Creatures of the Night

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Lan Zhan's POV

Lan Zhan was used to regular night hunts. It was on a par with his other duties, just another chore to fulfil, after which he could retire to the Jingshi and read in peace, or play his beloved Wangji. These days his interests were few and far between, and he could add playing with his bunnies to that list.

Unbidden, silver eyes and a dancing body came to mind, and he secretly added another interest: his beautiful dancer. The softest fragrance of lotus flowers hit his nose, and he was brought out from his thoughts. He could watch the man dance all day...he wouldn't mind watching him read from a dictionary if it meant being alone with him...but reluctantly, he was forced to listen to Wei WuXian instead.

He didn't quite catch what the younger had said, and to cover up this mistake, he kept his face blank and continued to walk on ahead. He wasn't sure if they were supposed to stay together or not, but he preferred to hunt alone whenever possible.

It was comforting, walking in the deep forests at night. Here, he was away from the pressures of his family, what they expected of him, and how he was supposed to behave. Here, he could just be himself, just as he was in the Jingshi, no one to bother him. Out there, he was expected to outshine his brother on every level, the fact that they were related detrimental to what the world wanted.

Perhaps this strange competition created by outsiders was supposed to make them competitive, make them aggressive about it, but Lan Xichen just wasn't like that. Lan Zhan thought fondly of his protector, because XiChen was content to sit back and let Lan Zhan shine in the limelight, and Lan Zhan...hated it. It was a natural gift, the fact that he was better than everyone else, this thought not arising out of arrogance because that was forbidden. More because it was the truth, and Lan Zhan loved the truth. If he was better, it was because of his cultivation, nothing more, nothing less.

So when he followed the signs that the beast had left, like a huge lumbering oaf, even in this darkness, Lan Zhan had cornered the Aoyin easily. Its long and deadly claws were no match for faster than lightning Bichen, sharper than the fangs threatening to attack. Within seconds Lan Zhan had dispatched the creature to the depths of hell where it belonged.

The blue flare of the Lan Clan lit up the sky like a beacon, never failing to give him a sense of satisfaction. It was his clan, his family, and he would happily admit to feeling proud.

The rich earth in this part of the forest was pungent, petrichor thick in the air. Rain was imminent and he had yet to find the second beast. Rain was the enemy of night hunting, washing away clues without bias, making their job that much more difficult.

Just as he reached a clearing, the Wei Clan flare lit up the sky with a red light.

Lan Zhan could not explain why that made him happy. The young man was clearly proficient, having proved himself on the battlefield during their friendly bout. It made him feel better that they were equally matched, making this contest seem fair.

But his thoughts went back to the suspicious expression on Madam Yu's face, a mix of gleeful delight as if she was holding onto a secret. She was definitely hiding something, and Lan Zhan wanted to stay away from her and her schemes. If there was a character for her, it would be the one for "trouble" and if it were up to Lan Zhan, he would underline it with a thick brush.

The first drops of rain fell upon his face, cold kisses from the universe that washed away the clean sweat of honest work. Physical labour was a balm to an overthinking mind, and Lan Zhan slashed his way through the thickest of the undergrowth just for sport.

Feeling refreshed, he decided to change direction when the rainfall increased. It was becoming harder to keep his balance now, for the rain had turned the forest floor into a slick muddy path, perilous to the inexperienced.

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