When the Past Meets the Present

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Lan Zhan's POV

Lan Zhan could hear someone calling his name....but it was muffled. He remembered one time when he was a child, and a strange fog had descended onto Cloud Recesses.

It had been so thick the Elders had restricted the residents from going outside too much, so their only excursions were to the dining hall and back. He remembered holding his hand up and not being able to see it until it was close to his eyes. XiChen had been talking to him, and being taller than himself, Lan Zhan had thought it sounded as if someone had stopped his ears with cotton wool, so everything was muffled.

That voice sounded the same...it was Xiongzhang...but he sounded far away. And then another voice, this one even dearer to him...Wei Ying?

Lan Zhan struggled to open his eyes, his mind reluctant to leave the deep sleep of unconsciousness.

"My love...Lan Zhan... won't you please wake up?"

This voice sounded so sad...Wei Ying should never be sad.

He used all his strength to focus on his eyes, blinking hard. Two faces were blurry at first, but then they became clearer. His Xiongzhang and his Wei Ying....relief on both of their faces now.

He tried to smile.

Xiongzhang helped him to sit up, and Wei Ying was holding a cup to his parched lips. His throat felt too dry, like it was lined with sandpaper, and his tongue felt heavy. The tea was mixed with herbs and it immediately helped, clearing his thoughts. He looked into Wei Ying's face, searching for evidence that he was alright.

Wei Ying certainly looked much better. His silver starlight eyes were as bright as usual, a healthier glow upon his golden face, and his red lips turned up in a knowing smile were tantalisingly inviting.

Lan Zhan couldn't help but stare in fascination at them, wanting to feel them under his own.

"Later, my love." Wei Ying whispered closer to his ear.

He held cool fingers to Lan Zhan's forehead and it felt like heaven.

"How do you feel, Didi? We are going back to Cloud Recesses very soon, and-" XiChen was saying.

But Lan Zhan had to interrupt him.

"No... Xiongzhang! Have to show you something." His voice sounded hoarse as if he hadn't used it in a week.

"Both of you are dehydrated and need to eat something first." His tone was disapproving. "A-Xian wouldn't eat anything without you."

Lan Zhan recognised his impatience with them both and had to smile.

"This one is sorry. We will eat, then show?"

XiChen's face cleared immediately and he smiled too.

"Good boy. And you, A-Xian." He turned to give orders to the waiting healers.

"Wei Ying should have eaten something." Lan Zhan could not hold himself back now, and lifted Wei Ying closer to himself.

The tea was wonderful and he felt so much better, enough to kiss his Wei Ying. He wrapped his arms around Wei Ying, holding him fast, while his lips tasted the sweet nectar that was only found here with him. Wei Ying was kissing him back and suddenly, it felt like everything was fine, like the settling of dust after a storm.

Lan Zhan could feel his wrist getting warmer, and he deepened the kiss, utterly relieved that his Wei Ying was safe, and here. Their lips met again and again, a soft silky slide full of love and promises. Wei Ying was pressed up against his body and his fingers were tangled in Lan Zhan's hair. Lan Zhan felt the tug on his headband...he was losing control fast, Wei Ying too tempting, too much and he was bending him back and-

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