First Introductions

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Wei Ying POV

Wei Ying had some difficulty keeping up with the flowing white robes adorning the gazelle in front of him. His injury slowed him down. Each footfall sent small shockwaves of pain throughout his torso. What was even worse was the fact that he was downwind from Lan Zhan. The jade's intoxicating sandalwood scent made Wei Ying want to make love, not war.

"Please don't take her! Mianmian! No!!" a woman's voice shrieked in the void of night.

Lan Zhan looked back at Wei Ying who urged him on ahead, cursing the fact that he was still not at full strength. Lan Zhan was like a wild spirit racing through the trees and Wei Ying marveled at his speed and agility.

As the two young men got closer, they could hear the screams of numerous women and the shouting of men. Children were crying out for their parents. The clashing of swords rang out, echoing off the trunks of the large hardwood trees they sped between to reach the fight. Lan Zhan broke through first and immediately drew Bichen to attack the first Wen soldier he set his eyes on.

Wei Ying followed behind with Suibian but stopped short when he hit the clearing. There were Wen's everywhere. Why were there so many? This was just a small village with probably no more than a hundred inhabitants. Their clothes were that of farmers and craftsmen, not cultivators.

He looked around as Jiang Fengmian, Jiang Cheng, and Zewu-jun appeared, swords unsheathed and running to protect the villagers. All three men charged into the danger completely disregarding their own safety. Wei Ying smiled with pride at Jiang Cheng whose sword skills had greatly improved since the last time they had been together. Eventually, even Madam Yu appeared, Zidian's lightning sending Wen soldiers flying through the air, their bodies landing with heavy thuds around them.

Wei Ying heard the woman scream again and searched the maddening malay for her. His sharp silver eyes scanned the area as he moved confidently through the confusion. He slashed and stabbed at any red sun soldiers that got in his way. Blood splattered on his robes, droplets of crimson dotting his face. The more he saw, the greater his anger became.

These villagers were no match for the Wen army and the enemy knew it. Wei Ying saw more soldiers standing idly by, watching the annihilation of the poor people as if it were a sport.

Not a sport.

It's a hunt.

Wei Ying's anger raged out of control. It fueled his tired body to keep fighting. Suibian skillfully guided him as he danced to evade and strike. His body flowed effortlessly amongst the blades and robes that swirled around him. Adrenaline poured through his body, his pain long forgotten. He looked for Lan Zhan but could not see any speck of white in the sea of fiery darkness.

Turning to his left, Wei Ying laid eyes on one Wen cultivator who simply stood watching the slaughter around him with fascination. This man had power. Wei Ying could see it in his face, in the way he looked at everything going on around him. He stormed towards the man, his demonic energy coagulating around the bottom of his robes.

When the leader turned towards him, Wei Ying halted his steps. The man's eyes focused directly on him and widened slightly.

"Like what you see?" Wei Ying taunted with a smirk.

He held out his hands in front of him in a welcoming challenge.

"Then come get me, you bastard! I double Wen dog dare you!" he growled.

The man with a face almost as cold as Lan Zhan's only stared. With a casual nod, he gave the signal to the ten men standing around him to attack as he himself turned to leave. Wei Ying snarled, planting his feet firmly on the ground, ready for the onslaught that was coming for him. The soldiers ran towards him at full speed, their glistening blades drawn and hungry for his blood.

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