The Grand Tour

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Wei Ying POV

Wei Ying felt pleased with himself that he was able to get Lan Zhan to leave Jingshi so easily. He hadn't really lied. He thoroughly enjoyed a glass of warm milk before bed which he had not had since leaving his home all those weeks ago. But there was something else he wanted more.

As soon as his jade was out the door, Wei Ying began putting his plan into action. He knew from the look in Lan Zhan's eyes after waking that his fiance had been ashamed of what had been done to him by his clan elders. What had happened had not been Lan Zhan's fault and Wei Ying was going to show him there was nothing to forgive.

He removed his outer robe leaving only his scarlet red inner one wrapped around his sinewy frame. He had remembered seeing brilliant blue flowers growing around Jingshi and quickly ran outside to gather a few to bring inside. Before he knew it, there were not only tied bunches of the flowers in various bowls and cups, but single bursts of color all over the floor and bed. The entire house was filled with the aroma of the small flowers.

Next, Wei Ying lit extra lanterns giving the room an ethereal glow. Their warmth spread through him as he became more excited for Lan Zhan's return. Removing his red ribbon, he rushed over to his bag, pulled out his comb, and began running it through his long hair. Even after pulling out all the tangles, Wei Ying continued to comb his tresses until it became silky with a natural sheen that glistened in the soft light.

When he placed his comb back in his bag, his fingers brushed against the soft material of his dancing robes. Deeper down, he touched the cold metal of his mask. A thrilling charge of energy coursed through his body.

I shouldn't, he thought.

But then again, Wei Ying never did listen to reason. Even his own.

"Wei Ying. I am back. May I enter?" Lan Zhan asked so politely.

Such a gentleman.

"You may enter, my Jade." he called back, his voice sultry.

Lan Zhan hesitated a moment before opening the door. His eyes were down and Wei Ying held in a giggle at his fiance's respectfulness. Turning around with the jug of warm milk atop a small tray, Lan Zhan raised his head, his eyes following the motion.

Wei Ying stood there, dressed only in his rose-colored inner robe. His face was partially hidden by Mo Xuanyu's elaborate silver mask and his hair was pulled neatly into a high ponytail with his famous red ribbon. Silver eyes peered out from the shadows cast by the lanterns across the mask. Thick lashes blinked seductively, beckoning Lan Zhan to come closer.

The Second Jade froze. The tray held in his hand began trembling like a mouse's whiskers. His breathing deepened and his nostrils flared. Wide, golden eyes glowed with a matching fire to the lantern's flickering in the corners.

Wei Ying drifted closer. His bare feet barely made a sound, his steps confident and agile. Bunny teeth peeked out from behind his perfectly bow-shaped lips as he watched Lan Zhan take a half step towards him.

"Lan Zhan." Wei Ying murmured. "Thank you for getting me the milk."

Lan Zhan gulped and Wei Ying could not help but stare as his prominent Adam's apple bobbed up and down his thick, muscular neck.

"W-Wei Ying is we-welcome." his jade stuttered.

Hands that had held both fan and sword reached out to take the jug from the bamboo tray. Wei Ying pulled the blue piece of cloth off the top and began taking large swigs of the white liquid within. He felt the warmth of the milk flow down his throat and fill his belly. Before he finished the final swallow, a trickle of milk escaped his lips, passed silently over his small mole, and began a precarious journey down his chin and neck.

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