Nurturing and Lotus Flowers

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Lan Zhan POV

The question sat heavily between them. Wei Ying had spoken in a low voice, and one glance around them, told Lan Zhan that whatever he would say next to the younger man, would not be overheard. Plus there was much he wanted to say, and ask, of his husband-to-be.

"What do you think Wen Zhuliu meant when he told the girl her core was the wrong colour?" Was what Wei Ying had asked him, and now he wondered just how much to tell him.

"Does Wei Ying not know about this?"

Wei Ying shook his head, many questions dancing in his eyes.

For a second, Lan Zhan found he couldn't look away, and then he remembered everything that had happened just a few moments ago.

"I will explain...if you answer my question." Lan Zhan was only just beginning to trust this man...but in the eyes of his family and sect, he was still the enemy. Even if he himself did not share those views any longer, it would not do to put his people at risk.

He asked himself if he could rely upon anything the other told him, and was terribly surprised to find out that yes, he could. Other than lying about his identity for obvious reasons, Lan Zhan thought back and realised that Wei Ying had only told him the truth up till now.

"Of course, what is it?" Wei Ying shuffled closer on the boulder they were resting on, and took his hand.

Such a simple touch.

Lan Zhan was immediately feeling better, and looked at their joined fingers. Warmth radiating from each other, the smoothness of his skin, and the miracle that he wanted to comfort Lan made his ears heat up. There was strength there, offered without obligation, and Lan Zhan felt grateful for his support.

Besides, he was far too aware of their touching thighs. In fact, Wei Ying's whole body was pressed into his side, as if seeking some sort of relief, and this was what Lan Zhan wanted to ask him about.

"Does Wei Ying feel this?"

"What do you mean?" The other asked, wariness in his eyes.

Lan Zhan tried to search for the right words. He did not wish to put Wei Ying on edge, but like so many times before and with other people, he had voiced his concerns in a manner which distanced rather than brought them together, and he did not want to question why that hurt him when it applied to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying was looking at him now, the wariness replaced with care and concern instead.

"Lan Zhan..." He spoke softly.

Even hearing his own name upon those beautiful lips made him feel warm inside, and he understood why Wei Ying had asked him to repeat his name before.

"You know, I get the feeling that it's harder for you to say what you want, because you're afraid. I'm not sure, but I'm going to take a guess, alright?" He waited for Lan Zhan to nod, before continuing. "I think in the past, you might have said things, but they... might have come out wrong. And I think that would have led to many misunderstandings. So I'm going to make a suggestion, okay?"

Lan Zhan nodded, amazed at how much he already understood. Tears came to his eyes, mostly out of frustration.

Wei Ying sucked in a breath and tenderly wiped under his eyes.

"This is going to be your safe space. Mine too," he quickly added. "Me and you, we can be each other's boat in a storm, a lifeline. Do you agree?"

Lan Zhan liked this idea.

So much so, he was already enveloping Wei Ying into a tight hug, squeezing his own eyes so more tears would not leak out. Again he felt that pull, as if something from his insides was connecting, reaching out. He had never felt this way before.

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