Searching for Someone

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Wei Ying POV

As soon as the curtain closed, Wei Ying disappeared from the stage. Taking refuge behind a vendor's empty stand he had scoped out earlier, he changed back into his plain green robes. He removed his mask which he placed in a small bag tied around his waist and pulled his long fine hair back up into a ponytail, securing it with his favorite red ribbon. 

His secret identity had to remain a secret, especially here.  He was supposed to meet his parents for the sword competition. They had promised him he could watch it after he begged them like a spoiled three year old which he did not regret doing. But, his nerves and his heart were still racing wildly.

He crouched down, finding solace in the dark shadows.  His mind was a jumbled mess.  He could not get the image of that young man with the golden eyes out of his head. 

Is it getting warmer outside?  Why won't my heart settle?

And that smile!  Damn!  That confidently possessive smile made him forget his steps for just a beat and he almost messed up the entire routine.  That had never happened before!

Wei Ying was unable to slow his heavy breaths or his fluttering heart.  So, he began to sing quietly.

An angel of the clouds
And a beauty of the lake
Their hearts are bound
As their true souls awake

When dark loves the light
And ice becomes fire
Each one's heart
Will find their desire

Two solstice suns
Each bound by their fate
Can bring back the peace
With love over hate

Wei Ying heaved a sigh of relief. His mother's lullaby never failed to center him and he stood up refreshed and ready for some fun.  He hoped he would get the chance to show off his sword skills and strode towards the open field outside the marketplace with rising anticipation.

Keeping his head down, Wei Ying searched the immense crowd for his parents but could not see them anywhere. However, he did see a certain someone.

HIS someone.

How could he have missed him in those brilliant white robes?  He stuck out like a blazing flare against the night sky.  The young man also seemed to be looking for someone and Wei Ying's heart dropped into his stomach.

He must be looking for the person who gave him the flower, Wei Ying thought sadly.

Wei Ying moved towards the field with downcast eyes, his shoulders slumped.  His friendly smile was absent from his handsome face and his steps were heavy.

Maybe a good spar would help him get his mind off the young man with the hypnotizing golden eyes. Yet he knew it would not. Maybe he should just leave.

There were many individuals on the practice field, each warming up for the competition.  The participants would be paired up and duel until one of them was defeated. The winners would advance to the next round until the champion was declared. 

Wei Ying did not usually partake in these types of competitions.  Not because he thought he would lose.  But, because he knew he would win.  What fun was a competition when you won every time?  Wei Ying had never been able to find a worthy opponent since the age of fourteen so he had given up challenging.........well, everyone.

He was still unsure if he would sign up.  It was risky.  What if someone recognized him?  His parents had taught him to never take unnecessary risks.  Wei Ying always thought that meant don't take stupid risks.  He always took unnecessary risks.  That was what made life exciting!

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