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Despite his mind making up the worst scenarios of what awkwardness levels the car ride could've reached, honestly it wasn't all that bad. The meowing of the cat enough to fill up the otherwise silent space.

Minho being extremely true to his words, had contacted the vet and within minutes they were parking the car in front of the clinic.

The older helping Jisung by opening the passenger door for him, while the blue haired boy securely held the kitten between his arms, comfortably wrapped in the blanket.

The check up with the vet had turned out to be nothing much, it had gone fairly smoothly with Minho chatting back and forth, as the informations to keep in mind regarding keeping the small animal safe for the night were listed, as Jisung was pretty much completely ignorant about anything related to kittens.
His family had never been big fans of pets, so it really wasn't his fault for the lack of knowledge.

And within a quick check up and a promise to bring the cat back the next day, they were left free to go home. The silence between the two stretching out after they had thanked the man and left the clinic, till they were both sat back in the car with the kitten now secured in an arranged carrier, consisting of a box adequately cut on in few places for the air to freely reach the inside.

"Shall i drop you off at Felix's or do you want Hyunjin to drive you there?" Minho wondered out before turning on the car, Jisung could feel the eyes on him even if he was still peaking at the small ball of fur from the open top of the box.

"Oh actually I'd like to come home, if that's okay." Jisung mumbled before shyly smiling down, neither of them actually sure if the smile was for the small creature or towards his own words.

Minho swallowed down his pride upon hearing the other call their apartment home. It sounded nice coming from the boy sitting beside him.

"Sure." Minho nodded glancing away trying to tone down his small smile as well, as he started the car.

And to his surprise, as if it had been way too predictable and anticipated, Seungmin didn't even bother to ask about the two of them entering the front door together as they did so, but he did instead rest his gaze on the box.

"Uh, Minho, is that another stray?" The brunette asked skeptical, already figuring out the answer as soft meowing cries were coming out of the box.

"Ah, don't be too surprised, it's just Jisung, your best friend!" Minho sarcastically retorted, even faking a surprised expression.

"I meant the box, whatever is inside the box." Seungmin pointed out already walking closer to them.

"Actually this is my rescue kitten." Jisung guiltily admitted, only now realizing that he was bringing inside his friends house a pet, when they had not even once discussed about something like this being okay.

"Yours?" Seungmin asked again, curiously peeking inside the box too, now spotting grayish fur.

"Uh yeah. Pretty much I found them abandoned, and called Minho because I had no idea about what to do. I didn't really plan to take the kitten home, I guess I'll ask the vet tomorrow about this." Jisung explained sadly, peaking down at the kitten.

"Honestly I kind of don't really care, as long as you take care of it, we already have two, well Minho does but still, I'd be an hypocrite for not being okay with the cat staying. But I guess we'll have to talk with Hyunjin when he comes back and Minho too, since you know he has cats already and they might not fit well together." Seungmin looked at Jisung and Minho both, before going back to do whatever he had been doing before the two had arrived.

"Shall we just go upstairs then? I think I've a free carrier where the cat can spend the night other than this." He pointedly eyed the box, he knew it wasn't safe for the cat to travel in the car completely free, yet he couldn't help but pity the small kitten.

At least he could make the carrier homey with blankets and have actual light filter in.

As expected Minho quickly got the work done with setting everything down for the young cat, going back and fort between rooms to find spare towels and blankets.

And by the time Minho went to claim the kitten to settle them down for the night, Jisung looked on the verge of sleep too, with the small pet wrapped in his arms. His head periodically falling forward due to the lack of energy left in his body.

Silently Minho walked over gently taking the small animal away from the boy, and resting it in the already set nest of blankets and hot packs.

Jisung slightly getting more awake at the loss of warmth from his arms, as he lazily watched Minho set the cat down and coming to sit right next to him on the bed. Moving the covers away encouraging Jisung to just give up his fight with sleep for the night.

"What are you-" He started asking before realizing what Minho was doing.
The blue haired boy looked extremely cute like this, with ruffled hair and eyes filled with sleep, his glance kind of slower than it usually would be, still it was fixed on Minho.

"Going to sleep." Minho announced, not sure if Jisung would even register his words.

"But it's too early to sleep." He mumbled, blinking his eyes a few times trying to get rid of the tiredness. Still he scooted back making some space for Minho.

He was really trying to stay awake, but the series of events that had taken place, plus the familiar scent of freshly washed sheets, and now Minho's warmth by his side, were all doing something to Jisung. It felt homely.

He gave in shortly after, too tired to even protest or wonder further.

"I missed you, I told you that already, right?"
Minho mumbled seemingly out of nowhere, though he knew both him and Jisung were wondering the same things. His eyes too, were already shut, scooting closer on the pillow where Jisung was facing him still, even if barely, fighting sleep.

Jisung nodded tiredly, apparently satisfied with Minho's explanation. "Me too, I missed this."

"Let's talk tomorrow, okay?" Minho breathed out, probably his last coherent sentence of the day. Jisung nodded at that, not even registering the words anymore.

"Good thing you're warm." And that was the last thing Jisung remembered thinking and saying.

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