Under The Moonlight

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Lan Zhan POV

Wei WuXian was talking but there were so many thoughts attacking his mind, Lan Zhan was utterly confused.

"Stop!" He said, wanting a moment of peace so he could think clearly. He took a few deep breaths while the young man stared at him, thankfully silent. Those silver eyes looked curious, but there was something else...Lan Zhan didn't know how to describe what else was there. When he thought he was sufficiently ready, he prepared himself and spoke.

"Please repeat."


"What you said. Last bit."

"Oh! Right!" Wei WuXian giggled. "I bet you don't remember a single thing, right?" He giggled again.

Lan Zhan liked the sound...but he forced himself to concentrate.

"Remember waking up." He could feel his ears getting hot and was grateful for the pale moonlight.

This night was different, set apart from all other nights like this. There was a hush all around them, as if the world was holding its breath, waiting to see what would happen. Lan Zhan shivered suddenly, feeling as if something incredibly important was going to happen, and soon. The stars still shone up there, as if paying homage to the moon, bright and glowing with her celestial radiance. Cicadas sang their song and the fragrance of night jasmine drifted towards him, but nothing could beat the soft scent of lotus flowers right beside him. He turned to face Wei WuXian, and found himself too close, staring deeply into silver moonlit eyes.

Desire curled like a snake in the pit of his stomach, and Lan Zhan wondered what it would be like to taste those pink lips, the ones being bitten by two perfect pearl-like teeth, shining in the dim light.

"So...aha...I said, that's where your famous Lan Clan strength comes from. No wonder I couldn't get away from you when you forced me on top of you that night at the inn!"

The mood was shattered and Lan Zhan could feel himself getting angry. What nonsense was he spouting? There was no way Lan Zhan would ever, ever force anyone to do...to do...that!

He pushed the young man away and stood up.


"No...what?" Wei WuXian leaned back, with a cocky arch of his brow.

Lan Zhan stared at him, his gaze zeroing in on the mole just under those lips he had been fantasizing about just moments ago. It wasn't fair...he wanted his dancer...didn't he?

"Look...you're obviously going through...something...so um...I'll get going." Wei WuXian stood up to leave.

But Lan Zhan couldn't let him go. He grabbed his arms and pushed him up against a tree.

Confusion, excitement and longing warred within silver eyes. Lan Zhan had no idea what he was doing.

"Are you going to kiss me now, Hanguang-Jun?" Wei WuXian whispered seductively, draping his arms around his neck.

Lan Zhan shrugged him off and pushed away, horrified. Both at himself and him.

Too much, too much, too much.

His head was a muddled mess, tangled thoughts that just didn't make sense. He clutched his head, trying to make it all go away.

But it was no use.

Only one thing would help now. He took off his outer robe, ignoring the way those mercury eyes widened in surprise.

Lan Zhan flung his clothes on the ground, but it didn't make a difference. The choking feeling was still there, as if he was struggling to breath. He ripped off the under robe too, and heard a sigh.

Focus, he told himself.

Then he went to the first tree closest to him and uprooted it. It took some effort, but evidently not enough. He moved on to the next one, exerting a little more strength and it made him feel better. Six trees later, and sweat pouring off his bare back, he felt tired enough to relax.

He turned around to find Wei WuXian staring at him as if he was some kind of dish. His silver eyes were unblinking and staring, and, was that drool at the corner of his lip?

Lan Zhan frowned. He went to the riverside and washed his face and neck, and his chest.

Wei WuXian made a strangled noise behind him.

But Lan Zhan was calmer now. He paid him no attention until he had put his clothes back on, focusing intently on tying them just right.

"Come. Sit." He repeated those same words to the young man who hadn't stopped staring at him.

Lan Zhan pointedly stared first at him, then the spot next to him.

Wei WuXian obediently came and sat down, shifting away slightly.

"Please. Start again." Lan Zhan was feeling much better after his physical activity. "You are correct. I do not remember anything."

"Alright...I can tell you what happened that night. But before anything else," he bit his lip.

Lan Zhan concentrated on his eyes instead. They looked sincere...and trusting?

"I'm sorry for lying to you. Now that you know who I am, you might be able to understand why I did it. My parents were terrified you were going to kill me." He grinned, suddenly.

"And you?" Lan Zhan asked, softly.

Those eyes were mesmerising. He was forgetting himself.

"Me?" Wei WuXian giggled again. "To be fair, it was a close call. Could have gone either way. But you want to know what happened that night, right?"

Lan Zhan nodded.

"You ate some of my food by mistake and accidentally drank some Emperor's Smile instead of water. Passed out straight away. Your brother said it was the first time for you. That, if anything, is unbelievable! You guys really don't drink, huh?" He leaned back on his arms.

"No. It is prohibited in Cloud Recesses."

"Wow...just wow...I mean, I've heard about your rules and all, but you know, up till now, I thought people were exaggerating. Sucks for you, huh?"

Lan Zhan shook his head.

"I like rules. Safe."

Wei Ying stared at him with disbelief.

"Please continue."

"Ah...okay. So then you woke up, like a few seconds after, and Zewu-Jun was getting you a room, because he said you couldn't go back home like that. But then he had an emergency, and I told him I would look after you. We went up to the room, but you didn't go to sleep straight away."

Lan Zhan stared at him. Why did he stop talking? And more importantly, why didn't he want to continue?

His heart began to beat faster.

"And then?" He asked, after Wei WuXian was quiet for too long.

"Er...we talked."

"About what?" Why was he getting the feeling that this wasn't true? Or perhaps not the whole truth?

"Nothing important. Anyway, then when you said it was time to sleep, I helped you get into bed, but then..." bright silver eyes looked almost apologetic. "But then, you grabbed me and did something to my pressure points." He stood up and pointed out the three places, known only to the Gusu Lan Clan.

Sure, cultivation of pressure points was important from a healing perspective, and each of the five sects had their own methods. But the Lan Clan specialised in this particular field, and some of their knowledge was kept secret.

There was no way he could know of them, without his experience. It wasn't possible.

And so Lan Zhan was forced to accept that Wei WuXian was telling the truth.

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