A Healing Touch

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Wei Ying POV

The smell of his own skin burning was nothing new to Wei Ying. He had endured it before. He would endure it again. Yet this time it was different. The pain was deeper. Almost paralyzing.

And, he was hallucinating.

Wei Ying heard Lan Zhan's voice and felt his presence but his eyes would not open. Actually, he did not want to open them. Then His Jade would disappear, his savior nothing more than a dream. He laid on the floor waiting for Madam Yu's wrath to strike again. But nothing happened.

"Do not touch him!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Future husband. You have no right to strike him. Step away."

"This is MY home and I will damn well do as I please!"

"Not any more."

The sounds of metal clashing with energy bombarded Wei Ying's ears. His consciousness was fading in and out but he could still hear everything. Madam Yu's screams of anger and frustration. Lan Zhan's steady breathing. The snapping of a wooden chair, the crashing of a large portrait.

And then...there was silence.

Wei Ying rolled from side to side, his fists clenched in front of his weeping wound. Lan Zhan's voice rippled inside his mind as he tried to sit up before collapsing back down on the hard wooden floor. A tiny whimper escaped his pale thin lips. Footsteps rushed to his side and he cowered away from them, assuming the fetal position to protect his agonizing wound.

"Wei Ying." a soft voice whispered above him.


"Yes. Me. Safe now."

Wei Ying felt strong arms slide under his shoulders and legs and, before he could prepare himself, was lifted up against cool robes. He could no longer hold in his cries of suffering and yelled in pain. Even though his closed eyes blocked his view, a deeper darkness fought to take hold. Using all his strength, he opened his silver eyes and looked up into Lan Zhan's beautiful face.

The jade's expression was one of extreme concern and Wei Ying's pain deepened.

"I'm s-sorry, Lan Zhan. I didn't w-want to worry you." he breathed out.

"No sorry between us. She will be dealt with. Won't hurt you again. I swear."

Lan Zhan's voice was dark and dangerous yet to Wei Ying it was overflowing with love and tenderness. He rested his head in the crook of Lan Zhan's neck. Wei Ying could feel the jade's racing pulse under the thin skin and tried to calm it with his words.

"I'll be fine, Lan Zhan. I-I just need some rest. Take m-me to our room. Please."

When Lan Zhan did not reply, Wei Ying looked up. The jade's face was frozen in unwavering determination.

"Where are you..." he mumbled.


Wei Ying stiffened, his eyes wide. "No! My parents are...."

"They need to know."

Wei Ying struggled to free himself from the immovable arms carrying him. The pain on his chest bit into his skin like voracious dragon teeth, drawing out a loud groan from his pressed lips. He wove his trembling fingers into the soft white robes.

"You can't! Please don't, Lan Zhan! I won't add to their pain right now. Take me to our room. Please. I'm begging you."

Lan Zhan stopped mid stride, his golden eyes finally looking down and meeting Wei Ying's tear-filled bloodshot ones. With a heavy sigh, he changed direction and headed straight for their room with long strides. Wei Ying relaxed, exhaustion quickly numbing his body.

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