Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Lan Zhan POV

Lan Zhan could feel panic growing in the younger one, and he tried to offer his support through their joined hands. It wasn't fair, what was going to happen now. Wei Ying would be all alone, the son of their enemy, surrounded by his enemies.

Not an ideal situation.

In the past, he would have been alone, but now Wei Ying had Lan Zhan. He had sworn an oath to protect Wei Ying, but the one in his heart, the vow he had made to himself in private, was his strength.

There was no way he was going to let anything happen to Wei Ying.

"What's it like in Cloud Recesses?" Wei Ying had changed the subject.

Lan Zhan looked over to his brother, who was watching them both. His gaze faltered on their joined hands, and he looked up with a silent question in his honey coloured eyes.

Are you sure?

Lan Zhan nodded back straight away.

XiChen gave him one last look, before turning to Wei Ying.

"Sometimes showing is better than telling."

Lan Zhan could tell his Xiongzhang was not trying to be horrible, yet in this, he was right.

"But I would be honoured if you could share your first impressions with me. WangJi and I have grown up there, and still I am not used to its beauty." He tried to soften his earlier words.

Lan Zhan was so proud of him. If they were to succeed in getting the Lan Elders on their side, Lan XiChen needed to be there first. His elder brother held a lot of sway with the older generation of their clan, having proven himself a capable leader of their Sect at such a young age. His level-headed, calm demeanor and willingness to listen, plus his ability to charm and persuade people on to his side held him in good stead.

Having XiChen's approval was half the battle.

And getting it fully would be another challenge for Lan Zhan. He was dreading having to speak, perhaps much more than he was used to, both to his brother and the Elders. He would not allow himself to think about Uncle Qiren for now.

One problem at a time.

The steady swaying of their carriage and the constant noise of the wheels provided a rhythm that lulled slowly. Lan Zhan could feel the warmth of Wei Ying as he leaned into him fully, having fallen asleep. He smiled down at this man who had captured his heart so completely.

But the way Wei Ying was sleeping bothered him, because it surely wasn't comfortable. So he bent and lifted his legs, shifting Wei Ying's body so his head lay in Lan Zhan's lap, and was lying down as best as he could in that cramped space. He reached under their seat and pulled out a blanket to cover Wei Ying. When he lifted his head, XiChen was watching him, a sad smile on his face.

"Didi...are you really sure?"

"Mn. I am sure. I love Wei Ying."

XiChen gasped.

He couldn't help himself, for it was so shocking.

"When...when did this happen?"

Lan Zhan thought about it.

Was it when they duelled for the first time? When he had found someone to match his skill at swordplay? Or when Wei Ying had come to sit next to him with the rabbits? The problem was, then he had been half in love with Wei Ying and tearing himself apart with guilt for his love of the Dancer. And now that he knew they were one and the same, had accepted this deep inside himself, he realised that he had fallen in love at first sight.

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