at this point he was as well as doomed. Just his luck to have Han Jisung himself open the damn door.

Sure, he was the reason for which Minho had gone all the way there in the first place, yet it was probably the fact that after days of not seeing the other boy he felt startled and awkward.
Also, Jisung had blue hair now and that wasn't helping at all his situation. Distracting, that's what his new look was doing to him.

"Oh hello..?" With both his brows scrunched questioningly, ironically enough Jisung had been the first one to break the silence.

"Hi." Minho had chocked out because that was definitely the best he could manage for the time being.

"So, how have you been?" Attempting casual conversation seemed the best way to the older, yet the feeling of only be making things more awkward never left his mind.

"Never been better." Unsurprisingly Jisung's voice sounded extremely sarcastic. That hit Minho right in the face like a punch. The only thought ringing in his mind being 'it's your fault if you're so awkward with each other now.'

The few seconds of silence that followed were enough for Minho to take notice of the fact that Jisung was not up for conversation, not at all.

The elder had to think fast if he wanted them to get somewhere. With this conversation, or whatever this was going to be.

"Jisung can I come in?" At last he had asked, as if the other owned the place. He had a pleading hint to his voice, he really was trying. After all it wasn't like Minho to ever run after someone or showing up at their front door to sort problems.
At least Jisung had to give him that.

The shorter had only nodded, defeated almost, as it it would've been a lost fight to begin with to refuse Minho. He proceeded with opening the door wider and waiting for Minho to close it behind himself as he walked towards the couch, facing with his back the other person for which he had very mixed feelings at the moment.

"So what did you need?"Jisung again had taken the chance to speak even if looking frustrated, his hand running trough his now knotted hair. Minho too was frustrated, realizing for the first time how drastic his change had been.

From blonde to this it was a lot to take in, and it surely wasn't helping with the variety of thoughts in his head. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to say in the first place, would apologizing even make a difference at the end of the day?

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