Family Reunion

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Wei Ying POV

It had been almost a year since the Wei Clan heir had seen his best friend, Jiang Cheng. The two had met as young children during a yearly celebration of their neighboring clans and had immediately bonded. Even Jiang Wanyin's older sister, Jiang Yanli, played with the two boys, the three of them inseparable after that night.

Wei Ying's father, after punishing his reckless son for the little stunt he pulled on stage, agreed to stop in Lotus Pier so the families could share a meal together before their return to Yiling.

Okay, so what if Wei Ying had whined and begged like a five year old child? He was willing to do anything to be able to have fun with Wanyin and A-Li again.

Actually, all three family members were excited to be seeing their friends again. Wei Changze had sent word ahead and received a response within a few hours welcoming him and his family to dine with Jiang Fengmian and his family in his home.

It had taken the Wei's an entire day to reach Lotus Pier even at a quick pace and Wei Ying was exhausted. The events of the previous days had drained his energy and weakened his core. He could barely keep his eyes open. The rhythmic swaying of the large boat they had rented and his mother's tender fingers combing through his hair as his head rested in her lap relaxed his sore muscles and made his eyelids heavy.

Just as he was about to fall deep asleep, Mao Shing announced, "We are here, Clan Leader Changze."

Wei Wuxian perked up instantly, leaping off the boat before it even reached the wooden dock. He sprinted down the pier filled with fishermen busy folding up their nets and carrying baskets full of their daily catch. The smell of fish and crabs bombarded his nostrils. Even though it wasn't the most pleasant smell, it still brought him memories of his childhood. So he breathed deeply, his legs leaping over wayward creatures hoping to return to their watery home and dodging busy townsfolk unaware of a speeding young man in black.

Wei Ying saw the Jiang family standing on the shore and waved to them excitedly. His warm smile illuminated his handsome face and the surrounding bystanders could not help but smile back.

"Jiang Cheng! Shijie!" Wei Ying cried out joyously.

The two Jiang siblings stepped forward and met their friend with open arms. The three hugged briefly before Wei Wuxian looked up and saw the disdain on their mother's face.

He quickly pulled back and bowed respectfully, avoiding eye contact with the woman called the Purple Spider. Wei Ying's parents came up behind him, his mother wrapping her arm protectively around her apologetic son.

"Clan Leader Fengmian." Wei Changze addressed the tall regal man and his wife, Yu Ziyuan.

Wei Ying's entire entourage bowed before the Jiang family.

"Thank you for allowing us this last minute visit." Wei Ying's father said kindly.

"Oh, please, Wei Changze. Think nothing of it." Jiang Fengmian responded back with a wave of his hand. His face was kind and his gaze soft. "The children have not seen each other in ages. And, we have not shared a drink in almost as long. Come. Please. You must be tired after your long journey."

"Hmph." Yu Ziyuan huffed. "They only left Caiyi Town last night."

Out of the corner of his eye, Wei Ying saw Jiang Cheng do his ridiculous eye roll and had to hold back the laughter bubbling up inside him. He curled his lips inward, his teeth biting down on the inside of them trying to stop the inevitable giggle. Jiang Yanli sighed and closed her faintly shadowed eyelids to avoid looking at the two troublesome boys.

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