Insights and Monsters

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Lan Zhan POV

Jiang YanLi was surprisingly good at finding fresh lotus pods. Lan Zhan was done within fifteen minutes, and as he bid her farewell, thanking her for helping him, he thought about how happy Wei Ying would be. His arms were laden with the requested delicacy.

Although, he had never eaten lotus pods before ... . What exactly did they taste like? Maybe he should give Wei Ying some peaches too, just in case these were bitter. So with this thought in his mind, Lan Zhan entered their room and looked for the bag he had seen Wei Ying carry. He thought he had seen Wei Ying drop a few peaches in there, and rather than seeing them get squished, it would be nicer to offer them on a plate.

He tipped the bag upside down on their bed, trying not to think about the fact that there was only one bed, and he would have to lie down next to Wei Ying...

But imagine his surprise, when he found other things.

There was the usual mess of extra ribbons and combs, but now his hands were full of something else.

Peaches forgotten, Lan Zhan studied the bottles of makeup with interest, wondering why they were there. Had he picked up a lady's bag by mistake? But then the peaches wouldn't be here, and besides, it definitely looked like Wei Ying's bag. He examined the outside of it again, and was shocked to see the characters for Mo XuanYu embroidered just under the handle.

Why would Wei Ying have Mo XuanYu's bag?

What possible reason could he have,! It couldn't be...could it?

He sat down heavily, the bottle in his hand. He read the instructions; it was a concealer of some kind. The description suggested it was used to hide marks or scars...or moles, his brain supplied helpfully.

And then he thought back to that song Wei Ying had been humming.


In his mind's eye, he saw Mo XuanYu's dance and he clearly heard that same tune. That was where he had heard the music. It was the same one playing in the second dance, when he had gone looking for his dancer out of choice.

How would Wei Ying know that tune?

And then, his traitorous mind showed him the dance that Mo XuanYu and his troupe had danced the first ever time he had seen him, at the Summer Solstice festival in Gusu, on his birthday. Those fans, the way he swirled and danced, his light feet, the tilt of that beautiful was exactly the same.

Mo XuanYu and Wei Ying were the same person.

Wei Ying and Mo XanYu were the same person.

Lan Zhan couldn't believe it. He had been duped again and by the same person.

At first, he was incredibly angry.

Wei Ying had fooled him again and again, making him a laughing stock. This was unacceptable...

If his clan heard about this, that alone would be enough to escalate the war. The Elders would never accept him marrying Wei Ying. Not only for his duplicity, but it would be like handing them a cinder block and some matches for what was sure to transpire; total annihilation of the cultivation sects. Their way of life would be threatened, not to mention the ensuing war that would result.

Many lives would be lost, families torn apart...and for what? Just because his husband-to-be wanted to dance?

Would they even agree to the marriage? His Xiongzhang had his work cut out for him when he faced the Elders. As a punishment enforced upon them by the Celestial Immortal, would they dare to go against her?

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