The Verdict

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Wei Ying POV

"M-m-marriage?" Wei Ying stuttered in shock.

His eyes were as wide as the inside of a Qiankun bag with a gaping mouth to match. Glancing at Lan Zhan, Wei Ying realized he was not the only one praying they had misheard his grandmother's words. The jade's golden eyes were wider than usual but only by a hair's breadth. No one else would have noticed but Wei Ying did.

Over the past few weeks he had stared, studied the cold jade's face with intense scrutiny. He had never met someone who could hide their feelings so well under a disguise of indifference. Lan Zhan often revealed more emotions during his sleep than when he was awake. Subtle twitches, little flutters of his eyelashes, and a softening of his lips were all things Wei Ying had noticed.

Even now, Wei Ying could see minute changes in Lan Zhan's features. It was like knowing how to read a secret code that was unbreakable to everyone else. His hand rose to touch the pale skin that looked like the creamiest milk but stopped short when Lan Zhan looked at him with the saddest eyes.

"Yes! It's a brilliant solution, don't you think?" Baoshan Sanren chirped as she swirled around in circles in front of them.

"No! I don't actually." Wei Ying answered honestly. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at his surprisingly happy grandmother.

"What's wrong, my child? We're giving that hairy spider what she wants, saving your boyfriend's life, and giving you the perfect excuse to search for the person who actually hurt your mother. See?  Perfect!"

"Boy....boyfriend? Grandmother!" Wei Ying gasped overly dramatic.

Hearing that word made Wei Ying's insides warm but he would never admit to it. Looking at Lan Zhan, who was still frozen like a perfectly carved jade statue, he knew this plan was never going to work. Why would the Second Jade of Gusu ever agree to such a ridiculous suggestion? How could he force Lan Zhan to go through with something he knew would just make the man hate him even more?

Baoshan Sanren stopped her happy dance and stood in front of them with a look so serious Wei Ying coward slightly behind Lan Zhan's white robes.

"Why do you keep denying it? You both feel it. The pull towards each other. You can't ignore it. Nor can you fight it." She stepped to stand directly in front of the motionless statue. "You feel it in your heart when the other is near, an irresistible urge to be next to him. The way your body tingles when you touch. When you're apart, it's like the world loses its color. Tell me the truth, Hanguang-jun of the Lan Clan.....tell me you don't know what I'm talking about."

Wei Ying pried his eyes off his grandmother and centered them on Lan Zhan. He watched expectantly as the jade slowly blinked and then turned his golden eyes until they captured Wei Ying's silver ones. There was a somberness hidden deep underneath the glimmering amber. Wei Ying did not want to be the reason for that sadness. He wanted to take it away and never let anything hurt the pure soul standing next to him.

"I have a confession." Lan Zhan said clearly.

Is he already betrothed? Probably. Is he married? No! He would have told me. He probably made an oath of celibacy when he came of age. It's because I'm a man, right? That has to be it!

So many thoughts galloped through Wei Ying's tortured mind. He should have been happy for Lan Zhan if he had found love. And, if the jade admitted that he cared for another, then that is what Wei Ying would feel. At least, that's what he would tell Lan Zhan. Even if he was lying to himself.

"Love someone else." said the jade. His face fell as he turned back to Baoshen Sanren.

I knew it! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! He belongs to someone else. Someone else holds Lan Zhan's heart. It is not mine to take. He is not mine to love. He never was.

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