And So The Plot Thickens

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Wei Ying POV

Lan Xichen took his seat at the front of the Great Hall. Wei Ying watched the clan leader move with the confidence of a man who knew exactly what he was doing. It made him wonder what sort of training and grooming the young man had undergone to attain such a level of self-confidence at his young age. However, appearances could be deceiving. Wei Ying hoped that Xichen was more than just a handsome face at this moment.

Clearing his throat, Lan Xichen said, "Lan Lao and Lan Feng, please step forward."

That voice was so commanding that Wei Ying felt his own feet wanting to move. His future brother-in-law's tone was firm yet calming. No wonder he was such a great negotiator and leader.

"The following charges have been brought against you by Hanguang-jun, Wei Wuxian of the Wei Clan, Lan Shen, and myself. Intent to physically harm a guest of the Lan Clan, purposefully altering a night hunt beast, altering said beast with the intent to kill Wei Wuxian, Hanguang-jun's fiance, and breaking hundreds of rules of the Gusu Lan Clan of which I will not list individually."

Everyone in the hall stood silently. To Wei Ying, it felt as if the air in the room had thickened to the point where he couldn't breathe. Beads of sweat gathered at his brow. His grasp on Lan Zhan's hand tightened unconsciously. Knowing that he was the reason for this hearing only made things worse.

Yet part of him, a part deep down inside him, was happy the Lan Clan would not allow the perpetrators to get away unscathed.

"How do you plead?" Xichen asked.

Lan Feng straightened his back and stood tall. "Once again I ask, what proof do you have?"

Wei Ying noticed Lan Lao standing slightly behind his partner in crime, his eyes down but flitting wildly around the room. The man shifted nervously on the balls of his feet. Obviously, he had not expected such higher ups in the clan to take Wei Ying's side. Their guest had only been here for three days yet Zewu-jun and Lan Shen were supporting the intruder as if he were one of their own.

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying. His face was hard but Wei Ying knew it wasn't for him.

"I heard you. In the alley. Two nights prior." the younger jade explained.

Lan Feng laughed coldly. "Of course you would claim that now that I have demanded proof. But it is your word against mine."

Lan Xichen and Lan Shen nodded at each other.

"Wangji came to me that very night and told us what he had heard. He is not making it up now." Lan Xichen replied confidently.

Lan Shen looked at the accused men with a sharpness in his normally soft eyes. "You dare call Hanguang-Jun a liar?"

Lan Lao cringed. His head hung even lower. Wei Ying watched his fingers fiddle under the cuffs of his long sleeves. He honestly felt sorry for the young man.

"No. I...I'm not calling him a liar. My apologies, Zewu-Jun." Lan Feng said graciously. "Perhaps he heard someone else speaking in the alley. Lan Lao and I were not out at that time."

Before Lan Xichen or Lan Shen could continue, Lan Zhan stepped away from Wei Ying. He approached the two men purposefully. Wei Ying wanted to follow him, to be by his side. But it was not his place right now. This was clan business. And right now, Hanguang-Jun was the one who needed to be present.

Lan Zhan stopped in front of the accused. His golden eyes were cold, calculating. The expression on his handsome face was one Wei Ying recognized and was glad he was not the one his soulmate was looking at. The entire atmosphere of the Great Hall became tense, everyone waiting to see exactly what the Second Jade of Lan would do to protect his future husband.

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