Love Is Blind

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Wei Ying POV

Lan Zhan abruptly pulled away from their kiss and Wei Ying gasped. The look on his jade's face did not sit right with Wei Ying. Lan Zhan's eyes moved up and down his body as Wei Ying sat there as still as a rock. When Lan Zhan's hand was pressed against his middle torso, Wei Ying knew something was wrong.

"L-Lan Zhan? What is it?" he asked with a trembling voice.

But Lan Zhan remained silent. His golden eyes glowed brightly as he looked up into Wei Ying's startled silver ones. Love and need were painted with shades of confusion and worry across his normally calm face. And it frightened Wei Ying.

"D-Did I do something wrong? I thought.....I thought we were You didn't like what I....."

"No." Lan Zhan said.

"No?" Wei Ying asked, his bottom lip beginning to quiver as his heart twisted in his chest. "Y-You didn't like wh-what I...."

Lan Zhan shook his head. Wei Ying could see the panic building in those beautiful eyes of his fiance and quickly realized that they were both misunderstanding things. He took a deep breath, nodding for Lan Zhan to do the same. Thankfully, his jade listened and after a few breaths, they were both calmer.

"Okay. Now that we both have our heads back on, let's talk this out, alright?" Wei Ying suggested gently.

Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around Wei Ying and they both melted into the embrace. Their safe place really was here, with each other.

Without removing himself from the strong arms holding him, Wei Ying asked, "What happened? Did you feel something?"


"Okay, good. I felt something, too. But, for me, it felt good, like our cores were reaching out for each other."


"So you felt the same thing. Then, why did you pull away?"

Wei Ying tried to keep his thoughts simple. If he unleashed everything going through his head, Lan Zhan would never be able to answer him. So he restrained his curious mind and only let the most important questions and thoughts leak through.

He pulled his head back but only enough to look into those golden orbs that were darkened with uncertainty. Lan Zhan placed his forehead against Wei Ying's and took one more breath before answering.


Wei Ying was even more confused than before. "Black? What's black?"

"Wei Ying's core. It's black."

"You saw my core?! I thought only Lan elders could do that? Wow, Lan Zhan! You're so powerful! You just turned 18 and you can already see cores! Amazing! You're amazing!"

Wei Ying was literally bouncing up and down in Lan Zhan's embrace. The jade would not let him go. Those strong arms kept him bound and flush against his body. Wei Ying flung his arms around Lan Zhan's broad shoulders and hugged him tight. But even in his rush of excitement, he could feel the rigidness in Lan Zhan's posture.

With his body still humming, Wei Ying brought himself under control. Something was wrong.

"Lan Zhan?" he whispered.

HIs arms slid slowly off of Lan Zhan's shoulders and moved under his arms until they rested against his mate's back. He nuzzled his face against his jade's neck and planted a small kiss against Lan Zhan's warm skin to relieve some of the tension in the taunt muscles beneath.

"Take your time, my love. I will wait." Wei Ying murmured.

Lan Zhan trembled under his lips. A good sign. Wei Ying continued to place tiny feathery kisses up and down the length of Lan Zhan's neck and even gave a little pull with his warm lips on his soft earlobe until he felt all the tension leave the body he held in his arms.

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