Dreamers of the Day

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Lan Zhan POV

Wei Ying was ninety percent pure energy and ten percent everything else, Lan Zhan decided, as they flew towards Yunmeng city. He was merely tired, after all it was his time to go to sleep, well after nine in the evening. But Wei Ying, who had been practically falling asleep on their bed, was behaving like a spring chicken, rejuvenated and excited, leading the way.

Lan Zhan had no idea what he wanted to show him, but if Wei Ying led him anywhere, he would follow, of that he was certain. They landed not too far from the main square, in a little alley filled with crates. The pungent odour of garlic and onions assaulted his nose, while the hustle and bustle of last minute traders shouting about their wares hurt his ears. He was distracted just as Wei Ying pulled off his robe.

Lan Zhan didn't mean to swear. Honestly, he didn't...but it was so sudden, how Wei Ying's robes came off and how much that affected Lan Zhan. He could not breathe, not when there was so much beautiful skin within worshipping range. Bare and soft, Lan Zhan didn't mind his scars, not now that he knew how Wei Ying had got them. Instead, he felt a tenderness towards this young man, that he had silently suffered so much. Sharply followed by the desire to do something about it...

He caught himself staring at a shameless husband-to-be, silently laughing at Lan Zhan's embarrassment, and so Lan Zhan turned around, his ears burning hotter than a noonday sun.

"Okay, you can turn around now."

Lan Zhan suppressed a shiver at those intoxicating words. His voice already sultry and low, set a fire burning deep inside the cold Jade as he slowly turned around.

Why was it so hard to breathe?

It was one thing to know that Wei Ying was Mo XuanYu, and a totally something else to see him in person, right in front of him.

Wei Ying gave him a seductive twirl, and stood, letting him drink in the perfection of his dancer at last. Red robes that bled into smoky black, complete with that delectable red ribbon in his hair, his ponytail flowing in the breeze, and Lan Zhan fell in love all over again.

"Mo XuanYu..." Lan Zhan breathed out, helpless to look away.

His beautiful dancer in all his glory was here at last and Lan Zhan wanted him. Those smoking silver eyes, flaming with a desire that matched his own, that subtle arch of his perfect brows and....that mole. Electricity hummed through his veins, scorching him with the realization that he would never see or want something so beautiful again, coupled with the honest thought that he did not care.

Wei Ying was Mo XuanYu, and Mo XuanYu was Wei Ying.

It all made sense now.

And yet, despite everything, all the obstacles Lan Zhan had to face, that they would still have to face, all Lan Zhan wanted to do was kiss him.

Again and again.

Wei Ying applied the makeup that hid his mole, and Lan Zhan missed it immediately. But he said nothing, watching as his dancer led the way out of the alley and straight into the throng of people.

As soon as he set foot in and among the crowd, Lan Zhan was amazed that his Wei Ying was instantly recognised. Perhaps Mo XuanYu was more famous than Lan Zhan knew or could have anticipated, because here, everyone seemed to know him.

And Wei Ying was equally and magically friendly with everyone. Lan Zhan had not realised he was holding his breath, one hand gripping Bichen tightly, ready to go and defend his dancer if anyone so much as looked at him wrong.

But it was Lan Zhan who was wrong.

The crowd loved Wei Ying's easy manner and ability to charm every soul, from the youngest spectator to the oldest grandmother, he had them eating out of his palm without any effort. He even managed to arrange a mini band from the locals, ready to play him some music.

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