Best Of The Best

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Lan Zhan POV

Lan Zhan made his way towards the sounds of metal upon metal, at first excited. Nothing beat the thrill of fighting, especially against a worthy opponent, although these days, it was only XiChen who matched him in skill.

The crowds thinned out and he saw ahead of him, a green field, filled with cultivators young and old. As the scent of freshly cut grass entered his senses, providing much needed calm, he saw a sign.

Sword competition, it read.

Perhaps he would find his brother here. Anxiously, he looked around, searching for XiChen. Bichen in one hand, and the pink lotus in his other, his thumb caressing the fragile petals, soft and smooth to the touch.

He had no interest in the competition itself; not out of arrogance, for that was forbidden, but it would simply be a waste of his time. He had grown up fighting and training against the best swordsmen of Gusu, until now becoming the undisputed champion of them all. His heart thirsted for a new challenge, someone who could make him think while fighting.

He missed the duality of swordplay whilst simultaneously predicting secondary moves from his challengers, trying to outwit them on a mental field of combat too. These days he was winning fights almost with his eyes closed. And, he was bored of it.

Lan Zhan knew XiChen worried about him. XiChen thought Lan Zhan should socialize more, make friends that were his own age, try to develop interests beyond reading and music. But Lan Zhan loved reading and playing. If he had a choice, he would always pick from these two activities. But, XiChen often told him it was important to have fun, too.

Lan Zhan had trouble figuring this out. He had his bunnies. Did that count?

Uncle Qiren had always reinforced the value of their rules. This made sense to Lan Zhan; it was the difference between animals and mankind. Rules kept you from making mistakes. Rules saved you. And there was always a rule ready to guide you. Rules were safe.

With relief, he saw a white arm waving at him, and he calmly walked towards his brother.

"Didi, this is the organiser of this sword competition." XiChen introduced them.

Lan Zhan bowed, wondering why they were there. Wasn't it time to go home? And then he remembered why he had come here. He wanted to find that silver eyed dancer...

"So do you agree?" His brother was saying.

Lan Zhan looked back at him, realizing that he had been looking for a glimpse of red and black among the sea of browns and greys. In his distraction, he had totally missed this conversation. His confusion must have shown, because XiChen smiled kindly at him, and repeated what he had said.

"In order to encourage contestants to sign up, the organiser has asked if you will help. As you can see, many people are here, but those that have committed number less than ten. He thinks perhaps if we say that you will fight the winner in a friendly duel at the end, it would provide the much needed incentive."

XiChen looked calm while he spoke, but his eyes were begging him to agree.

Perhaps the mysterious dancer would return, Lan Zhan hoped, pondering on whether to stay. And why did XiChen want him to agree so much? Was this something else he wouldn't understand? Was it because he thought Lan Zhan would have fun? Here?

So he found himself agreeing reluctantly.

XiChen beamed at him and delightedly started discussing arrangements with the other man. They walked towards the stage.

Lan Zhan could feel his feet dragging, his eyes roaming the field, hoping to spot the wonderful man. He could see him dancing in his mind, those moves ever alive as he stole his thoughts. The swirl of red and black swathes of fabric following the dancer's feet, surreal and otherworldly. Who was that man?

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